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Everything posted by Spazz

  1. I'm jealous. I love Brigantine! Have a great time
  2. Ocho Rios is about a 10 minute cab ride from ROR. We stopped there on our way to SGOR. There were a lot of outside markets and tons of bars, but I'm not sure if they were touristy places or more for the locals. There's also a Margaritaville. We spent all of our time at the resort, but a couple people in our group ventured out to the town to explore during the day and had a good time.
  3. I can't wait to see pics of all of the nurseries. We haven't even started to work on ours. It's going to drive me insane b/c Mike doesn't want me to take down wallpaper or paint (even though I told him it's fine to do it while I'm prego, he's a spazz with this baby), so I have to wait for him to do it and he's such a slacker! Hopefully it will all be done by Christmas. We also want to finish the living room, dining room, our bedroom, etc. etc. We just bought the house in January and said we would do everything "after the wedding". Well right after the wedding, I found out I was pregnant, so now I'm dependent on Mike...ahhh Mo, I'm so glad you're starting to feel better. I'll be down in OC just for the day this Saturday...maybe I'll see you on the boardwalk!
  4. Quote: Originally Posted by OROBride1008 Lizz, Looks like everything is spoken for. If not let me know. I am interested in the fans and the parasols. Thanks Sorry, yes, everything is gone.
  5. Ann, she is just so cute! I can't believe how big she's getting. And, of course, you're so very welcome!!! Just wait til Gwen hears all about her first few months in the world!
  6. Mo - I'm so sorry that things are still so bad for you. Have you been feeling any better since you got home from the hospital? Karma - I'm glad to hear the test was negative. Lisa - Keep us updated on your results. I'm so glad that I'm almost to the 2nd trimester. I've had a relatively easy 1st trimester, but it will just ease my mind to be past the riskiest stage of the pregnancy. Only 1 more week to go!
  7. I'm so sorry for what you're going through, but so proud of you for making the decision that you did. We're here if you need to talk...
  8. We passed that on our trip from ROR to SGOR (it's about 5 minutes from ROR heading into town). It looks amazing and I wish it was open when we were there in May. Have fun if you go!
  9. Happy Birthday, Glenda!!!! Relax & enjoy your day!
  10. Congrats Auntie! We have 5 nephews - all on my side. My brother & his wife are having another baby about 6 weeks before us. My mom is really hoping at least one of us gives her a granddaughter! Mike's family has 0 little kiddies, so needless to say his family is counting down the days til our baby is here!
  11. What a great shower...glad you had fun!!!
  12. Maura, everything looks so great! I can't believe your day is almost here!!!
  13. Amy, the pics are fabulous! And of course you look gorgeous!
  14. I have BCBS and don't pay anything b/c my plan covers me 100% b/c I'm having my baby where I work. Even if I had the baby somewhere else, I think I would only be responsible for $20 copays at my office visits. Does your or your FI's company offer any other insurance plans? A lot of employers have more than 1 option for benefits.
  15. My mom thought it was about the baby too when I called her from the ER...sorry to scare you girls! I'm still in my 1st trimester so only tylenol. Ugh...I have to get root canal in 2 weeks with only tylenol too...bad timing on these things. I'm a little nervous b/c this is my 2nd xray in a month (the other @ the dentist). They double-shielded my stomach both times, but still... I think this is workers comp, so they'll pay for it which is nice. But when I looked at the ppwk. when I got home I saw the dr. wrote I could return to work Monday. 80% of my job is computer-based, so I'm not sure how that's going to work. He said I have to wear the splint for at least a week. I'm totally milking this and just made Mike order me dinner and he's now playing wiffle ball with my nephew who I'm babysitting overnight. (Wow, that just took me like 10 minutes to type this!!!)
  16. Ugh...I'm such an idiot. I was walking out of an office at work and was holding the door for someone behind me and talking to someone in front of me. Well the person behind me turned around and I let go of the door not realizing my fingers were in the crack. 3 of my fingers on my left hand got stuck in the heavy heavy door (that slams shut if no one is holding it open). The doctor who was in front of me didn't realize it happened because I couldn't talk I was in so much pain; so it took a good 20-30 seconds for him to realize and free my fingers. So I spent 3 hours in the ER this afternoon (good thing I work at a hospital). My fingers luckily are not broken. But 3 of them are purple from bruises and I'm going to lose all of the nails. The cartilage on my ring finger was showing so they had to numb it and then do minor work on it so now it's in a splint. I'm in so much pain and all I can take is Tylenol b/c I'm pregnant. Just wanted to vent and let you know I'll be reading but not posting very much b/c I can only type with 1 hand.
  17. Congrats!!! I'm going to check out the thread now to see what all the buzz is about
  18. Thanks for all of the info! I'm in the process of doing the same things and it's not too bad (with the exception of going to the SSA office!).
  19. Yeah, that happened to me. I got married on the beach and was seriously trying to hide behind a red RIU sign but that didn't work too well. I wish that I had waited up in the pool area and then walked down the steps when it was time, but Chandlyn didn't mention it during the rehearsal and I honestly didn't think about it til I was standing there moments before I walked down the aisle. I'm sure if you ask her when you're down there, you can figure something out. She has an assistant and they communicate with walkie talkies, so if you stayed with the assistant, Chandlyn could let her know it was time to bring you down to the beach.
  20. We invited about 220 and 85 came to Jamaica. All of them stayed at the same resort.
  21. Happy Birthday, Morgan (sorry no ferrets, just elephants)
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