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Everything posted by Alyssa

  1. Quote: Originally Posted by nicole8 Hi I am new to this fourm and noticed that there were a few people from england and the UK posting on here. I herad when I was in Jamaica that going from the UK to Jamaica is quite cheap compared to leaving from Canada. I googled this travel company called Thomson and tried to get a email for a TA but came up with nothing. I just had a few questions for a TA and was wondering if someone had a email for one of them so I could get some answers. Any information would be great sorry for kind of posting this in the wrong thread but didn't know where else to ask. Nicole - if you click on the flashing banners on the top of the page they say "Contact a BDW travel agent" and then the names of the agents in different colors it will take you to a form and one of them will contact you.
  2. Quote: Originally Posted by msjesslee You're wedding video made me cry! I loved all your pictures. The water shots are a bit ... amazing! Did you and your husband actually get in the water?? Thanks!!! i heart our wedding slideshow too we did get in the water - it was fun! it didn't hurt that the pool was a heated salt water pool - it felt great!
  3. Quote: Originally Posted by sdtooley Your pictures are beautiful! I loved your tables at the reception. Did you buy the table runners and take them with you or did they have them at the resort? if you bought them, do you remember where you got them from? Thanks:) Thanks! I bought the runners on Ebay - i don't remember the seller. i brought them home and then sold them to another bride! i would try searching for "bamboo table runners" or "wood table runners" good luck!!
  4. Quote: Originally Posted by H&F Alyssa, your photo slideshow is so beautiful! I remember from your planning thread that you said you had to move locations & I can't imagine you finding a more stunning location! It looks so peaceful and romantic. Who sings the first song on your slideshow and what is it called. I love it! thanks! It is "Better Together" by Jack Johnson not only do i love the song but Jack Johnson is Hawaiian so i loved that aspect of it!
  5. Marie Congrats!!!!! i want to see some pics of all this crazinesss!
  6. there are a couple great invitation vendors on here - almost all of them were DW brides first!!!
  7. Thank you!!! we LOVED Kona Village - it was AMAZING! I really hope the WC can work it out for you with the marriage license
  8. where are you getting married? our venue took care of this for us and we did it all in their office!
  9. i think $200 is a lot! also did he tell you before the shoot you would have to pay that? and he should upload them ALL to an online gallery for you to view before you purchase them. my photog gave me an edited disc with hundreds of pics in print quality but it was part of my package. --- maybe it's just me but i feel like this guy put this ad out there for a "free" session but jacked up the price of the disc so really the session isn't free KWIM?
  10. Kelsea, Click on the red FAQ link in my siggy and it will explain all the rules and how to of the forum. thanks!
  11. i love the idea - i hosted a bridal shower and i got handmade soaps and then wrapped them with decorative paper and made little tags that said "From xxxxx's Shower to Yours!" and people LOVED it!
  12. Carly - do you use Greek yogurt? regular plain? low fat or whole milk? (i am a detail freak -sorry!)
  13. Phila Flea Markets This is AWESOME - there are 8 Flea Markets in Philly this summer and fall - they are not typical Flea Markets - I have gotten some amazing stuff for nothing. they have some junk like any flea market but think more vintage, cool and unique types of things! I hope they are as good this year! Anyway, just wanted to share
  14. hhhmmm? so you think it is the probiotics in the yogurt? Mabel is a mad farter - no joke!
  15. OMG thank you thank you thank you for the thread - the Dyson came yesterday and I LOVE IT - we have been vaccuuming non-stop - holy shit - my house is dirty!!!!! THANKS!!!
  16. We have 100% our finances combined - we combined everything about 3 years into our relationship, before we were even engaged. we used to have 2 seperate checking accounts for misc. spending and gifts for eachother but we haven't been using them at all.
  17. Yamille - nice job girl!!! wow! i especially love the special touches on your BD book - i am so excited for you and that the stupid swine flu didn't ruin your wedding! big year and congrats on being done school as well!
  18. Quote: Originally Posted by zethers So I know this thread is almost a year old, but if Beck's if you're still around and you still read these threads, just wanted to say "Thank You" for helping me out. I always come back to your post for inspiration, ideas, and help!! Thank you, thank you!! i just have to say that is so sweet!!!
  19. i am bummed about Lipstick Jungle too!!! that was like my mini sex and the city! as for Law & Order's, CSI's and Criminal Minds - they will definitely pick those up! those shows are the BEST!
  20. Wow! everything really looks AMAZING!!! great job i can't wait for your wedding pics and to see everything come together!
  21. Homepage | WeightView: Virtual Weight Loss check this site out - you upload a pic of yourself at your fattiest and within 72 hours they send you a pic of what you would look like if you lost whatever amount of weight you are trying to lose. pretty cool!
  22. Girl!!!! your wedding is going to be amazing - you have great taste and an awesome sense of style - the only problem is i wish i was going to be there ROFL! congrats - you really outdid yourself
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