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Everything posted by Alyssa

  1. that is so thoughtful and sweet!!!! i love it
  2. thanks Betsy, Melissa and April!!! i have been a bit MIA myself but it is so nice to hear from you guys
  3. great info Heather thank you so much!!! i will let you know if i have any specific questions Alyssa
  4. Quote: Originally Posted by TA Jill I'm not from Maine, but my sister lives there. She got married in Kennebunk at the Nonantum, which was really nice. I can show you some pics if you'd like I would suggest Ogunquit, that's a really nice area. Let me know if you want me to ask my sister for more information if you have an idea of where you're looking, because I know they looked at a lot of places when they were looking. Jill that would be great!!!! i would love to see some pics. they are not set on a particular area at this point but want coastal maine so maybe around portland? any info would be helpful at this point b/c they definitely want to shoot for this august so they need to set a date / book a main place ASAP to start giving peeps notice KWIM?
  5. hola chicas! my BFF just got engaged and is thinking of doing a DW this August in Maine - like a big clambake! does anyone know anything about private home rentals or cool B&B's or Inns or small hotels to take over? thanks!!! Alyssa
  6. i am soooo sorry about this situation! i agree with Carly - maybe you can write to Oprah or Dr. Phil or even one of the local show here in Philly. have you thought about hosting a fundraiser at a local NJ restaurant? you can usually get other local business to donate door prizes and charge like a $20 donation per ticket - i am sure you could get some local news coverage too. good luck with everything!!!
  7. great question Abbie! I have also just begun thinking about this!
  8. i am going to try the perioxide Jen thanks!
  9. April, I am so sorry for your loss Alyssa
  10. Quote: Originally Posted by Abbie idk but does platinum need to be replated or redipped? (like white gold does with rhodium?) Abbie - these are solid platinum earrings and FYI i have never heard of platinum being coated or dipped just white gold (b/c it is not really white KWIM) maybe you need to have them redone?? Quote: Originally Posted by Tlseege Yup, what you described is my ears! If I wear fake earrings they get infected within minutes. It's just lovely Thankfully my sister works for a fine jeweler so I finally have options with my earrings. I too have noticed that some of my normal earrings are now infecting my ears. I clean them, and it still doesn't work. Then I take them to my sister and she cleans them... and all is well. It's something about the way that they clean them that allows me to keep wearing them. I don't thinks he uses any alcohol, just high pressured air and water. Perhaps it's the alcohol that you are also very sensitive to? the alcohol? interesting! Trish - ask your sister what she thinks - this sucks! Quote: Originally Posted by luckygirl Here's an update from the jeweler, sometimes moisture trapped under a piece of jewelry can cause irritation. Do you sleep on your right side or place a headpiece or phone on your right ear? Could it be infected from something like that? The jeweler told me to keep the jewelry off and use neosporin and/ or hydrocortisone. i never sleep with any jewelry on. so sorry about your ring finger that is crazy!
  11. Quote: Originally Posted by Cattie Did you happen to change any type of hair products? I know sometimes if I use cheapo hair stuff and wear my hair down alot my ears bother me. hhhmmm i use all Aveda for my hair and a couple other products that are all natural - i haven't added anything new recently. oh and i forgot to mention that it is ONLY the right earlobe that keeps getting infected AND i have switched the earrings - strange right?
  12. I have had my ears pierced forever (since i was like 1) and my ears are SUPER sensitive. If i wear any earrings that aren't 100% gold or platinum my ears blow up and get infected. it is really annoying and crazy b/c i love jewelry but can't really buy different kinds of earrings b/c the backs are always plated or fake or whatever... so NO silver NO gold plated NO fake SUCKS many years ago my dad bought me a couple pairs of solid platinum hoops to cycle through so i didnt have to worry about the earring thing and knew the backs were ok. i have been wearing them with no problem for years and all the sudden a couple of months ago my ears started getting infected and blowing up - from my platinum earrings. i don't know what to do next or why this is happening but i wear these hoops everyday and feel so naked without them. has this happened to anyone? any advice? this is such a bummer (and yes i have cleaned them multiple times thoroughly with alcohol and soap and everything)
  13. that is pyschotic!!!! what a freak OMG i think you should send an email to all your guests letting them know that a few people asked you for a dress code so you and Francis put one together... make sure it says "please refrain from wearing white..." blah blah seriously if you do it let me know and i will help you write it what a f---king loser
  14. Quote: Originally Posted by BajaBride2010 I feel so conflicted and confused...I am ok until the holidays roll around. He ia not understanding when it comes to where I spend my holidays. He feels like it is a slap in the face, especially when he spent time with my mom and I at Thanksgiving. He questions how can we have a marriage when I choose my mom every time and she has such an impact on our relationship. I hate being in this situation and don't want to have to make the decision. Should a man feel that threatened? As a wife what is within reason to have to give up? I honestly feel that me not having kids and him having 2 that I am already accepting a huge responsibility that is worthy of some lead-way. He has to be close to them so where we live is based on that, which means I have to relocate and find another job in this economy (hopefully it will be better by then)...This is also an area where all his family resides putting me further from my mom (the only family I have). Although she is moving out of state next year, which is going to kill me, lol. Anyway I'm not trying to tout my own horn but I would expect some slack. But in his defense I know he wants me there to support him for his family functions. I got a 2nd e-ring on Christmas so it was the topic of conversation once I arrived. Let me also add that he was married before and she went along with him to all the holiday events and family gatherings...to the extent she still showed up after we started dating supposedly for the kids..yeah right. I guess his expectations have doubled since we got engaged. When I remind him of some of his wrong doing, he replies things are different now. I must admit since the proposal, he has been superman when it comes to me needs and wants, we just can't get the holiday thing right. Well i am probably in the minority here but i tend to agree with your FI. Part of being married and in a partnership is making decisions together NOT choosing one over the other, etc. he bended by spending thanksgiving you should have given in. frankly, i think your mom should join you at his family. you said she is otherwise alone and 'doesn't want to sit with a bunch of people she doesn't know' - that is part of the problem IMHO - how else is she going to get to know them unless she GETS TO KNOW THEM - also they are going to be YOUR family now so why should it be a negative thing?
  15. YouTube - A doggy Christmas surprise This is SO freaking cute - these dogs are amazing!!!!
  16. Oh Jenn that must be so frustrating here is to hoping for some clarity from the OB AND a big fat positive soon!!!! btw i have missed you on here!
  17. OMG that is horrible!!!! i think their response to you was ridiculous - definitley have your friend follow up that is Fing GROSS! so sorry
  18. this is a really cool contest!!!! i am super excited to follow this one and what a great Christmas present!!
  19. Quote: Originally Posted by princessina Thanks Alyssa, You said you shipped 9 boxes were they huge boxes filled or lightly packed and stuffed for shipping? I'm trying to determine approx. how much its going to be. Even though I have a lot of things, weight wise, they don't weigh that much. Thanks~ most of the boxes were small and packed tight but we had 2 larger ones b/c of their contents, we packed them for shipping with newspaper or peanuts. i used the smallest possible boxes to consolidate and make it easier for our WC to store everything!
  20. she is too cute - 2 pictures are not enough!!!!!
  21. it is the same for packages Morgan. as for time the things i sent USPS took about 1 week but can take up to 2 so make sure you send them early (like 1 month before) and ask your WC to store them
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