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Everything posted by twinkletoes

  1. twinkletoes


    to the forum Angi! Happy Planning
  2. Quote: Originally Posted by rubyringo So is there now another new WC? i tried to email grisel and it bounced back saying to email a woman named Lillian. has anyone been in contact with her yet? Yes, Lillian is the 'new sales assistant' I was referring to. So I'm assuming Grisele is no longer there I have been in contact with the executive of sales because of all the issues I was having. So since I straightened some things out with her, I am now supposed to be in contact with Lillian. I've only received one email from her thus far, and that was the one telling me to fill out that stupid form again. My advice, if you have any emails from Ruth or Grisele, make sure you save and print them to take with you. B/c if she is the new coordinator she will more than likely have little to no clue about any previous plans you might have made. Not her fault, but I'm assuming each coordinator kept different notes different ways. I'm just upset that the coordinator has changed AGAIN, especially so close to my freakin wedding. I understand that this is a new resort, but enough is enough, they have now been open long enough to have some things in order, and this better be one of them come 8-8-08. Ok, sorry, off my vent wagon,lol :~)
  3. Good ?. I was wondering the exact same thing. Or more so my FI. Since I'm not allowing him to see my dress (its ivory), he was worried about this and me not 'being able to color coordinate the best'. lol.
  4. I'm a little late chiming in, but I have just read through this entire thread. So with all the good advice from everyone else, there is nothing more I would add. Just wanted to let you know we are all here for you and I hope everything works out for the best.
  5. Abbie, EVERYTHING looks wonderful! I love the colors and especially the converse. Now thats classic. Thanks for sharing
  6. twinkletoes

    Hi there!

    to the forum! You will find lots of help and ideas here. Congrats and Happy Planning
  7. to the forum! Happy Planning
  8. to the forum Chris! Happy Planning
  9. to the forum! Happy Planning
  10. twinkletoes


    to the forum! Happy Planning
  11. twinkletoes


    to the forum! Bermuda sounds fun! Happy planning
  12. to the forum! Happy Planning
  13. I think most of the brides made them as a DIY project. Courtney (agapegems) could probably provide you some instructions. PM her or one of the other brides you saw, I'm sure someone is willing to share :~)
  14. HAPPY WEDDING DAY TO ERICA & JORGE!!! HOPE YOUR WEDDING IS PERFECT CONGRATS I can't wait to see your pics. Have fun in PC chica :~)
  15. to the forum! Happy Planning
  16. Thanks for sharing! You were gorgeous and have some of the cutest outfits!!! Congrats
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