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Everything posted by Bisha

  1. Quote: Originally Posted by Alyssa it was really serious last night - they elminated someone at the 1st quick fire before they even unpacked! I thought that was really hard core too!
  2. I watched! I watched! I couldn't wait for the new season to start!!! I love almost all of the Bravo shows even though I really dont care for reality TV. Quote: Originally Posted by Jenn3878 I love Top Chef, I missed it last night! Hope they replay it again! They will deffinitely air it again next week before the new episode. If the new one is at 10pm, this week's should play at 9pm. I'm sure they'll have reruns some time during the week too. I would take a look at your program guide.
  3. Welcome back MRS!!!! and congratulations! So glad to hear you had a good time!!!! You look beautiful and soooo happy!!!! Last year on the 6th of November was a great day as well
  4. CONGRATULATIONS Karma! Hannah is absolutely gorgeous and you look fantastic, not at all like you just had a baby!!!!!! You know, in my culture we say that girls are extra lucky to look like dad and boys that look like mom! Enjoy her and good luck!
  5. and Congratulations! Costa Rica is a beautiful country but would be a very different kind of location then the Yucatan or DR (just as an example). I just got back from an Anniversary trip in October so if you have any questions, please feel free to ask! Good luck!!!
  6. My girls dresses wore almost the same exact color as yours. In Mexico, my flowers were red and theirs white. Here's a pics:
  7. Congratulations Karma!!! Can't wait to meet little Hannah!
  8. CONGRATULATIONS!!!! Have a wonderful time and a beautiful wedding my wedding day twin! It was amazing for us a year ago and I'm certain it will be great for you today! Can't wait for all the stories and the beautiful pictures!
  9. As a first generation immigrant to the US who has lived the bigger part of my life here and I do consider myself 100% American, I feel extremely proud of our nation. I was very excited to vote in this historic election!!! Hurray for us and here's to hoping that the much needed change will come; sooner rather than later!
  10. Quote: Originally Posted by LC_Rachel Christine- I understand your sentiments. I am completely disappointed in the people of Ca. For those that do use religion as their guide in voting for Prop 8, I would like to know why we pick and choose which of God's words we want to live by. Why aren't all of the Ten Commandments law? Why not make adultery illegal? Why allow those to worship other Gods? Why not enforce the day of Sabbath and make it illegal to work on Sundays? I know this seems a little extreme, but I think making it a law that marriage is only between a man and woman is very extreme. That's the only point I'm hoping to make. If you use God's words as the reason for why it's right to enforce laws that forbid gay marriage, then I just want to know why we can pick and choose which of God's words we live by. I couldn't have said it better myself!!!! It urkes me to no end when people use religious reasons for decisions in government. I was under the impression that the essence of this country was the separation of Church and State!!!!??
  11. Best of Luck Karma! We wish you all the best and can't wait to meet beautiful Hannah!
  12. I litterally just realized that I totally missed last weeks' weight in! So, so, sorry Ann!!! It's just been crazy busy at work; I've been getting home at 8pm at the earliest all week! I may just have to forefit since I have not had time to go to the gym at all and this weekend was just really really bad, food-wise! We went out for Italian on Fri b/c it was last minute and I was starving and I had pasta at 8pm! On Sat, we had our 1st anniversary family dinner and I overate; naturally since my mom and I cooked up a storm! It has been so difficult to find the motivation to get into the gym considering that I am rushing home to let the dog out every night and am exhausted and dont want to do anything once I do get home! I was really looking forward to BDBL to get me motivated but it doesn't seem to be working! If anyone has any suggestions on how you got your butt in gear, I will greatly appreciate it. Hopefully, I wont forget to send my weight in this Wed and wont be automatically be discualified
  13. Congrats to both of you! Danielle, have a great wedding (my DW day twin ). We can't wait to hear all about it!
  14. Hey Philly_bride. Your pics look are and I think I've seen them somewhere before. Did you bring with you Sasha/Natasha from master studio? Sorry
  15. Privetik girls and guy! I figured that nashi ludi have to be on here too! We actually had a DJ at our wedding who played the type of music we asked for and used our friend's IPod which hooked right into their equipment for Russian/European music. I don't have a list for you, sorry But, from what I've been reading on here, IPod is the easier way to go then CDs. Good luck i Pozdravlenie to all soon-to-be-Russian-Mrs!
  16. When we got our dog, we just got a box from the pet store. I can't remember the brand but, it was pretty generic (whatever was on sale) and they worked great! What do you mean by frame? Like a play-pen type of thing?
  17. I addressed ours to both of us since we had been living together for 3 yrs by the time we got married. I think it's a pretty common occurance now'n days!
  18. Last time I've been to DR was about 5 years ago. I was there with 2 of my girlfriends and we went to party at a club that is in another resort then where we were staying. It was pretty neat, they had 2 floors; 1 for latin music and 1 for european dance music. I honestly can't remember the name of the place but, it was pretty neat. I know for a fact that the RIUs in Punta Cana have a disco that is accessible to everyone, even locals. DR is deffinitely nothing like Cancun in terms of night life but, there are places around to go and party. I'm sure once you're there, you could ask at the front desk and they will even call a taxi for you:)
  19. Quote: Originally Posted by EricaG My sister had a cat that used to go into the litter box and take poop chunks out. Then she would play with them and chase them around the house. One time we put the christmas tree up and I noticed something under the tree nd when I pointed it out, my sister ran to pick it up. As soon as she realized it was a piece of cat poop, she dropped it! LMAO!!!! LOL LOL LOL LOL
  20. Unforetunately, my MIL died when my then boyfriend now husband were dating for only 9 months. I really wish she was around, I know she would have helped any way she could and there would have been a lot less family drama around the whole wedding. I know that doesn't really answer your question but, I say if she wants to help, get her involved and be grateful that you have one!
  21. Quote: Originally Posted by Just Martha We have to separate the dog and the kitty litter because he tries to eat it. Our dog did the same thing when she was little. The litter box is in one of the bathrooms and the dog would run into the bathroom every chance she would get and get a mouthfull! Really really nasty! I told the vet and she said that (are you ready for this?) Cat poop is a delicasy for dogs! Yuck! Thankfully, she grew out of it but it was really bad before! I just realized that Noah must have been born already!!! Yei Martha!!!! Can't wait to see the pics!
  22. Quote: Originally Posted by jkcz0702 Oh boy they were not prepared for the snow and they pretty much closed my town and all the hight ways to get home. ugh!!! Ooohh. that sucks! Sorry to hear it. It's not sticking here in Princeton but, my mom just called and she's in NE Philly and she said it's pretty bad. My dad is in Lansdale and said there's 2 inches there. It's crazy how different the weather can be in the same general area.
  23. Quote: Originally Posted by KarmaB Oh, I just noticed your Anniversary is today! Happy Anniversary!!!! Thank you!
  24. Quote: Originally Posted by MonoAmor Thats crazy. I live in Northern Canada and we havent even had a snowflake yet!! Good luck with the snow! You got all of our snow last year! I guess it's our turn now We litterally had nothing last winter so when hubby and I were in Montreal a week after their 40 yr record snow fall in March, it was really great! I was like a kid in the candy store!
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