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Everything posted by 1elephant

  1. so here's a question my sister posed: in 90210.1, didn't kelly have a miscarriage and they told her she'd never conceive? it sounds so familiar, but i can't remember...
  2. CETAPHIL!!!! the best stuff ever, and they often have it at costco. SO gentle.
  3. lol, i have 2 wigglers tho. have any of those?
  4. laz (lah-z) is a good nickname for her.... i have especially easy names this year - catie, benjamin, daniel, sarah. kelby is my only unusual one...and that's not all that unusual. there are 5 mia's in our grade tho....
  5. wow, you're so chill about it - you must have had a GREAT time! now what?
  6. the downpour began right after i posted. i have errands to run, and dinner to go to later, but i'd rather put on pjs and watch disney movies.
  7. Quote: Originally Posted by shelly yaa im sure we could plan a buck and doe to raise some money! thats a great idea thanks Tara i totally forgot about it lol! And ya Danielle thats what all my friends have said to me..that im sure when it comes to the wedding it will be amazing no matter when it is and i just have to be really patient...im trying so hard to be patient lol..i just see all the pictures on here of peoples amazing weddings and its making it harder to wait haha...oh well yes, but even after, you'll wish you could go back and do it again, so pushing it off won't really matter good luck!
  8. there's a size 12 on ebay - wonder what a seamstress could do.... i think naked bridesmaids would be rather interesting...
  9. Quote: Originally Posted by JessicaLovesBrian It's pouring outside right now. And to make things worse, it's humid which means my naturally curly hair has formed into a big frizzy mess. hence my enormous puffy ponytail. there is no point to doing anything other than a tight bun tonight.
  10. nothing here. wait, i lied - just looked outside and it's raining. supposed to be like a monsoon later tonight. we're going out to dinner, but we were supposed to go to a free concert in a nearby town - not going now!
  11. i was just going to ask if it was a hot spot...
  12. hell yeah - embrace it! i love getting picked up....it's the "oh yeah, i still have it" - even if the guys is an ugly slimeball.
  13. YAY!!! i can't help you with the things you're looking for, but YAY about the date!!
  14. happy wedding day!!! congrats and all the best wishes
  15. Quote: Originally Posted by joshfrommontreal ok here's one that I don't think is based on location, but based on household. What do you call the remote control? In my life I've heard: clicker, changer, zapper, and of course remote.... Can anyone add to these? i call it a remote. my grandfather (and lately my dad) used to call it a clicker - or, b/c he was from the bronx, a "clicka" my mom and aunts are from brooklyn and they all say "soder" and "seltza" rather than soda and seltzer. the one that kills me up here in north jersey is when people say they're going "down the shore". "i'm going down the shore this weekend." i grew up at "the shore" and we say "i'm going to the beach".
  16. tara, mine was a reg. 3 button bustle. the seamstress showed me other ways, but this looked the best. i don't think i have pics tho...
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