We don't decorate much for christmas. last year we didn't do anything at all. our place is small so we don't have room to store decorations and if we put stuff out it would be in the way. once we have a house, I'll definitly decorate.
I do have one decoration out this year.
When i was home for thanksgiving, my SIL was looking through my mom's ornaments. my mom only does a very small tree now, so all of the ornaments we've had since we were kids are kept in boxes. This will be my bro & SIL's first christmas in their house, so they are taking some of my mom's old decorations for this year.
She asked if I wanted any of them. The only ornament that popped in my head that I really loved as a kid was a castle with topiaries in the front of it. I described it as this beautiful, magestic ornament. I used to lay next to the tree & stare at it. Any time I see topiaries, I get that warm & fuzzy holiday feeling.
After looking through some boxes my SIL found it. Ready to see the amazing, magestic castle i remembered from my childhood?
hmm, not as fancy as I remembered. But, i really liked pink as a kid so maybe that's why I was so drawn to it.