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Everything posted by twinkletoes

  1. Aww, sorry that you are sad about Elise :~( Nice pics by the way.
  2. Quote: Originally Posted by Alyssa Christina - do they have a website? Yep, here's a link to their main website: Friedman's Jewelers They have a couple of things on sale online, but much more stuff in the actual store!
  3. twinkletoes


    to the forum! Sounds like you are diving in head first with all your planning. Use the search tool and you will find lots of brides that have tips about boarding passes and passports. Happy Planning
  4. twinkletoes


    to the forum! Happy Planning
  5. to the forum! Happy Planning
  6. Welcome back. We want pictures, lol! Cant wait to see them :~)
  7. FYI: So evidently, Friedman's has filed for bankruptcy and it closing all its stores starting in June. I just wanted to let everyone know, b/c they are having a huge sale, currentlly 30% to 70% off! I actually saw a nice Bulova watch I wanted to get my FI for a wedding gift, but was a little skeptical purchasing from a jewler that is closing, and concerned about warranty. Has anyone made a purchase previously from a jelwer that is going out of business? I'm interested in knowing your thoughts
  8. Edit: If below directions dont work, I found a short video on youtube: YouTube - How to crop music in Windows Movie Maker! Do you have a mac or pc? I found these directions online if you have a pc, you can use window movies maker. I havent tried any of these, so let me know if they work.: 1. go to where u want to seperate it then click the "ctrl L" OR 2. Use Windows Movie Maker. Open the program which can be found from the Start menu. Now add the song into your collection. Next, drag the file of the music into the music frame below. To shorten it, click on the ends of the bar (under the music frame) and drag it either to left or right to shorten the length of the music. Finally, save your file. Hope this helps!
  9. Maura, wow, your make-up trial turned out great!!! You are very very photogenic(In your pjs and all, lol). You're gorgeous. I love your dress from jcrew as well, along with the veil. Cant wait to see it all together! I actually went for a makeup trial today, but when we went to pull out my friends camera, the batteries were dead :~( lol.
  10. to the forum! You dont have much time left until your big day! Congrats
  11. to the forum! Do you have any pics you'd like to share? We love pictures!!!
  12. to the forum! Congrats & Happy Planning
  13. I know your wedding will be abosloutely beautiful! Can't wait to see pics and hear all about the Palma Real and the Jellyfish! Congrats
  14. Have a wonderful time! Cant wait to see your pics! :~)
  15. FYI: There's another wedding slideshow posted up on the blog: Photo Souvenir Blog!!!
  16. Aw man, that sucks majorily! I'll keep my fingers crossed that managment has a heart when you contact them. Hopefully you can get them to come to an agreement to let them shoot your wedding. Let us know how everything works out.
  17. This EXACT thing happened to me!!! I was floored. B/c I had my heart set on the RIU after hearing so many great things about it. We ended up having to decide to go to another country!
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