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Everything posted by Wisco4

  1. yeah, you know when they say "I don't want to do this or that" that it only makes us want to have them do it even more! So for the "nipple piercing" thing, did it just say find a guy with a nipple pierced?
  2. Wisco4


    Welcome and congrats!!
  3. Where is your wedding? I'm not familiar with Southshore Centre..
  4. Quote: Originally Posted by Tlseege What we did for my sister's bachelorette party which was a LOT of fun is we made a t-shirt for the scavanger hunt. She had to cross things off of her list as we went. We also stuck life savers (Suck for a buck) on the front of the shirt. We made $250, so it was awesome! We had such a great time! Well, the BTB made it VERY clear that she would not do suck for a buck or carry around any sort of falice. She also said she wouldn't wear anything that said bachelorette on it...we'll see about that one.
  5. Quote: Originally Posted by Tlseege Oh, the most fun item on the scavenger hunt was "find a man to serenade you." This guy started singing a song from Top Gun... THE WHOLE BAR JOINED IN!!! And we are talking a huge bar in downtown Milwaukee! Oh my gosh, that is hilarious! Was she embarassed?
  6. Congrats! And like your wedding date by the way...happens to be my b-day
  7. I can't see the picture but it sounds like you need one with a comb attached to it. The comb will tuck into or under your hair securely.
  8. I forgot to mention that her wedding will be in Vegas.
  9. Ok ladies, This Saturday is my best friend's bachelorette party that her sister and I are planning. I need some fun ideas for the night. So far we are meeting at her sister's house for cocktails and dinner, then getting on a party bus for some bar hopping. I'm looking for ideas for games, etc. So far I plan to come up with a "scavenger hunt" full of things the bride-to-be needs to acquire, or do. Any ideas of what I can include... Thanks!!
  10. Wisco4

    Riu Palace

    Hi! Welcome and congrats
  11. 7 weeks is a good chunk of time. What do you have left? Do you have any bridesmaids or family members that can lend a hand?
  12. I believe it is Bienvenido al paraiso, with an accento over the i in paraiso. (slanted dash)
  13. Quote: Originally Posted by NurseSarah OK, this is too hilarious! And so true...here I go adding to it! Where's my pics... me too. (i couldn't resist )
  14. I'm getting my save the dates and invites done by a really talented friend of a friend who just started her own side business. Her website is papertraildesigns.com I'm pretty sure I'm the first DW she's done but she has been awesome so far. And really reasonable. You just give her your budget and she works with it. She'll come up with 3 or more different design ideas for you to look at, use, revise, etc. I highly recommend her.
  15. Quote: Originally Posted by tvt thanks! Wedding Websites - Tara & Joe I just checked it out, it's awesome!
  16. Wisco4


    Welcome! That's so cool of you to help her plan. You'll find a lot of useful info here. And I agree...have her join too!
  17. Quote: Originally Posted by foxytv I'm also going to price dryer sheets and perhaps give those in cute little bags. Dryer sheets are fabulous to rub on mosquito bites to take away the itch ... and they smell great. I've actually heard that putting a dryer sheet in your pocket will keep the skeeters away. Never tried it though.
  18. Quote: Originally Posted by Chiquita Great idea.. anyone know if Maui gets alot of bugs? I was there in February and they weren't bad. Not sure about November though.
  19. Girls, I just bought these initialed luggage tags for my BMs. They normally sell for $20 but I got them for $8.99! And they are my colors! Since I haven't asked anyone (except for my MOH) to be in the wedding I thought I would wrap and give them with a note (in place of the address info) asking them to be a part of my wedding. Thought I'd share the good deal I found...but just know that some letters aren't available. Amazon.com: luggage tag: Apparel
  20. Have you looked at the Watters collection yet? I love their dresses.
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