dear mrs. xxx
go eff yourself. please.
you want me to compliment your son on how he can't keep his hands out of his mouth? about how he's too busy playing with his braces to pay attention in class? you think THAT embarrassed him - while there was no one else in the class? should i compliment him when he gets the wire stuck on his sweatshirt b/c he was playing with them? are you in the classroom during the day when i spend alllllllllllllllllll of writing and alllllllllllllllllllll of reading trying to get him to write just a few words? no. you're not there. so don't tell me that i should boost your kids' confidence when you're not around to know. not to mention that the first thing that i said to him when he walked in this morning with you was what a great job he did on his project. or did you just happen to forget that part? AND, it's ok for you to email me and talk to my PRINCIPAL about all the terrible things i'm doing? without complimenting me? on the sheet that we sent home before conferences, we asked for things that you're pleased with, things to improve, and other. you only wrote under things to improve. you're only making life harder for your kid b/c when i start to actually enjoy having him in my class, and start to push him to work harder, you decide that i suck, and that i'm pushing too hard. and then you bitch about something else. it's you that sucks, lady, not me, not my teaching, not your kid, or his lack of creativity. it's you.