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Everything posted by Bisha

  1. Quote: Originally Posted by Mrs. Martin Geez, I can't stop eating! I'm eating every 1 1/2 hours. I hope this is normal because I don't want to be gaining more than I should. I feel guilty enough that I haven't even worked out since I became pregnant! When did you girls notice your appetite increase? At 15 weeks and it went on for 2 weeks or so. He must had hit a growth spurt at that time or something because I felt like I was constantly hungry and always eating. I still get those days once in a while:)
  2. Thanks for the heads up! Not quite ready to start buying for my baby boy but my little sister's B-Day is next week; she'll be 9 so maybe I could grab something for her
  3. Shea the nursery looks fantastic!!! I am especially partial to the pic where your doggy is laying in the middle of it "posing." and absolutely adorable bump!!!! Just because you didn't drop doesn't mean you're close. I know everyone is different but my mom mentioned that she didn't drop with either 3 of us; at all! So, there's still hope:)
  4. Hey Yari! Just saw the ticker!!! Congrats!!!! and welcome to the club:)
  5. Hey Kaylee. I couldn't agree with you more than there is never a "right" time to have a baby. For me personally, it was like someone flipped a switch! I was totally not ready one minute and the next, I was telling hubby I wanted to get off the pill. Thankfully, he was on the same page as me; I actually think he was there before but didnt want to push me:) We're a little scared having a baby in this economy but, there's no turning back now and we know we'll make it work. We were looking to buy a house (currently in a condo) but decided to wait another year or two and see how our finances are impacted by the little one, especially since we have the space to have a baby where we are now. I know it's different for everyone and a lot of people I know just "go for it," but I'm sure you and hubs will figure out together! Good luck!
  6. Quote: Originally Posted by Jenn3878 Hey everyone!! I never thought I would be joining this thread so soon before my wedding and also because I didnt think I was able to get pregnant but I am now pregnant!! I went to the Dr on Tuesday and since I had irregular periods they did an ultrasound to date my pregnancy. I am 8 weeks, they said the baby looks good and the heartbeat was 176bpm and my due date is Aug 30. They also suggested I see a specialist to do some tests since I am 30yrs old. Does this sound normal to you guys?? Thanks and I hope everyone is doing well!! Congrats!!!! How are you feeling?
  7. Quote: Originally Posted by SheaS I have another question.... I posted this in another thread, but I guess it makes more sense here. Are you ladies planning on getting waxed before you go into labor? I hear since we are ultra sensitive down there during this time that it hurts really bad. I don't know if it matters to the hospital or not- I think they used to shave the area, but read that they don't always now. I know in the event I won't really care what it looks like, but I have been thinking about it. The girl that does my wax now said that after around 8m, it will be too painful but I have a very high pain tolerence and told her that we'll see how it goes. I would hate to shave though b/c it makes me very very itchy! LOL If I can tolerate it, wax all the way!!! And while we're on the cooch topic, has anyone elses hair down there been growing like crazy? I am generally not very hairy and can usually go without shaving or waxing for a while before it has to be done but lately, the hair has been growing super fast and extra extra long!!!!!! and only there, not the legs or underarms!!!! What gives?
  8. Quote: Originally Posted by SheaS I have a question.... Are any of you ladies receiving paid maternity leave? I am taking off 12 weeks, but they are all unpaid. I have mentioned that we do not receive any paid time off for maternity to a few friends, and they thought that was crazy. But, our office manager said that a lot of places don't offer paid time off. I can use my vacation time, and sick if I choose. I did read online that about 39% only receive it paid. I get 6 or 8 weeks paid through STD and then if I'm eligible for the new NJ law, another 6 weeks. And, if I'm eligible for the NJ leave act, I can take up to 18 weeks total (6 or 12 of them paid, again depending on my eligibility). I know of a friend who works for a very small company and had to use PTO to pay for maternity leave, it sucks!!!
  9. Quote: Originally Posted by DanielleNDerek Hey girls. I did get the results back for the blood tests and they were good but unfortunately over the weekend I started to miscarry. But we will be trying again probably in the summer. I'll be checking this thread to keep track of how y'all are doing. Thanks for everything. So sorry to hear that! But, it's great that you're already thinking of trying again!! Hang in there.
  10. I just read my ticker and it's just way too funny! Maybe since I didn't have any morning sickness, I will avoid the vericous veins and stretch marks too! The Palmer's cocoa butter is on my shopping list just in case though:) I'm kind'a hoping I took after my mom and grandmom, neither one of them had stretchmarks from any of their pregnancies. *keeping fingers and toes crossed* LOL
  11. Just catching up. Didn't realize how long it's been since I posted. Danielle, No worries about the eating part. I'm sure it's fine if you're craving it! Just stay as active as you can for your own sake and for the sake of your baby! I absolutely don't recommend you take up an intense exersise routine, especially if that wasn't your lifestyle before but, walking daily will make you feel good!!! Good luck and let me know if I can help in any way! To everyone else who wrote about the screening: congrats to those whose came back negative! Both of mine were negative which is great! It's absolutely a relief. To those who haven't had them yet, no worries!!! I hear of a lot of false positives happening out there so I'm sure everything will be fine! I'm sorry but, I can't agree about the sex thing! I can't say that I turned into a nympho maniac LOL but I am a lot more sensitive and am really really really enjoying pregnanat sex since day 1! So is hubby! Hang in there girls, I keep hearing that it gets better for everyone in the second trimester. So here are my updates: We found out Friday at our anatomy scan that we're having a healthy boy!!!!!! Both DH and I didn't care either way but I had a very strong feeling from the very beginning that I'm growing a hot dog in there and I guess everyone likes being told they're right I'm 20 weeks and I think my stomach grew overnight tonight. All of a sudden, my sweaters are all a little too tight! I tried on like 4 different ones this morning before finding something that fits! Everyone kept telling me that will happen! LOL I can't say that I popped yet but it's deffinitely bigger today. Maybe I'm just bloaded!
  12. Karma - Thank you for the well wishes:) Hannah is just too cute! They really do grow up too fast, dont they? I hear you about having a second one soon; as scary as it is to think about, I dont think we'll wait more than a year or 2 between kids either. Hopefully, the economy will cooperate:) Mrs. Martin - I'm actually thinking of getting the belly band too. My SIL gave me a bunch of her maternity pants but, they're really big on me and most of my clothes fit but are just too tight, especially the jeans. I'm actually wearing her pants with my husband's belt right now! LOL Maureen - Thank you for your well wishes as well. I honestly can't wait for Friday; I think I'll go bonkers counting down the days! LOL So, how's everyone feeling today? I feel like I've been hit by a ton of bricks I barely got any sleep tonight, kept waking up and tossing and turning which is not like me at all. I can usually sleep through a nuclear war! This seems to happen more and more with weather changes; they're forcasting a wintry mix for our area tonight so I'm wondering if it has anything to do with that. Also, my left shoulder hurts. It's been hurting since yesterday morning and I thought I was sleeping funny but, it's not going away. I called my PT to see if she has some recommendations for me or if she's going to want me to come in. I really dont want to take any pain killers either. I hate feeling like this!
  13. Congrats to all the other new moms! and especially to all those who will be sharing baby pics with us pretty soon!!!! You're soooo close! How exciting! I'm doing well! 19 weeks and counting. We go for the anatomy scan this Friday morning and I can't wait!!! I told DH he has to have his first serious pep-talk with our child; spread 'em wide for mommy and daddy to see if mommy's intuition is right! LOL I have put on about 6 lbs and am keeping to a pretty active workout regiment. Hopefully, I'll be able to keep it going as long as possible. I'm also thinking of signing up for prenatal yoga classes but, haven't gotten around to that yet. I finally started showing a little but I'm still very small for 19 weeks; I'll post a pic later (dont have it here at work). Oh and I've been feeling movement since 16 weeks. Got kicked a lot the one day and have been feeling slight movement about once a day since. Baby seems to really like the cat and kicks every time he comes to sit on my lap:) Very cute!
  14. Quote: Originally Posted by DanielleNDerek Hey girls just checking in. Wanted to add myself to the mommies to be thread but i'm really early. I dont have many symptoms but i've been crying at the drop of a dime. I was arguing with dh over the weekend, not anything big just a lil disagreement and i started to cry. It was nothing to cry over, i couldnt even tell you what it was about. Other than that ive just had major heartburn about 6 times, light cramps, and my boobs are tender (and slightly bigger I have some actual cleevage now lol). hows everyone else feeling? Yei Danielle! Congratulations!!!!! I'm guessing this means you're having a weddingmoon baby
  15. I was on the pill for 8 years and we decided we were ready to start trying in April. I got off the pill and we started trying the very next month. I thought I got preggo right away b/c my period was 2 weeks "late." Turns out, my cycle is 40 days (it's been exactly 28 for the past 8 years, how could I have known! LOL Well, we got pregnant early September after I used one of those on-line calculator's to figure out when I ovulate and I only had 3 periods between getting off the pill and getting knocked up I agree with everyone who said that it's different for everyone and to absolutely start taking prenatal vitamins once you do get off the pill. Good luck! and happy trying! Hope to see you on the mommy thread soon!
  16. Quote: Originally Posted by Mrs. Martin Hi all! So, I went to my doc's on Wed because I called and I told her I had discharge (sorry if that's TMI) and wanted to know if it was normal. Anyway, she had me go to her office and while we were there she did an ultrasound with that probe-thing (still don't know what that darn thing is called) and we were able to see some action for the first time. Although the baby looked like a blurry circle, I was so excited to be able to see him/her for the first time! We were also able to see the heart beating and it was one of the most amazing things I have ever seen! How exciting!!!!!!!
  17. Quote: Originally Posted by Lizz Karma, we miss you around here but obviously understand:) It's good to hear you like the diaper bag. I can't wait to use mine! We are getting new rugs put into the nursery tomorrow and then can hopefully put together the crib on Sunday. I can't wait til I can get in there and start decorating. I feel like I've really blown up this week. My bump is huge and I can't believe it still has 10 (give or take a few) more weeks to grow! My maternity shirts are starting to ride up b/c my belly is too big...lol! I have another routine appt. on Monday morning, but that's about it. Hope you're all doing well! I'm soooo glad to hear that I'm not the only one who plans on waiting until much later to do all that stuff!!!! I figured, the baby is due end of May so sometime in March, we can get the room ready. These girls on another preggers thread I'm on that are due in May are already on top fo that stuff!!! I dont know how they do it? LOL
  18. Quote: Originally Posted by Mrs. Martin OMG, I'm the same way. Everyday around 2:00 I'm fighting with myself to stay awake. I pinched myself twice already to keep myself alert. I guess I would rather be more tired/sleepy vs. morning sickness, but it's becoming more and more difficult to stay alert at work and during my long commute to and from work. I read that during your 2nd trimester, you are suppose to regain some energy. I really hope it's true! Good luck and stay awake! I had practically no symptoms at all during my first trimester and recently (I'm well into my second) I've been super sleepy. I actually came to work one day this week and took a 15min nap in the car before comming in!!!! Crazy! I attribute it to the crazy weather changes we've been having!
  19. Hello ladies? How's everyone doing/feeling? This thread hasn't had any activity for a little while! Well, I'm happy to report that my ticker speaks the truth! I felt my first kicks yesterday. I had a weird pain on my left side all morning and was uncomfortable enough where I actually called my doc. He said it was probably round ligament pain but I later figured out that it wasn't! I got a couple nice kicks right into my left side; one actually made me jump! LOL At first I wasn't sure exactly what it was but then I kept feeling it and then I felt another one, lighter, on my right side! I guess it was the baby's way of letting me know it actually is in there. I asked my doc if he's sure it's still in there at my last appointment! LOL
  20. Quote: Originally Posted by jessyg20 wow girls! I'm reading your last threads and I'm so scared! I think I'm pregnant. I'm tearing up just writing this. I have all the symptoms (swollen and tender breats, nausea, some cramping, tired, and of course I'm a crying wreck). I've been on the pill forever though. Except I missed a pill this month and didnt take it until 2 days later to catch up. Which according to all the websites about conception, that day I missed the pill is basically during my "fertile" time. I'm just nervous about the idea. I still have 9days until my I'm suppose to get my period. I'm afraid to take an at home pregnancy test and get false results because it's too soon. At first I really didn't think this was the right time to have baby. I wanted to wait a year and enjoy married life. Now, I secretly hope I am. See, I told you I was a wreck! Atleast, my husband is being supportive. So I guess we'll see what happens. Hey Jesse, Dont despare! If you really are pregnant and hubby is being supportive, everything will work out great! You're already married and are starting a new life together; sometimes things work out for the better without us even knowing about it!!!! Good luck and let us know how everything works out!
  21. Quote: Originally Posted by Kelly C Oh my goodness sister, you did have quite the scare. Im so glad things are ok. They had to do a internal ultrasound on me also. it was a little strange. We couldn't hear a heartbeat but could see one. I have been telling our parents here is the picture of your grand tad pole. lol Grand tad pole! LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL That's actually exactly what it looks like right about now for you:) Well, I kept reading on baby gaga girls complaining that they're always hungry and kept thinking; thankfully that's not me! Well, as of yesterday, I'm officially always hungry! LOL My poor cube neighbor has to keep hearing about it every 2 hours!
  22. Wow! That's certainly quite a scare. Glad to hear everything turned out fine in the end! Hope you feel better and keep us posted!
  23. Quote: Originally Posted by Mrs. Martin Hi all, I missed my period this month, so I just took a pregnancy test last night (well, I actually took two just to make sure) and it was posotive! I'm still in shock and feeling very emotional about it. I didn't think I would get pregnant this fast!?!? But, I'm really excited!!! It's just that it's still very early and I just hope everything turns out well. I'm thinking I'm a little less than 4 weeks. I made an appt today to get a pregnancy test and my doc's and to get checked up. I'm having a lot of cramping, is that normal? Normally, this is when I would be on my period, so I'm guessing that may explain the cramps. I did notice out-of-the ordinary stomach cramps (very minor ones) from the very beginning, so I hope this is just part of the pregnancy and nothing bad. But I already have noticed my boobs getting swollen and extremely sensitive! And, I can tell I've been extra tired lately. Any way, I'll keep you all posted! Congratulations!!! The cramping is probably just from your uterus re-adjusting for the newly implanted embryo How exciting!!!
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