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Everything posted by 1elephant

  1. Quote: Originally Posted by Tlseege YIPPEE! Well, half yippee! I ordered the second dress! it'll be here in two weeks! It sucks that I had to pay this much for two dresses (well one dress and one dress that is missing!) but, who cares anymore! I'm so excited! not to mention, I got a free 2 night honeymoon for purchasing the second dress. That makes it a little less of a hit... if you tilt your head and look at it sideways! oh, i am SO excited. it's Mori Lee style 5172... But it's a brand new dress and not on her site yet! Dang it! i just want to stare at it! Oh, and an update on dress #1 store. my sister went there to see if they were closed. The owner was there. She was totaly nonchalont about the whole thing and just kept saying "UPS didn't come yet today." Well... UPS came while my sister was standing there! They are on COD!!! (that's bad). And get this... three LARGE boxes (not sure what else they could have been besides dresses) were delivered... but she didn't pay for them and the guy loaded them back on the truck and left!!!! ARE YOU KIDDING ME! My sister was standing right there! Crazy. i'd get down there right away and demand your money. tell them face to face that you're calling the bbb and your cc company to dispute the charges if she doesn't give you an immediate cash refund - not cc b/c that may not work. if the phone is disconnected and they're not paying their cods then it's only a matter of time before they disappear for good. but yay for buying dress #2!!!!!
  2. dear mrs. xxx go eff yourself. please. you want me to compliment your son on how he can't keep his hands out of his mouth? about how he's too busy playing with his braces to pay attention in class? you think THAT embarrassed him - while there was no one else in the class? should i compliment him when he gets the wire stuck on his sweatshirt b/c he was playing with them? are you in the classroom during the day when i spend alllllllllllllllllll of writing and alllllllllllllllllllll of reading trying to get him to write just a few words? no. you're not there. so don't tell me that i should boost your kids' confidence when you're not around to know. not to mention that the first thing that i said to him when he walked in this morning with you was what a great job he did on his project. or did you just happen to forget that part? AND, it's ok for you to email me and talk to my PRINCIPAL about all the terrible things i'm doing? without complimenting me? on the sheet that we sent home before conferences, we asked for things that you're pleased with, things to improve, and other. you only wrote under things to improve. you're only making life harder for your kid b/c when i start to actually enjoy having him in my class, and start to push him to work harder, you decide that i suck, and that i'm pushing too hard. and then you bitch about something else. it's you that sucks, lady, not me, not my teaching, not your kid, or his lack of creativity. it's you.
  3. Quote: Originally Posted by DreaW Thank you Amanda for the support. Dear 8th grade Algebra I'm subbing for, You all but 2 bombed your quiz! Why! I know why because you decide to goof off in class rather than take notes and listen. You don't do your homework, I have some who decide to draw or tag on their paper rather then take notes, I have others talking to one another, I have others making weird sounds, and yet others throwing paper and spit balls. When we did the review before the quiz you all seem to know what to do so why the heck did you bomb your quiz. I'm done stressing about you and crying over you. You have report cards in 2 weeks.....you better shape up. AUGGGGGGGGG......I'm stressing waaaaaaayyyy to much over you. I can't wait till your teacher comes back. Dear Geometry class you are angels, I know I'm trying my best to teach you, thank you for being patient with me and still keeping up the good grades. drea, make sure that you rub that part in when you give the quizzes back...that YOU are the one responsible for their report cards and they're essentially f*cked unless they spend the next few weeks kissing your feet. then drink a bottle of wine. that helps.
  4. i love them! i checked them out on robin's website last night and cracked up at the pic of sam!
  5. welcome! i'm getting married at dreams pv in *yikes* 3 1/2 weeks...gaby is really nice and very knowledgeable - BUT she's really busy and definitely takes awhile to get back to people. if you don't hear within a week, then resend the same email with 'resending info' or something to that effect in the subject. she does one wedding/day (i believe) and i've only heard good things about her from ppl who have been married there recently. also, the prices on the website may be for 2007, and she may be giving you 2008 prices, but that's just a guess. feel free to ask questions, and i'll be posting a review in a few weeks! good luck!
  6. all i picture is the 7 dwarfs (dwarves?) going to work in the mine...are they in the bathroom with you? just remember not to use that strainer for spaghetti
  7. i'll donate some points to you. can't help as far as bouquets b/c i'm only using gerbera daisies.
  8. put the ground turkey in a bowl and mix with worchestire, cholula (spicy), soy sauce, ketchup, onion powder, garlic salt. form patties and cook! i use the same stuff + egg whites and breadcrumbs, and parsley and oregano to make meatloaf...i didn't like meatloaf until this recipe. also, for the meatloaf, i stick a piece of bread in the very bottom of the pan to soak up the juice. tastes phenomenal!
  9. what about forever young by rod stewart? that's what i'm pushing for for fi and his mom...
  10. my exact words were: GET IN HERE NOW! fi thinks american idol is silly - but he does watch w/ me sometimes
  11. wow, everything is beautiful! i love the one of you two in the moonlight and the one where everyone's jumping...i love all of them! gorgeous!
  12. i like the casablanca one too. thank goodness for craigslist and ebay - what else would we do with all of our unwanted bridal stuff?!
  13. Quote: Originally Posted by Saraha Both are adorable. I say no ribbon dangling down, just because its going to get in the cake. i agree! it's so cute!
  14. Quote: Originally Posted by carlymcmullen Lauren - how funny this thread was posted tonight. I JSUT got the starfish tonight and it's so frigging cute. I took pics, but I don't know where to insert the memory card. How stupid is that? PM me your address and I can mail over to you tomorrow. I work in University City, so if you are anywhere near there, perhaps we could meet? I will also be down in the city on Saturday night (my girlfriends and I are going to party like we are 23, dancing on tabletops may occur). Just let me know and I can either meet you or mail it tomorrow. Cool. Your list looks pretty good ot me, and I can't beleive its only 1 month!! dude - i would TOTALLY meet up - but i'm nowhere near pa, let alone university city...i love dancing on table tops!!!!! wait i take that back - i'll actually be in penn state friday night and sat morning, but have to rush back to celebrate fi's brother's bday...(boo 6 hr drive to turn around and drive back...) i'll pm you my address now.
  15. my cousin has rett's syndrome - it's really sad - best way to describe it is a combination of cerebral palsy and autism - only effects females, no symptoms till 2-3 yrs of age...she can walk, but has no communication abilities at all, and at this point looks like she never will... but a more upbeat thought - i cant' wait to see under that dude's cape!
  16. first one going to hollywood? sorry west coast
  17. you have over a year to make your dress perfect - plenty of time to play around and not have to play the 'what-if' game for the rest of your life...i say order it!
  18. Quote: Originally Posted by JUSTUSTWO Um, I see you have kids coloring books, what about crayons? And in terms of your dress, do you have/need a slip/any special undergarments? Your shoes/flip flops? Any special jewelry your wearing? oh good call...must steal crayons from school just undies under the dress....have white flops for reception, have necklace, ordered anklet, need earrings...oh and starfish from carly...
  19. Quote: Originally Posted by LC_Rachel I'm glad I read this too. We are all staying at an AI and for the WD, I was getting $25-35 per person for quotes. I'm going to ask if there is an "included" menu because I couldn't bring myself to pay that money when everyone has already paid the resort for the meals. Great tip! i did ask at dreams, and was told no... but hey - it's worth a shot!
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