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Everything posted by Alyssa

  1. Maria, i have never heard of this but i can imagine that you are stressed out and worried! i definitely think she should stalk for an appt - 4 months?? wth!
  2. OMG she is HORRIBLE and seriously needs to be put in her place. I think you should send a pre-emptive email to your whole family letting them know that it is safe, why and they you and your FI would NEVER put yourselves or your family in danger. that your Aunt is on a rampage and will most likely be contacting everyone with negative information that is NOT based on the truth so you are giving them a heads up blah blah blah. p.s. i will move this for you
  3. Quote: Originally Posted by ecox125 I posted a couple threads today on this board and now they are gone...any ideas as to where they might have gone. One was a review of Excellence and the other was a thread for a link to our wedding pics. Why would someone remove the posts? http://bestdestinationwedding.com/forum/t44364 Your posts were merged and moved to the correct sub-folder. I also just moved this thread from the D.R. forum. Please read the forum rules and FAQ (see red link in my siggy) before posting or replying to anymore threads. Thanks and good luck!
  4. girls i haven't been posting on this thread b/c i have been a week behind on the shows but my cuz and i are all caught up . ok - Wes? seriously - he is gross and has dirtbag written all over him. i refuse to even click on his website b/c i don't want to increase the traffic. what an F'ing loser Ed - OMG he was the best one but i would really like to know what happened with his job. that sucked!
  5. Angie, i have to agree - i think this is tacky as well. if you are hosting these people for dinner i think you should take care of the whole dinner. what about just serving wine and beer? that is usually much cheaper than an open bar and totally acceptable? that way you are providing 'something' unlimited and if people want drinks and not wine or beer they can buy their own drinks??
  6. Quote: Originally Posted by Sayulita Wedding Planner Just happy to get married soon in beautiful sayulita..would love to share ideas and info!! Hi and welcome to the forum - your username and location suggests that you are a wedding planner. if so, please read our vendor rules and different types of vendor accounts before posting anything else. Best Destination Wedding Forum - Announcements in Forum : Newbies!! Thanks, bdw mods
  7. i had teal BM dresses and we had the GM wear tan. we asked all of our guests to wear shades of cream, tan, white and beige. check out my pro pics slideshow and you can see how everyone looked.
  8. Quote: Originally Posted by Seven DH and I TTC right now and hope it will happen within 1-3 months. Has anyone ever done this? Our renenwal is going to happen in November 2010 (no actual day yet, LOL) and I figure it would give be a good 5-7 months to get back into shape. I work well under pressure so I know I'd be in fighting shape by the time I walk down the sand. Any tips? Advice? Smack upside the head? I can take it! well if you are already married and have kids and just having a renewal i am sure none of your guests would be surprised if you added a new family member - theoretically you could just wait to set the date and see when you pregnant.
  9. thanks for the recommendations so far!!! Lizz - do you mind telling me how much you paid?
  10. ladies, we need a new sofa - we currently have 5 piece sectional and really like it but some of the cusion covers got damaged by washing (supposed to be dry clean only lol) yikes. anyway i am wondering if anyone has good recommendations for a good quality but affordable sofa? Thanks
  11. NYT: School tests $125,000-a-year teachers - The New York Times- msnbc.com Wow - i love this idea and can't wait to see how it progresses!!
  12. Hi Ladies, I am in a wedding this coming September and the bride is going to ask us all to buy our own dresses in this specific color - has anyone seen any BM dresses on here like this? (i did search but didn't find any ) any good ideas? i looked at J.Crew but they only have a gray color and they are expensive!! Alyssa
  13. OMG Jac your flowers were unbelievable! Danielle did an amazing job on the pics and you made such a gorgeous bride!!! xoxo
  14. Bisha - what local photog did you go with? how cool!!!
  15. Wow that is AWESOME!!!!! congrats and definitley get the locks changed and a security system ASAP b/c it sounds like the owners are freaks! can't wait to see pics
  16. Quote: Originally Posted by carly Can't wait to schedule my par-tay! me too Carly - i'm like this ! and thanks girls i appreciate all of your support!
  17. Quote: Originally Posted by tylersgirl I have a quick question. Do your guests mail in their jewelry before the party and then they get the check at the party? Or do they bring the jewelry to the party and then you mail them the check later? no, they bring their jewelry to the party, it gets valued and they leave with a check on the spot!
  18. Hi Ladies! I want to introduce you all to my new business venture - "Pretty Penny Parties" Pretty Penny Party - Parties that Pay! Sell Your Gold Jewelry and make money!. Founded in 2009, Pretty Penny … parties that pay! is a revolutionary home party concept that allows friends and family to come together, enjoy each other’s company and make money by selling your old and unwanted Gold, Silver and Platinum in a safe and fun setting! Party Hostesses earn cash for hanging out with their friends and Party Guests leave the party with cash for their old, out-dated and unwanted jewelry - imagine a home party where NO ONE has to buy anything!!! We launched last week and at our first party - one of the guests walked away with a check for $686 and anther with a check for $546 - these girls thought their "old junk" would be worth $50 or $100!!!! Feel free to ask any questions in this thread or check out our website for more detailed info! Thanks Alyssa ------------------------------------ November 9th, 2009 ***HOLIDAY SPECIAL for November and December 2009*** DUE TO A LARGE NUMBER OF REQUESTS WE ARE NOW ACCEPTING MAIL IN JEWELRY FOR THE MONTHS OF NOVEMBER AND DECEMBER. THIS MEANS YOU CAN MAIL US YOUR OLD JUNK AND RECEIVE A CHECK BACK - EARN SOME EXTRA HOLIDAY MONEY WITHOUT LEAVING YOUR HOUSE!!! Hi Everyone! We are offering a Holiday Special which is to allow people to mail us in their jewelry for an assessment of value instead of having to have a party. So many of our clients are looking to make extra money this Holiday Season and aren't sure they can pull together a party b/c of schedule committments around the Holidays / Holiday Events. Email [email protected] for details on how / where to send your stuff and how the process works if you are interested! Thanks Everyone, Alyssa
  19. OMG Ann i am so glad you are leaning toward doing it - that is soooo exciting!!!! K's cousins just came back from living in Munich for 18 months and they had a baby - they are so glad they did it and got to explore and experience so many amazing things as a family!!
  20. Thanks girls!!!! We had an awesome day - a huge picnic, perfect weather and great friends!!! i love when my birthday falls on a weekend! xoxox
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