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Everything posted by Alyssa

  1. Ann - i don't think you said anything "weird" - i think that response was WERID if anything. in regards to the ring - i always let my friends try my rings on - and vice versa - it is fun and sometimes it is nice to see what your ring(s) look like on someone else b/c you are always looking down at them which is a warped point of view. at my bach party we were in the pool all day drinking for one of the days and i made my cousin wear my e-ring for like 4 hours b/c she was napping and drinking champagne out of the pool - my jeweler drilled in my head that long term chlorine would be bad for the type of ring i have. she didn't want to give it back - it was kind of funny! plus i am not that superstitious and my relationship with my DH is not dependent on a material object - i would rather lose my rings ANY DAY than lose my DH - they are replaceable material objects.
  2. Quote: Originally Posted by isaidyes I've read in a # of posts people saying they've posted their review in the "reviews" section...where is it? I can't find it. Thanks this is the reviews section http://bestdestinationwedding.com/forum/f77/ it is for all reviews not just ROR you can click on this section and then search within this section for ROR. Alyssa P.S. i moved this thread to the appropriate subforum for you
  3. Quote: Originally Posted by TA Jennifer Choosing your resort can be the hardest decision for a destination wedding bride or a couple looking to honeymoon! There are so many choices and each offer such different packages, inclusions and extras. Sometimes you have a few questions but it's hard to get a hold of the wedding coordinator. You can't do a site visit but would like to see photo's of the property. If any of those apply to you please join us on one of our monthly Destination Wedding- Honeymoon webinars. Each month the BDW TA's will feature a different resort. Look here for updates and schedules! Hey Jennifer - this is great info! i am going to move this to the Travel forum for you!
  4. Carly, that is cute! check out this thread i started last year http://bestdestinationwedding.com/fo...favorite+sauce there are lots of cool ideas! Also, there is a "hot sauce store" in New Hope, PA that isn't too far from you - they sell EVERYTHING and some hard to find varieties! A xo
  5. Heather - your planning thread is AWESOME - i can NOT wait to see your wedding come together - everything is so classy and elegant but still quirky and fun! you look gorgeous! CONGRATS! and enjoy Kona Village
  6. Quote: Originally Posted by bholthof As I said before - I would have emailed it to myself, but my extremely slow computer which the document is on crashed and I didn't want to wait for it. Its not a dumb system, I think it makes a lot of sense to only let those who contribute use the resources. So again, thank you both for clarifying - I'll be fine without it, and I'll just have to wait until I get home to get the darn file off my own computer. I just assumed (incorrectly) that files that I post I would be able to download and open, particularly since it seems like the forum keeps track of who posts which files. (in user CP) Since the forum doesn't, it makes some sense that the post number then comes into effect. I'm wondering if maybe the files I was able to open were ones from before the change occured. Maybe that explains how I was able to open a lot of them. And people get frustrated with having to post 150 times because the vast majority of those first 150 posts are going to be meaningless comments. I don't know about other people, but I know that if I am going to comment on something, I want it to be actually contributing to the conversation - not just a random comment made to up my post numbers. I also only want to post if my topic a) hasn't been already covered, which normally it has, so I don't have to post, I only have to creep what other people have already discussed. This keeps the number of duplicate posts down, but does limit the number of posts I can make. or I only want to post if I have a question about something taht either hasn't been covered, or if I want further clarification. And finally c) I will post only if I feel I am giving a valid point or support to another persons question or post. Jeepers. I wasn't complaining about how the forum was run, I just wanted to know why I couldn't open an attachement I had posted. P.S. I'm having a bad day. Sorry if I am being mean/rude or something. I don't mean to be. that all makes sense. if you want to PM me a link to your document and your email i will open it and send it to you
  7. plus i meant to add that originally my friend asked me to buy a maternity BM dress for $270 and i said No b/c i didn't know what size to special order, i also thought it was a complete waste of $. i am SO GLAD i didnt do that b/c it wouldhave cost a fortune in alterations no matter what!
  8. I was just a BM in a wedding 2 weeks ago and was 21 weeks preggo at the time of the event. It was not a DW but an outdoor garden wedding where the bride wanted the bridal party dressed pretty formally. it was NOT easy trying to guess what size i would be - i wound up having my cousin make me a BM dress in the color and material of another one of the dresses. so she makes the dress and then the week before the wedding i had a total growth spurt and she had to alter everything - the bust was too tight. i would suggest selecting a color and letting the girls buy their own dresses or a versatile dress like the convertible dress from Victoria's Secret. is your MOH small or bigger to tstart with? it really matters if she will be all belly or not - i am not huge in the belly but my ass and breasts have changed A LOT! plus all this is assuming she gets pregnant right away she might not get preggo for a year or she could only be 3 months at he time of your DW. good luck!
  9. well there is a Platinum Vendors list http://bestdestinationwedding.com/fo...rs-list-40697/ but none of the regular vendors are on it! i wouold suggest using the "search" function and play with it with different words and you will find photogs that have photographed in the bahamas and you can contact them!
  10. we are all having this too - the Mods are looking into and hopefully we can fix it soon! thanks
  11. Quote: Originally Posted by finzup Oops didn't see that... I still kind of think though a whole subforum might be good because then each "store" would get it's own title and you wouldn't have to look through a giant thread for a particular store.. indexing an entire subforum for shopping and coupons is a lot of work and since it is not wedding related doesn't really make sense for BDW. i suggest using the search like Ann suggested above and you can look for whatever store you want - also make sure to subscribe to the coupon thread!
  12. Hi, we actually have a thread dedicated to "deals and coupons" http://bestdestinationwedding.com/fo...ghlight=coupon thanks, Alyssa
  13. hhhmm well even with the new info i would still do #1 - especially if your FI has reservations
  14. Heather - personally i like the first but i think it could be offensive to some people and the 2nd is just as cool and i don't think boring at all! also the 1st one while funny is a bit busy looking. long post but i say definitely #2!
  15. Quote: Originally Posted by ~Andrea~ Alyssa and Ann, did you get the small or large Abby? actually i think we got the small - the Abby - at the time we were ordering i didn't see the large as an option. but for me i wouldn't have gotten the large anyway - the one i got is perfect and i HATE huge bags. Ann, how are you liking the zipper? Alyssa, do you feel like things will be safe enough with the snap closure? My only concern with snaps is having items that would usually be in my purse fall out. well i am usually all about zippers but the way they have the snaps on this nothing is coming out - it is really secure- i have tested it a few times and stuffed it lol Thanks for the recommendation! Both of your bags are adorable! yep! they are great vendors - i am really happy with it!
  16. what a great review - thanks for being so honest! i know future Kauai brides will really appreciate it
  17. aaaaawwwwww Go Roja!!! she is such a cutie pie!
  18. i don't think any TA's get paid by booking only airline - you are better off using an online site or calling the airlines and getting a group rate and then email the code out to your guests
  19. that sucks i have to say i am pregnant and i would never take an infant to a fancy restaurant unless he/she was well behaved - if the baby had a meltdown in the middle of the place either me or my DH would have to take it outside / to the car until it calmed down. and i don't really have a problem with "adults only restaurants" just like their are AI's that are adults only.
  20. Hi ladies, there were 3 threads about this topic so i merged them all. also - i bought my BM's hand-painted sarongs as part of their gifts from me. i bought them on Amazon.com Amazon.com: Hand-painted Flowers on Vivid Pastels: Apparel they had about 4 more colors last year when i bought them - they were $10 each and i bought each girl (6 of them) a different color i paired it with these... Amazon.com: COCONUT SARONG TIES: Apparel i put these in their gift bags with a bunch of other stuff!
  21. those are so cool heather - you are going to make such a beautiful and chic bride!
  22. great thread Erin!!! My DH is a sweetheart and knows how much i HATE doing laundry - even though i work from home and have lots of free time he has been doing ALL of the laundry b/c he doesn't "want his pregnant wife to have to go up and down the basement steps" aawwwww but i feel bad so this AM i asked him to carry down all the dirty clothes and i said i would put some in but i still haven't done it yet
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