Quote: Originally Posted by jean-marcus ya. its very tough to take a webimage from 72dpi and make it print quality unless the image is large enough to begin with. if you bump up the DPI to 150-300 it will be print quality but it will retain the original pixelation from being at the lower resolution. you can try and cheat that by doing noise reduction in adobe light room or photoshop. IF you have the original file though you should be able to make that no problem. and trust me. ive been using photoshop for 12 years now and i know 10% of what it can do hahahaha. its really endless. PM me if you have any questiosn. i love geeking out over photoshop and photography questions great to have a new photoshopper on the forum. I've been using it for many years, but never to do a lot of things. I've just started trying to learn new things with photoshop & it has been a lot of fun. I have so much to learn.
This photobook turned out great. I used the artistic effects to cover up that the images started off low resolution. They looked fuzzy in on my screen (like above the mountains) but they printed great. I used the cutout effect a little too much because it was the only one that didn't show any fuzziness. Turns out I didn't need to do that.
I gave it to her at her rehersal dinner & she really liked it. This is her telling her husband what all the pictures were of
Ideally, I would have the high resolution images, but I knew she wouldn't have time to send them to me. It also wouldn't have been a surprise then.