Quote: Originally Posted by dragonfly You must convince him to come, I am sure he would have a great time. Everton thought I was nuts for wanting to drive 2 hours to meetup with Karen and Jason, but he came and had a great time and met some new friends. We had no awkward moments, the 4 of us hit it off right away and our time with each other ran out much to quickly. Everton actually was asking just recently if we were going to meet up with them again sometime soon. If he is worried that it will be all wedding talk, assure him that that will most likely be a small portion of our visit, Karen, Jay, Everton, and I barely talked wedding at all. We will have a few beverages, some good food, and many laughs, how can you go wrong with that:)
I really hope you come Lizz, you are one of the people I most definiatly want to meet from this forum
Awww, thanks Kelly, I really want to meet you too. I know that Mike would have a great time if he came, it would just be really hard to convince him. He's gotten used to the idea that I have my "online friends" that I've met up with twice, so maybe (but probably not likely)...
Trust me though, I'll go anyway (depending on the date of course).
Quote: Originally Posted by JessicaLovesBrian you can be my date if i go. because fat chance dh will come with me to meet internet friends! LOL...I'll definitely be your date if our DHs don't come, Jessica!