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Everything posted by Bisha

  1. We had guests over on both Saturday and Sunday. I tried to cook healthy but I notice that I overeat quite a bit whenever we have sit down dinners Oh, and I haven't gone to the gym since getting back from vacation. All I can say is that I dont anticipate winnig this week's weight in
  2. Fun! I guess it will be cool to put a number on mine. LOVE LOVE LOVE to travel! 1. US 2. Mexico (Mexico city to Guadalajara, Yucatan - several times, Puerto Vallarta) 3. Dominican Republic (too many times to count) 4. England 5. Ukraine (Kiev) 6. Canada (Toronto and Montreal) 7. Czechoslovakia (when it was still known as that) 8. Poland 9. Russia (Moscow) 10. Costa Rica (just got back last week) My list is shorter than I thought! I do have a very long wish list though:)
  3. Quote: Originally Posted by AnnR this is the % change from week to week. since i didn't get anything from you last week (you were out!) there was no change. that's why these weekly "winners" are misleading, it's just the % change from the previous week, not the overall loss. we keep that a surprise for the end! Got it! Thank you for the clarification! I'm still in vacation mode; brain totally refusing to work! LOL
  4. Quote: Originally Posted by can't wait! I just found this thread! Woo! Hoo! I love project runway!!! I don't want to ruin it for anyone but I'm extremely disppointed in who went home last night! Ugh! I really liked that person and think they are a great designer. That's all I will say for now. And yes, Kenley's dress was so ridiculous! Who would wear that!??!!? I agree. From the looks of Tim's visit, it would have been a very interesting collection from that designer that went home! As far as Kenley's dress goes, she said it; she would wear that dress for her wedding! LOL
  5. Quote: Originally Posted by AnnR **WEEKLY RESULTS** Bisha (Sabina)0.000% Hi Ann, I have lost 2 lbs since week one. Did you not receive my PM?
  6. I didn't like any of the wedding dresses! Just not my style I guess. I did like Leann's bridesmaid dress. Kenley's bridesmaid dress was a little disproportional on the model I thought.
  7. Thanks! As good of a time as we had, still really glad to be back! We have tons and tons of pictures but of course, they're all at home. I haven't had the strength to even turn on the computer when I get home. I promise to post as soon as I get that strength:) The pictures are really funny in that the bigger part of our trip, we're wearing helmets of one sort or another in all of the pictures. We had very much the action/adventure trip!
  8. Hello ladies! I'm back and happy to report that I lost 2 lbs while on vacation!!! Whoo hoo! Really hoped for a bigger loss but, I'll take what I can get I know it's not official yet since I can't seem to get the picture I sent to myself from my phone to my work e-mail to go thorough. Ann, I might have to PM you later on tonight, from home
  9. Hello ladies!! We're back!!!!! The trip was awesome! I would say that it was even better than we (or at least I) imagined! Everything went off without a hitch. Our flights were on time and even early! We got a free upgrade on our rental. The weather was better than what we anticipated. The hotels were great. The tours were a lot of fun. I just can't say enough about how much we enjoyed it ! If anyone is interested, I'll be writing a review for TripAdvisor a little later on since that's where I got most of my information from, and will be sure to post here as well. Ok, have to get back to the craziness of work Was I on vacation just last week?
  10. I am officially at my highest weight!!!! Soooo glad I'm doing this! Hopefully my action packed trip will give me a nice head start on the whole weight loss thing! Alrighty ladies, if I dont speak to you before the end of the day today, wish me luck in my travels and I'll see/post when I get back from Costa Rica
  11. Hello ladies, I apologies for my absence lately:) I am finally busy at my new job. I tell you, when it rains, it pour. First I was bored out of my mind and then in a snap, I'm so busy I dont have time to visit with my favorite DW brides! LOL Ann, I'm sorry, I know I didn't PM you my weight/picture yester but, I promise to do it today. It was a crazy day!!! Just have to run downstairs and do it.
  12. I guess I"m the minority here but I dont like pink and you dont know if you will 10 years from now. Black is always the classic choice! let us know what you picked and how it went! Good luck! Oh and we obviously want pics as soon as you have them!!
  13. Quote: Originally Posted by AnnR so far, this is who I have signed up and paid! amesharpe (Amy) carly DanielleNDerek jkcz0702 (Jennifer) jpitts78 (Joanne) jrodsgirl (Rosel) Kathie KLC77 (Kelly) LALA (Kate) Morgan mummergirl (Lisa) Tracy Hey Ann, You didn't get my payment?
  14. Haven't and will not change mine! I was in med school when we got engaged and I said that if we get married before I get my degree, maybe I'll change it and if after, deffinitely not! When we actually got engaged, I thought about it and decided that no matter what, I'm not changing my name. Hubby was a bit upset about it at first but then thought about it and said that it's my name and I should do whatever feels right to me. He really knows me too well! I seriously cannot be pushed into something I dont want! Major queen! So after we got married, I told him that I dont mind changing my name if he feels strongly about it AND does all the foot/paper work associated with it b/c I deffinitely will not. His reponse was: please keep your name!!!!!! LOL I figured that this is something I can do at any point in our married life if I all of a sudden feel strongly about it!
  15. Wow Maura. I agree, I really WISH I would have asked all of that but, I guess the fact that both the photog I used back home and the one for my DW were people that I saw work with my friends work with I didnt even hesitate a second though! I think it's important to show the type of work you do. Some like more traditional stuff some like more artsy. I guess if you can be flexible it's important to show that as well. Sorry, I wish I had more suggestions. Good luck! let us know how it works out.
  16. Quote: Originally Posted by DanielleNDerek I'm glad he's doing better. Quote: Originally Posted by jpitts78 I'm glad to hear he is doing good too. Thank you! Now it's a matter of getting the insurance check!
  17. Quote: Originally Posted by mummergirl the fat animals are cracking me up! I have to say I feel that I look exactly like that cat!
  18. Quote: DanielleNDerek Re: How to say no... -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I would just tell them that you don't care if so and so goes on vacay with them, but they cannot come to your wedding because you are limited to a certain number of guests due to space constraints. I agree. Actually, I honestly dont think you even need to give any excuses, just let them know EXACTLY who'se invited to the wedding and that the rest of their vacation is their business.
  19. Hello ladies. Just wanted to give you an update. We had Tishka's teeth pulled last Thursday. He wound up having 5 teeth extracted; the 4 canines and 1 other one the vet felt needed to come out. All in all, with bloodwork, anesthetia, meds, cleaning, etc. I wound up paying $622. Right smack in the middle of what she quoted me:) I was a nervous wreck on the day of the surgery but am happy to report that he is doing very well and the first thing he did when he came home was demand food! LOL I guess that's good sign. It's funny but, his temperment seems a lot more pleasant. Even hubby notices! Go figure, maybe the canines have the aggression/biting gene implanted in them! LOL Thank you all again for your input!
  20. CONGRATULATIONS! and This place is a phenomenal resource! Happy planning!
  21. Very pretty and tasteful. The only thing I dont really like are the flowers sticking out from the base of the arrangements that are on the pilars. I dunno just something about that doesn't sit right with me.
  22. I used L'oreal on myself and my mom. Well actually my BF colored my hair before and I did my mom's and it always comes out great!
  23. Alrighty, money in! Ann, I think I PM'd you this already but, just to let you know again, I will be in Costa Rica during wk2 weight in (Oct 1). I will actually be traveling from Arenal to Manuel Antonio on that day! I soooooo badly need this. I actually went to the gym last night for a Yoga class and then came home and ate chocolate!
  24. So sorry to hear you're going through this. Just know you're not the only one! We all encountered family issues during wedding planning. Like I hear many of the girls say: weddings bring out the worse side of people! Well, maybe if you called and told her how important it is for you and FI that she and her family is there during your very very special day and that you're willing to help out/accomodate her to make it happen, she will realize what a she's being and realize that it's not about her but about you, her friend, and FI, her brother! But, then again she could be like my SIL and only care about herself and no one else around! Just be ready for that and remember that us BDW girls are here for you!
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