when we put our house up for sale, and people were coming in and out, eddie started to pull out his fur b/c we had to put them in a cat cage all day. the vet gave us some kitty prozac and it worked, but was a bitch to get him to take it.
i also recommend feliway. it comes in 2 forms, a spray and a plug in. it's cat pheromones that calm the kitty down. we use the plug in so we don't have to spray all the time. you can find it at any petco/petsmart/etc. but it IS pretty pricey - about $40 for the first and $25 for refills...less than a vet tho...
you can also get bach's flower remedy to put in your cat's water. it supposedly has a similar calming effect, but i've never used it.
i know i sound like the crazy cat lady, but we REALLY researched before buying purebred cats, and then researched every little strange thing they did.
hope this helps!