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Everything posted by twinkletoes

  1. They look like they are a nice size! Are you going to put a monogram or tag on them? just wondering
  2. Let me know if anyone wants to lend me one for August! ;~)
  3. Oooh, that looks like fun! I will defitenly have to add this to my list of things to do while in PC!
  4. I had never purchased travel insurance either. But I figure, just my luck, something crazy would happen on my wedding vacation, so I bought it for the first time! Thanks for sharing the link though, I will forward it to my guests as well!
  5. I love, especially the color! BTW: I think your hair cut is so cute :~)
  6. Maybe she fell out of the bed and bumped her head this morning! lol. She can't be serious. Lol, how are you being selfish when its your own money YOU worked hard for and she wants YOU to use on someone else. Sorry, I find that a bit funny. What's his excuse for not being able to pay with a year advance notice? There is none!
  7. I'm currently still in for the 26th! I still like your original idea of going to Pappasitos
  8. The poem is very nice. If you are doing BD photos, maybe you can put it in the book. Or maybe you can read it at your reception if you don't want your vows to be too long.
  9. Everything looks wonderfully amazing!!! You should give yourself a big pat on the back for getting all of this fabolous stuff done. Now you can go, breathe, and relax! BTW, let me know if you want to sell some of those chair sashes when you get back ,lol.
  10. I like Melissa's idea, business cards with the STD. That way you dont have to white-out 89 STDS!!!
  11. Now that was funny :~) Thanks for the laugh
  12. Woohoo for Liz!!! I cant wait to see your planning thread, especially your BD photos :~)
  13. Does VPI have a website? I sure could use it for my 2 boys, those shots each year add up!
  14. Quote: Originally Posted by lauren c. seriously? i wore nothing. and nothing happened. we were WAY too tired to even think about sex. Oh wow, this is like the 5th or 6th person who told me they were to tired for some newlywed loving after their wedding! Knowing me, I will probably be too pooped as well! Well, I guess thats what the HM is for, lol :~)
  15. twinkletoes


    to the forum Buffie! Congrats & Happy Planning
  16. I agree, the resort photographer did an amazing job! And your kids are sooo cute :~) And I love your dads shoes! Everything seemed perfect. BTW, I think y you are the 1st DW bride I've seen do a unity candle ceremony,lol. I love the set :~) Congrats again
  17. to the forum! Just use the search tool for things you may need help with and I'm more than sure you'll find something to aid you along the way! If not, just ask, and these wonderful girls on BDW will be more than willing to help. Congrats!
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