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Everything posted by Bisha

  1. I overdid it on the inner thigh machine so bad once that I literally couldn't walk for 2 days straight! dont do it anymore!
  2. Quote: Originally Posted by Janet omg the fat animals are cracking me up. I have a 21 lb cat so I know them well...... Mine used to be 22 before I moved out of my parents house and slimmed him down to the current 18.5 The poor thing used to sweep the floor with it's stomach!
  3. Quote: Originally Posted by TA Jill I participated in season 1 and did really well, I also did season 2 and did okay, then I skipped season 3 and it's been all down hill since then. My pants are SO tight it's disgusting. So, I think I'm going to join for season 4, I need to get this weight off for good! You wanna talk about tight? My zipper gave up on me at work today!!!! If it wasn't for my long shirt I would have had a only frontal!!!!!! LOL LOL LOL Major reality check!
  4. Quote: Originally Posted by DanielleNDerek That's great news about your mom recovering well. And i hope you can join the mommy thread soon! Have fun on your honeymoon... Thank you!!!!! Can't wait!!!
  5. Quote: Originally Posted by DanielleNDerek How awesome that your having a honeymoon/1yr anniversary trip. We want to do the same next year. 1. as long as you let Ann know that you'll be missing two weeks ahead of time than you can just weigh in at the following weigh in when you get back. 2. The girls that have gotten prego in the following seasons just forfeited. Are you going to try during your honeymoon? Goodluck! The trip is long overdue. We were supposed to go in the early Spring and wound up putting it off until now b/c my mom was diagnosed with very aggressive breast cancer earlier this year and we didn't know how that would go. Thankfully, she did very well and I guess it worked out for the best since the trip is workign out to be a 1 yr anniverssary/honeymoon (since we didn't oficially have one) Thanks! We've been trying for a little while now:) and I guess will try extra hard during the vacation I did want to loose the weight before getting pregnant thought to stay in regular clothes as long as humanely possible! LOL Sorry for the
  6. So, I very very very badly need to join! I am once again at the top end of my weight (constaly yo-yo-ing) and my pants are officially way too tight. This has always been my motivation in the past since I refuse to buy bigger clothes and the tight pants are a constant motivator:) I have a few questions thought: 1. I am leaving for my Costa Rica honeymoon/1yr anniversary trip in 2 weeks, how do I get my results to you? Just when I get back? 2. What if I get knocked-up before the end of the season?? Do I just forfeit?
  7. Quote: Originally Posted by Jacqueline some of the people on this show are amazing. i could only WISH to be as talented as they are. i would LOVE to be able to dance like these people. i always wanted to be in a music video. hahahahaaa Hey Jacqueline, You know there are lots of latin dance studion around where you are! I am totally into ballroom dancing and so are my siblings. Just found out last week that a couple from my dance studio will be on the American dancing with the starts in the upcomming season (kids). Can't wait!
  8. congratulations! My work blocked facebook too! Can't wait to see them tonight!
  9. Quote: Originally Posted by Case*a*licious did yall hear that next season will be on Lifetime or WE or something? Why is Bravo giving it the boot? NO! where did you hear that? I just got all excited that my cable provided added Bravo in HD!
  10. Quote: Originally Posted by Kat81 They will break down the bar and leave. So, if having drinks there is important than yes five hours is too long. There is a small bar right next to the terrace but I am not sure how late he stays open. This is going almost a year back and I dont know if anything changed but, we had the reception in the lobby and the small bar next to the terrace (in the lobby) stayed open until 11pm. We just had to serve ourselved since the waiter was done after he cleared the tables. It really wasn't an issue at all. they cleared the tables and we stayed and drank and danced until we could drink and dance no more LOL
  11. I was not at all into reality shows until Bravo came out with Project Runway and Top Chef and Workout. I would have to say that my favorite TV shows by far are PR and TC probably because they're based on real talent and not just drama or stupidity Yei for Bravo!
  12. I had to get a platinum band because of my Ering and was shocked by the price given by our jeweler. When I started shopping arround, I found out that he actually gave us the best price since the cost of platinum and gold went up tremendously recently. My hubby also insisted on getting a platinum band and I have to tell you that $2K for a band WITH diamonds doesn't sound too steep. I know that's not the what you were looking for but, it took me a lot of shopping around to realize just how expensive platinum actually is.
  13. 1. How old are you? 26 as of Saturday 2. At what age did you/will you get married? 25 3. Do you have children? Yes, 2 furbabies 4. Did you think you would marry the person you are with now? I didn't but, both of our families have been talking about it since we started dating (10 years ago!!!!) LOL 5. Were you ever engaged or married to someone other than the person you are with now? We've been together since 2 months before my 16th B-day 6. Do you want a garden wedding, beach wedding, or the traditional church wedding? Wanted to get married at a cliff's edge, overlooking the ocean. 7. Where did you/will you get married? Dreams Cancun 8. First dance - classic waltz, slow and sexy, or fast and spicy? Sultry Rumba 9. How many guests did you/will you have? 14 + us = 16 total 10. Do you want/did you have an extravagant wedding or a simple wedding? Simple and A LOT OF FUN! 11. Vows - traditional or something you make up on your own? The ones the officiant showed me on a piece of paper before the ceremony and I said, "OK!" 12. How many layers of cake did you/will you have? 2 (I Think) I would have to look at the picture (I dont remember! ) LOL 13. Is/was your wedding/reception at a hotel? Yes 14. When did you/will you get married - sunrise, mid-day, sunset? Sunset 15. Did you/will you have your reception outdoors or indoors? Lobby open to the outdoors 16. Plan every detail down to the napkins or let someone else decide? Absolutely not! I refused to plan the little things; the big stuff drove me up the wall enough LOL 17. How did/will the bride enter? Walked up to the gazebo with both parents. 18. Song to walk down the aisle to: None 19. Song to make your exit: Whatever the Mariachi were playing. I would have to watch the wedding video again to rember. Like I said, couldn't handle plannign the small stuff! 20. Will you/did you have a solemn ceremony or a light one? I think it was pretty light but we could barely hear/undertand the officiant. Which we keep looking back at and laughing!!! 21. At what age did you think you would get married? 25 22. Who to invite - practically everyone or a select few? Invited everyone and only the select few went! Thankfully!!! 23. Wedding menu - fine dining or simply delicious? Fine dining all the way 24. Champagne or red wine? Lots and lots and lots of tequila! 25. Honeymoon right after the wedding, awhile after the wedding, or no honeymoon? Didn't have an official honeymoon. Our honeymoon/1st wedding anniversary will be our trip to Costa Rica at the end of this month. 26. Was your/will your honeymoon be at a place special to you both or somewhere brand new to you both? First time in Costa Rica for both of us! 27. Who will pay for the bills? We paid for the wedding ourselves 120% 28. Living together: Not before marriage or absolutely before marriage? Lived together for 3 yrs before marriage (but we were engaged, does that count?) 29. Anything else about marriage you'd like to say? For us, it is exactly the same as being engaged minus the stress of planning 2 weddings
  14. I can't belive I JUST NOW found this thread! This is great! Here are mine: Would do again in a heartbeat: •Finding BDW! This was by far the best source of info!!!! Thank you to all who post!  •Having a DW! Despite the grief we got from some family members, it was the best decision and something we will never forget. The entire vacation was a blast! •Getting simple, yet elegant and cheap invitations •Having the dress I really wanted made and not listening to my mom who said I should just use the same dress as I wore for the AHW •Having an AHW. Although I swore up and down that I would not have an AHC or AHR, we would up doing both and sooooo glad we got to celebrate with everyone who couldn’t make it out to Cancun. Still glad, even though we kept getting teased about having 2 weddings!  LOL •Dreams Cancun: really enjoyed the resort and the grounds made for phenomenal pictures and overall setting •Having Erik from Claudia Rodriguez as our photog – best decision ever! •Having a cocktail hour. At first, I was debating on whether or not we need one but, glad we did since it gave our guests something to do while we finished our photo session •Having the Mariachi trio during cocktail hour. It was absolutely a last minute decision and we are glad we did it! Our guests really enjoyed them. •Hiring a DJ! I know a lot of the girls said that they are glad they didn’t and just used their IPod, we were glad we did. It just felt more wedding-like and stress free and more like a party than a job of managing an Ipod. •Hiring a videographer. •Hubby’s attire: no suit just white linen pants and white cotton shirt. •Making hubby take dance lessons for an unforgettable first dance. Would have done differently/not done at all: •Would NOT have a DW TA – for me personally, was not worth it. It was more of a hassle than help. I remained the middle man and instead should have had everyone book through whichever source they wanted, which is what everyone wound up doing anyway! The only thing she was useful for was getting my date finalized. We finalized our contract and all the little details 3 days before the wedding, face to face with the wedding coordinator!!! •Would have NOT paid for FILs trip! Didn’t even get a thank you! But, this is a story for another thread •Would have bought FIL a shirt in addition to the pants we got for him or asked him what color shirt he got. He wound up wearing a white shirt (did not expect that at all) and that just pissed me off! I let it go because it wasn’t like I could tell him to go change 5 mins before the ceremony!  Don’t assume people will know what’s appropriate to wear, tell them what you expect! •Not stress about the date. It took us forever to decide on a date since I kept getting crap from different people. Should have just set the date without asking anyone anything; those who wanted to go found a way and those who didn’t want to go, found excuses. No date or anything else would have changed that! •Would have decided on the songs for the wedding video and brought them with us on a CD. It was a hassle to deal with later on since the music we chose was not readily available and that delayed us getting our pictures and video. •Would not buy travelers checks. Looking back, it was not worth the $. I don’t like cash in general, let alone traveling with several thousand dollars in my pocket and I thought the travelers checks would be a piece of mind but, they were not worth the hassle or the $ they cost to have.
  15. Congratulations on your new addition! Your furbabies are absolutely gorgeous!!!
  16. We were engaged for 3 years before we got married. But, that was only because I was in grad school
  17. Quote: Originally Posted by jpitts78 But yes, call and ask around too. I think I'll wait to hear what my knowledgeable pet friend says and who else she might recommend:) Quote: Originally Posted by jpitts78 Does anyone here buy pet insurance? Thankfully, I do have insurance for him. I tried to figure out how much they will reimburse me and I think it will be around $200 depending on the diagnosis (I forget exactly what she said it was). I tell you, times likes these is why I got it in the first place:)
  18. Did not think about it as a little girl. Actually, we were one of the last couples to get engaged and married out of most of our friends and all I knew is that I did not want a traditional wedding like most of the ones we had been to. When FI (at the time:) actually started talking about it, we both decided on a destination wedding. I always thought it to be interesting how some people had pictured very specific details of their wedding since childhood
  19. Quote: Originally Posted by Pug3636 I took my dog to the vet for a routine cleaning. Got a call only minutes into the procedure because the vet found several teeth that needed to be extracted. She's a pug and has a tiny mouth and way too many teeth and because of this they started decaying and breaking at a fast pace. She was only a few years old. Anyway, $1600 later she's all fixed. NO KIDDING!!! I couldn't believe it. I cried when he told me. And this was a small town vet and usually pretty low on prices. Wow!!! That is A LOT. My vet said the price is so high because they are the K9s and those are really tough to get out. The said the root can be the same length or 1.5 times the size of the tooth. She mentioned that the range is so big because it depends on how easily they come out and if there are any more teeth that may need to go (included in the quote). I am in a real bind because I really like the vet and so does my cat. He's had very bad reactions to other vets and really took a liking to this one. I also just sent an e-mail to a very animal knowledgeable friend to see what she thinks of the price. She currently has 2 dogs and 2 cats who all go to this vet and she's friends with the vet. I'll keep you posted on what she says and what else I find out. Please, keep your feedback coming!
  20. This is really bothering me and I knew I can turn to my BDW girls for help. So, I take my 11.5 yo cat to the vet for his routine exam yesterday and she tells me he has some kind of a tooth decay thing going on and she needs to extract his canines and clean the rest. The estimated cost for all this: $500-$700! I understand that it needs to be done or it will start effecting his internal organs and all of that but, does that seem kind'a high to you? The price includes: Blood work Cleaning 4 planned extractions anasthesia pain meds Anyone have any experience with something like this?
  21. Quote: Originally Posted by JessicaLovesBrian I was bummed about Stella! You can buy the dress through DVF's website DIANE von FURSTENBERG Thank you! I finally found it! and the price too! $650! without the jacket. Not that I would wear the 2 pieces together but, still! Oh well, will have to do without! LOL
  22. I had wanted to chime into this thread when I first read it but, had nothing to add until now. I had gotten REALLY BAD systic acne since getting off the pill in the spring and have been trying to find a solution all summer long. It just wouldn't go away no matter what I did. It hasn't been this bad since, well, ever! I finally found something that seems to be working. It's a holistic approach so I guess it's not for everyone so please take it with a grain of salt but, my asthetician (SP?) recommended brewer's yeast. I am now taking it as a vitamin (it's basically vitamin and doing masks out of cooking yeast, you know the one they use for baking. Basically, a little bit (like 10 gms worth) of yeast and a few drops of hydrogen peroxide, mix and apply to face like a mask. My face is finally starting to respond . I've been doing it on and off for about 2 or 3 weeks and I think it's working. Hope this helps
  23. I absolutely Loved the winning look last night. I actually am seriously considering buyign that dress except I cant seem to find where to buy it or how much it is. I tired going through my AMEX account but there is no mention of it. Anyone have any info?
  24. I like it a lot! Very original and cute and something they could wear again and again
  25. I'm going to have to disagree with the following: Wedding plans take care of themselves - NOT ON MY WATCH! Car mechanics tell you the truth. - they ATTEMPT to lie to everyone! You don't have to stop and think of which way to turn a nut on a bolt - I know where this applies to quite a few men and not too many women:) One mood all the time- not when he's hungry! Phone conversations are over in 30 seconds flat - not with my father they don't! Three pairs of shoes are more than enough - not for my metrosexual men! Hubby almost has as many pairs as me. You are unable to see wrinkles in your clothes- I thought this one was particularly funny b/c he can, and I can't! LOL The rest - TOTALLY TRUE!!! LOL
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