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Everything posted by twinkletoes

  1. to the forum! Happy Planning
  2. Ok, so with all the talk about the economy recently, it got me wondering about refinancing mortgages and how that whole thing works. I have read sooo many articles about refinancing and pulling equity. I know we have some folks in the real estate arena on board as well as those thight might have already went through this process, so I was looking to get some input. 1. Is there a better time to refinance than another? 2. How long after you've lived in your house should you even consider refinancing? 3. Does it really benefit to refinance?/Does it pay to refinance? 4. Is it better to try and refinance with your current lender or another one? Any and all info you have would be great. TIA
  3. to the forum Courtney! Happy Planning
  4. to the forum! Happy Planning
  5. Jenny, they turned out great! And that is such a cute pic of you guys. Congrats on getting them done!
  6. Congrats Lizz!!! I'm soooo excited for you and Mike. What a great little souvenir, lol.
  7. Thanks ladies. I will defitenly talk to my friend and see how they feel about it. I love the idea of getting my other flower girl a locket or bouquet frame. I didnt even think about making a section for people who couldnt come b/c they lived too far! Hmm....off to brainstorm! Thanks again
  8. Quote: Originally Posted by quiche I'm still new to this.....why are the travel mugs such a hot item for AIs? I would say because at most all inclusive resorts where the drinks are included, the cups tend to be small, which means, you and your guests drinks will disappear faster,lol. So to avoid having to repeatedly go back to the bar again and again, it alleviates some of that tedious activity. Plus, it makes a nice gift. They can always be used again after the vacation.
  9. *As usual, this is a little long, sorry!* So to add to the long list of drama I have going on, I have sad news (damn I need a 'Lifetime movie' story) I didnt want to share this with the forum at 1st b/c I feel like I've been the 'grim reaper' of the forum for the past month. But I thought I would get some suggestions since you guys give such great advice. Lets see if I can make this story as concise as possible.... Last week one of my flower girls passed away. She was only 7. She is one of my close friends step daughter. My friend was actually in China with her daughter (my other flower girl) while this happened, and her husband was at home with the little girl by himself (1st time watching her without anyone else). Evidently she was eating and choked to death while her dad was upstairs My friend has been going through sooooo much drama with the little girl's mom from the beginning. The mom did not allow them to see the little girl regularly up until this year. So they were banned from attending the funeral services. And were told to be expecting a lawsuit! (Thats only the tip of the iceberg, I could go on for days...) Here's where I come in... So my friend mentioned that they were still planning on attending my wedding (even though I stressed to her I would totally understand if they couldnt) But she thinks it would be a good break for them. So I'm wondering should I make a little 'memorial section' in my program to honor her or do something special as part of my ceremony. I am not sure if that is appropriate and I dont want to make anyone feel uneasy at such a joyous ocassion. But technically, since she was supposed to be a flower girl, I kind of feel like I need to do something, just not sure what. KWIM I'm open to any and all ideas. I saw a recent post (I think Jessica started) about something similar but didnt want to take over another thread. Thanks in advance.
  10. Quote: Originally Posted by Davematthews16 You grow up thinking that the "depression" was just something you read about in text books. Now, the more you grow up and the more you see the real world, you discover that some things are closer than you think. I just try and stay positive and be thankful for my job and what I have. So to answer your question, yes the economy is definetely something to not take lightly. My thoughts exactly! Having been recently affected by the 'economy' (or lack there of, due to a lay-off and thinking my job was secure as it got) I can defitenly say it worries me (especially with a wedding around the corner). It is really saddening to see the # of people in the unemployment office. I am just thankful my FI is able to maintain our household without my income and thankful for savings. With prices of everything increasing daily, its becoming obvious that some of us are being affected. I went grocery shopping the other day and damn near passed out at some of the prices! lol Growing up I always used to think it would take a lot for us to go into a depression, or even a recession. But over the years, reality has defitenly made me more aware of my surroundings and made me think more about my future. I just pray that things get better soon for everyone!
  11. Great thread. Its great to hear all of the ideas that everyone does to 'be green'. I could defitenly start utilizing some of these tips. Thanks!
  12. Congrats! Your soon to be hubby is going to be estatic. I defitenly think you should tell him b4 your trip, his b-day would be perfect. I think there was a thread about cute ways to tell your FI you're pregnant. Lol, you could always start off telling your FI the way you told us, lol. Just ask him if its bad luck. loooool Defitenly relax and breathe. No, you dont sound selfish. Having children is a life altering event. The great thing is that your life doesnt end just because you bring a child in the world. Life is all about adapting. You can do it! And its normal the thoughts you're having. So dont worry! BTW, you girls are so silly! Catherine, you crack me up. I can always count on BDW for a good laugh or 2.
  13. Update: Looks like OTC shipment of raffia fans came in early. Get em while they're hot, lol. Edit: Sorry, didnt see the above post b4 posting! I love the way news travels around here!
  14. Amy, you were absolutely gorgeous in that dress! I cant wait to see the rest!!! The pics are beautiful
  15. I'm making a plug for a fellow ATLien,lol : We actually have a bride on the forum that makes jewlery, you may want to check her out. Her name is Courtney (Agape Gems). Here is her website: Agape Gems Home
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