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Everything posted by 1elephant

  1. whoa they're paying the bills?! crazy! last year we took my cat to the vet and they gave him 2 shots at once (which they're not supposed to do) - he wound up getting so sick that he had to stay overnight at the emergency vet and what did my regular vet do? said "oh." yeah, not using her again. anyway i'm so glad that your cat is ok. i hope the craziness slows down soon!
  2. i know someone has a wedding band set (one in front of e-ring, one behind)...but i searched and searched and can't find it.... anyone know who it is? or where i can find a pic of it oh someone's hand? tia!
  3. wow, shelley! i'm sad and happy at the same time - sad that you won't have a starfish beach wedding next month, and happy that you were able to work thru this with amos. like everyone said, he certainly is lucky to have you! Quote: Originally Posted by NYJen Shelley - NOOOOOO!!!! OMG - I don't know what to say. I know how excited you were about everything. I'm so upset for you right now. What can I do to help you? Do you want me to make some phone calls for you? Send out emails? Whatever you want, I can help you. If you want, I can come down to MD next weekend and we can go out and get stupid drunk. We're all here for you. Whatever you need!!!! jen, i can't do next weekend, but if you can do this weekend, i'll go with you
  4. yay! i'm so glad you got it! i hope that a weekend away makes you relax a bit
  5. stupid mother effing computer. sorry.
  6. Quote: Originally Posted by DreaW Thank you girls....keep them coming I figured I would add my list too. I love everything so my list is easy, Anything. ok, ok, I'll make a list..... 1. Gift Certs.: Bloomingdales, Victoria Secret, Barnes and Nobles or Borders Bookstore, Coach (love ), Restaurants: Spaghetti Factory, Olive Garden 2. Candles Anything, Anything, Anything drea, by the looks of that sexy siggy pic, i think you could use a gift card to an s&m place lol!
  7. that's what i thought - but i didn't see turquoise. i already have canvas bags, and was planning on ironing, but at $3.18, it would be perfect....oh well...thanks!
  8. happy birthday kate!!!! i hope things slow down for you soon!
  9. thanks angela! i can't find them on the website - do you remember the name of them? thanks again!
  10. Quote: Originally Posted by vale Small Mexican Mesh Beach Bag i found these too, and liked them ... i emailed the company to see if i could get a discount for 20-25 of them. i already have about 20 canvas bags, but i like these better...
  11. just a response card. we did STDs and will send out an itinerary/rehearsal dinner invite once we get all the responses back. we didn't send out the website, but it got out thru word of mouth.
  12. ok, drea, i sent my address, but here are my wants 1) this necklace 2)this purse a tiffany's necklace and the orange le sportsac...whoops, wrong forum - those go in the "things i want from FI" section my wants? i don't care, i'm easy (that's what the boys say at least...) i like books, the gap, and yummy candles that stay yummy when you burn them. my favorite color is orange and at this point, i like anything that says "bride" on it!
  13. WOW!!!!!!!! that's incredible - makes me realize how much work i really have to do! where'd you get the OOT bags from?
  14. shelley - it looks awesome!!! and it's almost time for you to put together a post of all of your DIY stuff......
  15. anyone find any others? i like the striped ones from ebay, but i like the price from del sol.... i've searched and searched....help please!
  16. Quote: Originally Posted by coming together Super cute.. What is the shipping on those suckers I was thinking of going with bottles, but I was afraid they'd be expensive to ship. it cost me $2.87 to ship each invite - we used glass, and kept the sand to about 1/2 inch. it actually weighed in at about $2.48, but we needed to put that extra love stamp on instead of a 2cent stamp.
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