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Everything posted by twinkletoes

  1. Quote: Originally Posted by gofeden Hello! Did they mention exactly when the gazebo would be built? Did they have any ideas as to how they could make this happen, especially since the grounds hav not yet matured...?Thanks. It looks like they pushed the gazebo back until a next year's project. The coordinator didnt specifically say when. But you have to remember, they are on 'island time', so next year could essentially mean December 09.
  2. I agree with everyone else. I was told that the judge is not necessary for a symbolic ceremony. The minister will be provided by the resort, so you dont need to worry about going out and trying to book one yourself. Through my DW search, I have learned that by emailing various coordinators, some things often get lost in translation. I even encountered a coordinator that utilized an online translator, and our messages weren't very clear to each other. I learned that you must be VERY VERY precise and as clear as possible in what questions you ask the coordinators. I have found it easier to break the questions down and # each one, it seems to work very well with their responses. Remember, communication is key. But when planning a DW, you have to kind of over-communicate, especially via emails.
  3. twinkletoes


    to the forum! Happy Planning
  4. to the forum! happy planning
  5. to the forum! Happy planning
  6. Hey Ladies, I must say I was really nervous prior to this gathering, but when 1st meeting Brittney upon my arrival, she put all that to rest. I just wanted to say I enjoyed meeting all of you yesterday. And thanks for Courtney and Nadegee (I'm sure I'm spelling your name wrong, sorry) for taking time out of their newlywed schedules to join us :~) You girls both gave great advice and tips that I really do appreciate. And Courtney, wow, your jewlery is soooo pretty in person, the pictures dont do it justice. I'm off to view Nadegee's super star wedding photos, lol. And thanks again Brittney for putting this together, btw, lol, I love your laugh! I had a wonderful time having lunch with you ladies. Its good to finally put a 'real face' and voice with all of my forum buddies. There's nothing better than starting off a good week with great conversation and lunch! Hopefully we can get together again later this year.
  7. Everything looks great Stephanie! I love the ceremony site, your BD teaser photos and the candy buffett! Cant wait to see your wedding pics.
  8. twinkletoes


    to the forum! Happy Planning
  9. Hey ladies, its storming pretty bad in my area! We have no power. Is it bad in Marietta Hopefully it comes back on soon :~(
  10. I think they are cute too. I agree, can you incorporate them into a menu or maybe welcome letter?
  11. to the forum! Check out the DR forum as a start, you will see a lot of posts about various vendors. As a new resort, we are still gathering lots of info about EdenH. We will defitenly keep you updated on any info we find. But by the time your wedding rolls around, you should have lots of information by then. Happy Planning
  12. Quote: Originally Posted by twelve_piece Christina- we need a picture of you!! Lol, so sorry. You'll have to wait until tomorrow! I dont do pictures :~) Just kidding, but my camera and camera bag was stolen a few months ago with all of my SD cards in it along with my camera cords and those are the only recent pictures I have :~( So technically, you will have to wait until tomorrow, lol. I'll just have to sneak up on you guys :~)
  13. Ok ladies, so its set. Tomorrow, Sunday, 4/27 at 1pm at Pappasitos off of Windy Hill. Here is the address just in case anyone needs it. 2788 Windy Hill Rd., Marietta, GA 30067 Thanks Brittney for putting this together!!! See you ladies tomorrow :~)
  14. Brittney - Are you still ok with Sunday at 1pm?
  15. to the forum! Happy Planning
  16. PM me your email address. I may be able to email it to you. :~)
  17. Quote: Originally Posted by Hartyt509 Just to stick my nose in - and being from the UK - its a lot different over here BUT if the US didn't have stupid gun laws that let everyone who had a licence carry one then maybe officers wouldn't be worried for their life whenever they stopped someone for speeding! Guns are getting more and more common in the UK but no-where near what they are in the US - if guns weren't readily available it might cut down on traggic incidents like this It is funny you should mention this. There is one city here in GA that requires the homeowners to have at least one firearm. Of course there are some exemptions (convicted felons, etc) And believe it or not, the crime is actually waaay lower in that city than other parts of GA.
  18. I wasnt going to respond to this thread b/c I didnt want to sound bias or offend anyone. But I couldnt keep my mouth closed (as usual,lol) However,with that said, I have read through all the posts and it is interesting reading everyone's take on this situation. Everyone is entitled to their views and opinions, so I appreciate it all. I think when anything is 'closer to home', the views often time comes out stronger and seem more opininated. I agree with the statements about if it was my FI in the line of fire, I would want him to do what was in the best interest of his saftey and his surroundings. Is that a little selfish to some Maybe, but its reality to me. If someone broke into my house in the middle of the night, you better believe, I am going to shoot first and ask questions later. Especially after having someone break into my car in my driveway. I'm not taking any chances. But Catherine, I do see your point. Living in a major city like Atlanta, we see many unnecessary crimes here pretty much everyday. I could go on and on about some of the unjust things that happen in this city. For instance, last year a 97 year old woman was shot multiple times in her home in the middle of the night right before Thanksgiving, after the police raided the home for a 'drug bust', and then they tried to cover it up. Whether we want to believe it or not, there are some crooked cops out there, and not just the ones you see on tv or in the movies. But I believe its only a small handful of them. I dont think its just police though, kids are killing each other, husbands are killing wives, etc. I agree though, something drastic does need to be done to help prevent useless killings and crimes. There are things that have happened and are happening in our society that some may view as unjust and others don't. Like I mentioned earlier, when its 'closer to home' or has happened to you, then you will defitenly have a stronger view on things than those who have not even remotely been through or even seen them. What matters is how we handle each situation as individuals. BTW, I believe it doesnt matter if the cops where black that shot the young man. It is my understanding that racial profiling can happen within the same race. Believe me, it has happened. Thats my 5 cents :~) Ok, you can ban me now, lol
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