I wasnt going to respond to this thread b/c I didnt want to sound bias or offend anyone. But I couldnt keep my mouth closed (as usual,lol)
However,with that said, I have read through all the posts and it is interesting reading everyone's take on this situation. Everyone is entitled to their views and opinions, so I appreciate it all. I think when anything is 'closer to home', the views often time comes out stronger and seem more opininated.
I agree with the statements about if it was my FI in the line of fire, I would want him to do what was in the best interest of his saftey and his surroundings. Is that a little selfish to some Maybe, but its reality to me. If someone broke into my house in the middle of the night, you better believe, I am going to shoot first and ask questions later. Especially after having someone break into my car in my driveway. I'm not taking any chances.
But Catherine, I do see your point. Living in a major city like Atlanta, we see many unnecessary crimes here pretty much everyday. I could go on and on about some of the unjust things that happen in this city. For instance, last year a 97 year old woman was shot multiple times in her home in the middle of the night right before Thanksgiving, after the police raided the home for a 'drug bust', and then they tried to cover it up. Whether we want to believe it or not, there are some crooked cops out there, and not just the ones you see on tv or in the movies. But I believe its only a small handful of them. I dont think its just police though, kids are killing each other, husbands are killing wives, etc. I agree though, something drastic does need to be done to help prevent useless killings and crimes.
There are things that have happened and are happening in our society that some may view as unjust and others don't. Like I mentioned earlier, when its 'closer to home' or has happened to you, then you will defitenly have a stronger view on things than those who have not even remotely been through or even seen them. What matters is how we handle each situation as individuals.
BTW, I believe it doesnt matter if the cops where black that shot the young man. It is my understanding that racial profiling can happen within the same race. Believe me, it has happened.
Thats my 5 cents :~) Ok, you can ban me now, lol