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Everything posted by Alyssa

  1. what about having the Westin handle it? either have them give them out at check in OR pay to have them delivered to the rooms that evening.
  2. i have a Brother MFC 440CN. it is new and has been working well. the problem is that the envelopes arent' even getting to the point where the ink is printing on them b/c they are jamming. i am thinking about calling staples or a printing place but i am afraid that willl be $$$$$$$$!
  3. and Congrats! you will get a lot of help - there are a bunch of ROR brides on here!
  4. hi ladies - so it's friday night and we are trying to print our STD envelopes when we should be out enjoying this weather and starting our vacation week - NERDS - HA!!! anyway, the envelopes are a teal color transparent vellum No.10 and my printer is not doing a good job at making it happen. www.envelopemall.com - Detail does anyone have any experience with this or ideas? i definitely do not want to do labels or hand printing and am not going to spring for calligraphy - AAAAHHH!!! thanks and i hope everyone is starting out the long weekens fun!
  5. they have a great hawaiian character - are you thinking hot pink or soft pink (i vote hot pink!)
  6. BDW has definitley become a big one LOL cooking & entertaining decorating & design power yoga walking around the city with and w/out dog reading hanging at the pool or the beach (summer weekends) eating out at new restaurants some things i love but haven't been making the time to do are: writing volunteering painting
  7. i just had Lasik in July and i would have cracked up if i came back to work and saw that - i love it!
  8. Quote: Originally Posted by bre I love that you are going non-traditional. we went with blue and white dresses from Ann Taylor but for Hawaii there are SO many great options!! My one caution with a sarong is that it works as beach wear b/c if it flies open in a breeze you have a bikini bottom on underneath. I would suggest looking for a dressy and YOUNG style muu muu. I know the word sounds scary but if you've been to Hawaii before you'll know what I'm talking about. There are some very good retailers there with beautiful dresses. You should ask you WC for some suggestions. By the way, I'm incredibly jealous that you are getting married there!!! I lived there for five years and always dreamed of getting married there but it was too much to ask our families to travel their from the east coast, especially mine which all made the journey for my college graduation. Best of luck! Aloha, Bre Hi Bre! did you live on Molokai? what do you mean by a mu mu? i am thinking of zip up hoody robes when i hear that!!!!
  9. update: i just passed my 1st week on the Diets-To-Go plan. i lost 4lbs! (and went out to dinner on Sat Night!) the food is still REALLY good and fresh with nice size portions and great variety! i am hooked...
  10. Jen - i really like this one ... i think the colors are nice and i like the spacing of your names between the starfish!
  11. WOW Tami - these are GREAT! - thank you so much!!! PS. FI wanted me to tell you to thank Tom for his service and dedication to our country.
  12. Quote: Originally Posted by jen rau a couple things: #1 if you monitor isn't calibrated you won't see things accurately #2 most printers for that kind of thing need a cmyk color profile, i'm betting your jpeg is set to rgb color profile or some sort, so it would help both see it on a calibrated monitor and to make sure its cmyk. ask the printing company to make sure what color mode they need it in. feel free to pm me if you need more help. i'd be happy to look at the file and convert it if you need. thanks for the offer to help! CM made me another file that is a PNG and that seems to work just fine. but just for info - my monitor is calibrated properly (did a check right away when i saw the JPEG) the JPEG prints differently depending on where you print but the PDF and PNG work ok - the PDF can't be inserted so now that i have the PNG i can do all o fmy DIY stuff!!!!
  13. I am having a pretty large bridal party (7). i really want to buy them their outfits and since we are getting married in Hawaii - i am thinking about getting some really beautiful Hawaiian sarongs (blues and whites) and asking the girls to buy a new white tank (not wife beater style - HA), or tube or halter to go with them. does anyone have any ideas of where to look online? thanks!
  14. I LOVE it!!!!! i might have to copy!!! it is so sexy and romantic!
  15. i am finishing up our save the date's and have a couple of etiquette questions: Who's name goes first if the couple is married? Who's name goes first if the couple is unmarried? i think it is man first if married, female first if unmarried but i can't remember! oh, and then what about married couples who have different last names?
  16. that is such a great story!!!! CONGRATS!!!
  17. aylee gave me them in the the format (PNG) - i just requested the change from CM to PNG as well thanks jill!
  18. has anyone had problems using Creative Montage? i ordered a couple of logos - they are great designs but the colors come up different depending on what program i use to look at them. they also print different (REALLY DIFFERENT in a bad way). i got the logo in both JPEG and PDF - the PDF is fine but i can't insert that anyway - the JPEG is the one i want to use but the colors look really bad. i contacted CM about this and she said the colors were the same and there was nothing she could do?? i was wondering if anyone else experienced this? thanks girlies....
  19. Quote: Originally Posted by MoBride Thanks Lizz and all of you girls that posted. We had a great time! There was a little pre-party drama that I was venting about a few days ago but that got resolved and everything was great. Nine girls met at my cousin's house and had drinks and some food (to fill our bellies and soak up all the booze). Then my sister drove us down the shore (an hour drive) in my Mom's minivan. It was a tight squeeze but the big van and driver we were going to get would have cost $50.00 per girl so it was worht it to squeeze in. My sister decorated the van for us and my cousin had a fun bachelorette party CD playing. We got to my favorite bar (the OD in Sea Isle City) and 12 of my friends that live in that area met us there. All the girls wore their tank tops even though they ran pretty small (I was worried they would be too tight). The tanks were brown and had teal sparkly writing that said Mo's bachelorette Party. Mine said Future Mrs. S*&^&$ on the front and Bride on the back. My cousin gave me a tiara that Bachelorette which I wore all night. She also gave me a pin that looked like a police badge (I'm marrying a cop) but it said Pecker Inspector which I thought was hysterical! And I did grab a few packages and tell them it was because I was the Pecker Inspector! I don't know who in their right mind does that, but I obviously was not in my right mind. So after a few beers and some Jager Bombs I ended up on stage with the band singing and dancing. I can't wait to see the pictures of that! My sister is supposed to email them to me so I will post the funny ones as soon as I can. I had such a fun night. I am so glad everything worked out. Thanks for all of your support when I was venting and all your well wishes yesterday. you girls are the best. that sounds hysterical!! i can't wait to see the pics
  20. !!!! i went to Paradisus Palma Real in D.R. last year and it was BEAUTIFUL!!!! my cousin got married there and it was great! if you go up to the top bar and 'search' for 'domincan republic' you will find a wealth of info!
  21. Quote: Originally Posted by MikkiStreak I'm assuming your logo came from someone like Creative Montage or Aylee? If so, I'd send it back to them to re-work. It might not be possible, depending on whether the image they used was clipart with a white background, or whether they made the artwork themselves. If they used existing clipart from a website, then they might not be able to modify the code. If they created the artwork from scratch, they should be able to change it. I'm not familiar with Photoshop or Illustrator, but those programs might be able to select the space around the artwork and then eliminate the background. Not sure tho... maria - i got logos from both aylee and creative montage - this one is from CM - the girl is on vacation. it's the one that is now my avatar. i am going to send it to attilia - he made my engagement party invites and see if he will help me!!
  22. Quote: Originally Posted by IrieBride08 What's wrong with simly: "Brother of the Bride"? that's what i was thinking! i think keeping it real is cool - "Brother of the Bride" OR if you have a couple brothers "Eldest Brother of the Bride" (that's a little long...)
  23. take a logo that is in JPEG format and make the white background disappear? i am trying to print on colored paper and the white background looks weird!!!
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