First a little background (I'll TRY and make it short!) My Mom died 3 years ago, and my Dad gave me her wedding rings. She had 2, her original ring and band, and the one he gave her for their 25th anniversary (he had taken a couple diamonds from the original for the new one). So I've had the rings in a box, not sure what to do with them. Until this year.... my Dad died in March. My sister told me she wanted my Mom's original rings, and wanted to put rubies in the spaces where my Dad had taken the diamonds out. I decided to take the other ring and have it coated with white gold since it was yellow and I don't wear yellow gold. My fiance jokingly said, hey we could use that for your engagement ring... At first I said no. But then I thought about it and decided I loved the idea. So I had the ring for a couple months, but I told him I wasn't going to wear it until he officially asked me and it better be creative! I bugged him alot...and he was getting annoyed. Finally Memorial weekend, he got up one morning and asked if I could watch his daughter while he went and did some "stuff". He was being weird, but I brushed it off and said we'd be at the pool. He came up a couple hours later with a beautiful red rose and the Sunday paper which he knows I love for the ads. He sat down and started talking...I was still sort of reading a book. Finally he said are you sure you want to spend the rest of your life with me (so I started to pay attention )? I said yeah....he said again, Are you really sure and took out a box. He had bought me diamond earrings since he didn't have to buy the ring. I wasn't expecting it, but he knew we were going to see my family later in the day for a picnic and thought it'd be a perfect day to tell them all. So it wasn't the creative, romantic proposal I had in my head...but it was simple and sweet and ended up being perfect! And we are getting married on what would've been my parents 50th anniversary so it should be a great day! Sorry so long!!!!!