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Everything posted by beckyandbrian

  1. Quote: Originally Posted by PaulaV Very cool! May I ask where you bought the plastic tag itself? I was looking at laminating stuff earlier today, but these look much more sturdy. I was thinking of laminating, also, but ended up being so happy that I found these online. They are an extremely sturdy hard plastic. They fit a business card sized piece of paper (I used blank business card stock that I purchased at WalMart). They have a clear plastic cover that slides in over the top of the card and it all stays in place with the luggage tag strap that you tie on. Your guests can take the strap off and pull out the card to write their info on the back and then put it back in. That's why I ended up doing this instead of laminating. The link to the place I purchased them is below & the best part - the price: $39.95 for 100! I purchased the straps on ebay for $6.25 for 100. Luggage Tag 1840-620 Colored Molded Rigid Plastic
  2. Quote: Originally Posted by beachbride I love love love them!!!! They are awesome!!! Thank you so much! I wasn't sure how they were going to turn out, but I really am happy with them in the end. Thanks again!
  3. I finally have finished my STD's and they are in the mail. I am so glad to be done with it. Below is a link to view them in photobucket. On to the next task.... Image of Save The Date 1 - Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting
  4. Go to Macy's. They were having a huge sale (70% off) last week. We bought his suit there a week ago - last Thursday - and saved so much $$! They had quite a few to choose from actually. They had one by I.N.C that was nice. We ended up purchasing a really great Perry Ellis suit and paid $40 for the jacket and $17 for the pants! The pants were slightly long, but we are just going to hem them. Definitely check out Macy's soon because I'm sure they will go fast.
  5. I have thought about doing a religious/non-legal ceremony, but we really want that moment to be the first moment we say our vows. It's really important for us to make sure we have the legal/civil ceremony. As far as the later reception, that is definitely an option. I just don't know what to do with my guests for 2 1/2 hours between the ceremony & reception....
  6. Okay...I need a little help. When I booked my wedding date at The Royal Playa Del Carmen, the WC told me that the latest time that they allow civil/legal ceremonies is 2pm. So, that is the time that I set my wedding for. I then found out through another site that a girl that I had been emailing back & forth with was married there in April and married in a civil ceremony at 4pm. I contacted the WC and she said that this is a new rule for all weddings booked after January 1, 2007 - just my luck! My concern is that with our ceremony on the beach at 2pm and our reception also on the beach at 4pm, the heat may be a little too much?? Also, I am a little worried about photographs and the lighting. Our reception is a max of 4 hrs also, which means it will only last until 8pm so I'm a little worried on what to do afterwards?? My question is what time everyone has or will be married and if anyone has done a wedding around this time with the reception afterwards and if they had any issues & how it turned out?? I'm hoping b/c it is in March that the heat won't be as bad, but now I'm worried - I feel like I am stressing over EVERY detail!
  7. I am a notary and the stamp is definitely normal. But, I do have a thought... if they come back demanding the seal, the notary you used should be able to get what we (in my line of business - real estate) refer to as a "generalized" seal which is just basically a state seal for whichever state you are in. That generalized seal is an actual embossed seal on the document, but it is not specific to any certain notary and doesn't show that notary's name or expiration date as a stamp does, it is just specific to the state. So, if it comes down to it, they could return the originals to you (or you could do new originals) and that notary could use that generalized seal along with their name specific stamp. Hope that helps:) I know how stressfull all of these little details are!
  8. date: March 1, 2008 place of ceremony: beach @ The Royal Playa Del Carmen place of reception: beach @ The Royal Play Del Carmen package: Royal All-Inclusive food: not sure yet dj: not sure yet...we are bringing our ipod though photographer: Elizabeth Medina videographer: not sure flowers: not sure
  9. That is absolutely wrong!! Yes, you have every right to be upset and you should be! It is hard enough when guests want to stay at another hotel because you worry about accomodating them & spending time with them if they are not at your hotel or resort. We're not having a wedding party, but my sister is telling me that they are going to stay at another hotel as is my FI's parents (if they go now!! - whole other story) and I was extremely upset and hurt at first, but just realized that there was nothing I can do about it and it would only inconvenience them because I won't be running around to vist every guest at every hotel - that is for sure. The worst thing about your situation is not only are they a part of your wedding party which makes it quite difficult, you have paid for their flights!?! You guys are absolute saints and your MOH should be sooooo grateful that you are helping at all. Just remember this: you will not and cannot please everyone...just please yourselves! It's YOUR day! Hang in there, Becky
  10. Okay...so I finally figured out how to create my own Save The Dates and Monogram, but now I have no idea what I did. I have a large initial as the monogram using Goudy Initialen as the font. Then, I created a text box to write our first names over top of the large initial and also the date and location. Everything looks perfect when I view it on the screen, but when I print it, the initial is nowhere to be found. It just shows our names and the date and location on a white background instead of over the initial?? I am so confused & have tried this in both Word and Publisher - same issue on both! Anyone that knows what I am doing wrong, please help!! Thanks, Becky
  11. Hi everyone. I am trying my best to lower as many costs as possible and thought I would take a stab and making my own STD's. I love the luggage tag ideas and found that you can buy the clear luggage tag holders and Staples or Office Max. I think that a normal business card template would be the correct size, but I am having some issues trying to create them. I am also trying to creat a logo and have tried using Microsoft Word, Microsoft Publisher, Excel, etc. and can't seem to get it right. All of my logos end up looking so cheesy! Where is everyone getting the backgrounds and the monograms that look so nice?? All of the clip art I can find is kind of goofy & doesn't look so classy. Any help would be greatly appreciated! On a side note, I am a brand new member and every time that I try to open an attachment on previous posts, it tells me that I don't have enought points?? Do I just get points by participating? Sorry for asking such a stupid question, but I have no idea what I'm doing on here!! Thanks, Becky
  12. Hi everyone! I am getting married at The Royal Playa Del Carmen on March 1, 2008. I just came across this forum and am very excited to talk to other brides or brides-to-be about everything. If anyone has married there or plans to marry there, please let me know. I appreciate any and all info I can receive. I am also trying to determine my photographer now, so all input is welcome. ~Becky
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