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Everything posted by twinkletoes

  1. Great advice thus far, and I defitenly agree with Ann. And if I were you, I would be careful what I say to your FSIL about 'T'. If they are as close as you say they are, then I'm probably sure she's running back to 'T' to tell her everything you said. And I think 'T' will use that as ammunition against you, meaning, she'll know what buttons of yours to push. Which in turn, may make her do things just out of spite. So be careful of what you say.
  2. to the forum! Happy Planning
  3. Welcome back! Congrats to the newest Mrs. I cant wait to see pics!
  4. twinkletoes


    to the forum! Happy Planning
  5. , Ok, I got a good laugh out of this, especially #14, but its a sad,sad situation for these parents. How are they supposed to help their kids with something as simple as homework when they need help themselves?
  6. Your scrapbook is beautiful! I defitenly agree that you should go into business, I love it! I wish I was creative enough to do that :~)
  7. Quote: Originally Posted by becks Maura you need to stop now. Really. You're making the rest of us look bad! Lol, I was JUST thinking that. I was like damn, this girl is rollin! lol BTW, I know I said it before, but I LOVE your dress!!! You look sooooo happy in it!
  8. Looks like you guys had a great time :~) Lol, your face will opening the lingere is priceless. You dont have much longer until you're a Mrs Do you have any instructions on the soap favors you made? I would love to do that for my OOT bags!
  9. They are all so cute! How old is Buster Brown? He has a very pretty coat and the cutest face :~)
  10. twinkletoes


    to the forum! Happy planning
  11. One of Dr. Phil's staff members actually posted bail for one of the girls, b/c she is supposedly a future guest on the show. I agree, they defitenly need to be punished, this is beyond insane. And the poor girl, she didnt even try to fight back, so that made it look even worse.
  12. to the forum! So glad you finally decided to join us. Happy Planning!
  13. to the forum! Congrats & Happy planning
  14. I am planning on buying the covers from bliss as well. They are the cheapest I have seen. They even have a little tutorial on how to make them as party favors and/or your ceremony program: Wedding CD Favors / Ceremony Program Wedding VCast: Pash Weddings - Information, Advice, and Tips to plan your perfect wedding As far as labels, I got a pack of CD labels (I think 10 in a box) from the Dollar Tree. I will either put our monogram or a cute pic of the beach.
  15. I was wondering for you married ladies, how long did it take you to get down the wedding aisle (if you can remember,lol)? I mean, I know you dont know the exact timing, but can you give me an estimate. Like, how long was your wedding song? I am trying to pick a song to walk down the aisle to, but I dont want it to be too long or too short. If the song was a long song, and you made it down the aisle before the song was over, did you just stand there until the song played out or did someone just stop the song? I remember going to a wedding and the bride walked very fast down the aisle and stood at the altar doing nothing for what seemed like 5 minutes before the song ended. All the guests were a little confused. I know I'm going to be tremendously nervous! So, I'm trying to avoid looking like an idiot as much as possible,lol! Please let me know if I'm not making much sense. TIA :~)
  16. This defitenly helps me to describe to my guests what 'Beach Formal' is. Thanks for sharing :~)
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