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Everything posted by gracefulsteph

  1. Quote: Originally Posted by srbina We finally signed our contract and put a deposit down on Monday for CasaMagna April 2009! I've been searching around the forum and haven't been able to find anyone who has or who will be getting married at CasaMagna. Anyone out there?!? we just got back from our honeymoon - we were married at the JW next door....but the wedding coordinators are the same for both hotels and were absolutely amazing! i honestly cannot express how wonderful everything was and what a great job they did! i want to do it all over again!
  2. we've been playing around with words too trying to find the right way to phrase it. the phrase "no shorts, flip flops welcome" is something that keeps coming up but we can't figure out how to phrase exactly what we are looking for.
  3. i would def be interested in helpful tips on this software. i plan to download it soon and start working on some vaca pics.....get some practice in before the wedding!
  4. la dolce vita is great. we are probably going to have our welcome dinner there! my FMIL got a very quick response from them regarding our requests. there is also another italian restaurant in the kulkulkan plaza where the ruth chris steakhouse is that is REALLY good. i'm trying to remember the name.....my FI and I went there last year and the food was amazing.
  5. ok....let's see if i actually posted this pic! we found these candle holders at ikea on sale. and we added aqua color rocks to complement our theme colors. [/img]
  6. thank you! frank from the jw told me that he usually works with either vanessa jaimes or eventoseuforia.com. i'm hearing good reviews about vanessa? any word on the 2nd one?
  7. bill levkoff is a great website too to view dresses in all different colors and styles. my SIL picked her dresses from there when her and my brother got married 2 yrs ago. the dresses were such good quality! Bridesmaid Dresses and Gowns for formal Occasions: Bill Levkoff i have 2 flowers girls...no BMs. but i think i will be getting their dresses from bill levkoff because i know the quality is so good.
  8. i found them in one of of their end of season sale catalogs. ended up buying them at the store. i just tried to find them on-line for you but they don't have them anymore. i have one out in my house....i'll try and take a pic and post it soon so you can get an idea of what i'm talking about. now....just gotta figure out how to getting them all shipped down in one piece!! lol...
  9. thx for this great link shelly! we are incorporating both starfish and palm trees in our wedding and your pics gave me some good ideas! thx for sharing!
  10. those are amazing! great job juan! and i love the song choice too! natalie - is that keith urban? so happy i decided to splurge on the TTD!
  11. that is one of the funniest things i have ever seen!
  12. my future cousin-in-law is a flight attendant for continental and she told me to ask to put my dress in the closet. she said i could call ahead, but all they would say was "ok, we'll make a note of it"....she said she's always been really good with brides bringing their dresses on flights....so hopefully i will get someone as nice as her! would love for her to fly on our flight!! lol guess i should ask my bridal shop about the $10 garment bag too!! lol...anyway to get more money out of us, huh!
  13. absolutely gorgeous pics! love the dress, the flowers, the kids, all of it! juan does such a great job in making everyone's wedding pics so personal and beautiful! everytime i see a slideshow from him....i realize how lucky i am to have booked him!
  14. thx so much ladies! still can't see the pics yet. but i'll keep working on it. and i'm gonna email julieta and see what she can offer. thx!
  15. thx for the reply! but i can't see your pics. is that because i don't have enough pts?? i'm thinking of just going through my WC at the marriott for my flowers, but thought i'd see if anyone had good connections!
  16. we gave them as xmas gifts to both sets of parents this past year...and they loved them! i want one for myself! lol
  17. i just logged on after being gone all wknd and saw your wonderful news! i was like "oh my god - the boston girl got engaged! that's awesome!" my FI looked me like i was nuts....like you don't even know this girl! lol....... but i am excited for you!! and i love your ring..........he did a nice job! congratulations!
  18. they are both so cute. i love the look of the blue one....i would def buy that myself. so i love it! but i think the white one is more wedding like...... not much help am I? have you shown james?
  19. we are using the candle holders from crate & barrel that i got a great deal on...they have dark wood bases and then we are putting aqua color rocks in the bottom of the glass with a white (or ivory....haven't decided that part yet) candle in the middle of the rocks. it worked out so good because our colors are aqua/turquoise and chocolate...and the wood in the candle holder has a chocolatey color. i would post a pic of the candle holder but i can't seem to find it anymore online.... let us know what you come up with!
  20. love, love the ones of you with veil around your face....so pretty! and the one with your flowers girls shot from the top! and i love the shoes too - were they comfortable? i'm determined to get pretty shoes but ones that i can wear all night. thx!
  21. Hi - thx for the post! That sounds fun......I haven't heard of the Gran Melia yet. But I'm gonna look it up now. My plans have been going well so far. Keep in touch!
  22. yea....my FI thought the vegas idea was perfect too....but that's just not in the budget!! lol
  23. thx for bringing this thread back! my FI and i have made our decision this past weekend to get legally married here in the states. i was hesitant at first but now i'm good about our decision.....to avoid paperwork issues (esp since i'm divorced) and also insurance reasons. but also.....we just want to have a relaxing (as much as it can be) wedding week and not worry that some paperwork may get messed up while we are down there. we've told his parents who were completely fine with it...now i just have to tell mine. and that will be the only ones who know.
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