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Everything posted by Alyssa

  1. hey ladies, i noticed there were A LOT of members asking for the creator of this template to email it to them - read this thread http://bestdestinationwedding.com/forum/t11197 this is against our rules. also - if anyone sees this happening in any of the template threads - please report the post to the moderators by clicking the "report post" button on the lower left corner of the post - we appreciate it! thanks, bdw mods
  2. hey ladies, i noticed there were A LOT of members asking for the creator of this template to email it to them - read this thread http://bestdestinationwedding.com/forum/t11197 this is against our rules. also - if anyone sees this happening in any of the template threads - please report the post to the moderators by clicking the "report post" button on the lower left corner of the post - we appreciate it! thanks, bdw mods
  3. hey ladies, i noticed there were A LOT of members asking for the creator of this template to email it to them - read this thread http://bestdestinationwedding.com/forum/t11197 this is against our rules. also - if anyone sees this happening in any of the template threads - please report the post to the moderators by clicking the "report post" button on the lower left corner of the post - we appreciate it! thanks, bdw mods
  4. Quote: Originally Posted by CrystalM I'm not going to defend myself, but I will say this: My friend since I was 4 year old is one of them. She was supposed to get married 5 years ago. I was her MOH. I paid $280, YES, $280 dollars for my bridemaid dress, $75 on alterations, $60 for the matching dyeable shoes, and co hosted her bridal shower for $300, all to get to 2 months before the wedding and her "postpone" it cause they couldn't afford it. They have set 3 additional dates and each has come and gone. All the meanwhile, she told me to hang on to the dress and shoes...she *just* got married in April buy doing a JOP wedding. Am I still annoyed by this, absolutely. This is why I think it's tacky. She is worried about being able to afford it now as it is. So for everyone who just laid into me about it, what would you do? It's also not like this was going to be the only thing in the contract....I was planning on spelling out every and any responsibilities such date, times, when to reserve things. I talked to one of the other girls about it today. She thinks it's a good idea. She's also a sm. bus. owner who deals with contracts all day long. well i hear you about what your friend did to you but you shouldn't punish your other friends b/c of someone else's F up. also - being a small business owner is cool but friendships are NOT businesses - they are personal and i can bet your friends will be personally offended by your actions if you ask them to sign contracts, etc. b/c it basically says "i do not trust you" plain and simple lastly, as for 'laying into you' --- you asked what we all thought - the girls are just being honest so please don't take it like you are being attacked - you really did ask everyone's opinion!
  5. i am so glad you were able to get them to honor some of it!!!! awesome
  6. Awesome!!!! you guys look amazing and your attitude is great - you will have fun stories to share with your kids and friends for a LONG time and that is priceless! congrats
  7. OMG yes yes yes you would be a bridezilla (for all the reasons the girls have already listed) and IMO not a very good friend.
  8. Quote: Originally Posted by Jacilynda ya sears will do price match and give an extra 10% off, they have to have it in stock & be able to look up that price! Alyssa I would call again and maybe you'll get someone else and tell them you know people who have gotten the discount and a vacuum is not an electronic! i got it!!! i called and they gave me the additional discount over the phone - thanks girls - i am super excited!!!! the dyson came out to $229 + shipping $21 and tax - SUPER AMAZING DEAL!
  9. Quote: Originally Posted by Jacilynda Its not working online? I know when you use your macys card you have to put the promo in on the "choose a payment method" page cause this code is only valid w/ a macys card. But it should automatically go in your cart and deduct $50. Does it do that? yes the $50 is auto deducted regardless of if you use a macy's card so with tax and shipping it is like $289 but i wanted to use the macy's card 20% code which is FRS8K7ET38P and it won't process it online. when i called the woman said that code is not good for electronics??
  10. Quote: Originally Posted by Jacilynda I love my dyson, I use it multiple times a day on hard wood, carpet, rugs, and for cobwebs! Here is a great deal on the slimline for $249!!!! Its normally $520! Macy's is having a close out on them for $299.99 $50 off when you add to cart Then if you are a Macys card holder you can get another 20% off $100 w/ code: FRS8K7ET38P Macy's - Clothing, Shoes, Bed & Bath, Kitchen, Beauty Brands & Sunglasses Quote: Originally Posted by whitni UPDATE: I just called and ordered it for my mom, after the discounts were applied and shipping/tax was included I only ended up paying $247.00!!! If you call to order it by phone they won't let you use the promo code for your macy's card, but if you tell them "your friend" did it online then they'll be able to do it as well. That's what I did and it worked for me. Thank you so much for sharing this!! so i just tried to buy it and it wouldn't let me use the coupon code and i called macy's and the woman i spoke to wouldn't apply the coupon what did you girls say to get them to apply the coupon?
  11. http://www.theanimalrescuesite.com/c...lafriend_email for all the dog lovers out there - please take a minute to sign this and send to your friends and family! Thanks girls
  12. so i just watched the first episode of RH of NJ and I thought it sucked! those women were drama just to be drama and so low class and gross. i thought that Jacklyn was nice but I am definitley not watching the rest of the season - i really didn't like it!
  13. do you think it is best to wait and get the 'ball' one?
  14. hhhhmmm i don't see it - the only Dyson's that come up are all like $400 and $500 i want it!!!
  15. Hi Tata, I merged this thread with the one like it you posted in General Wedding - please do not post the same thread in multiple sections of the forum. Click on the red link in my signature to re-read the FAQ and forum etiquette before posting any more threads or replying to anything else. Thanks, Alyssa
  16. you still have plenty of time! i am all about letting them pick their own dresses in the same color, not spending too much $ and trying to get something that they will all want to wear again and feel comfortable in. i went with the Victoria's Secret 7 in 1 dress in Teal - each BM wore it in a way she felt most comfy and they were less than $100 each!
  17. Quote: Originally Posted by jrprice24 So I need some opinions on my MOH situation. I have a MOH who is my best friend and I was her MOH. She has decided that she is going to start trying to get pregnant in June which would make her 6mos pregnant at our wedding in January and 9 mos at our AHR in March. IF - huge IF she even gets pregnant right away. I feel selfish but at the same time I want her to be my MOH and be involved in all the parties and festivities at go on for a wedding. We also have a very good friend getting married in September so she is planning on missing out on her bach party and wedding too. I thought that once she heard that our friend was getting married that she might wait. It's only 6 months difference and she has a 1yr old at home now and he will turn 2 next March, when she plans on having the 2nd. It's not much different to YOU but it is her life and why can't she be involved in the festivities if she is pregnant? wth? I am afraid for her going to Mexico being pregnant b/c who knows what might happen- Hep A, pre-term labor, etc. I don't want to upset her but at the same time I would like to say something to her but I'm just not sure what b/c it is putting a barrier up between us. she is a grown woman - if she is OK with it - it's not up to you This has made us in limbo for our wedding party. I ended up asking another bridesmaid b/c I am afraid that she won't be able to go. We aren't asking another guy yet b/c we are waiting to see if she goes(we currently have 1 guy & 2 girls). I feel like the idea isn't up for discussion and she is not even questioning getting pregnant. HELP! Should I say something to her or am I being selfish? Thanks in advance! Jessica Eek - IMO it is soooooo selfish - i wouldn't say anything to her. People can not put their lives on hold b/c of your wedding - it's not like she would due that month -IF she got preggo right away she would six months - i really don't even see how that affects you? seriously, i know when we are all in bride mode the world seems a lot less important than the wedding but you need to get a bit of perspective and remember that life goes on and having a child is a blessing.
  18. those are so cute but holy shiz i think they are expensive!! i wish there was a DD cheaper one!
  19. no problem! just read the FAQ anywhere there are so many little things it will help with! i found some threads for you - i found a lot more searching "tensing" than the 2 words together... http://bestdestinationwedding.com/fo...hlight=tensing http://bestdestinationwedding.com/fo...hlight=tensing http://bestdestinationwedding.com/fo...hlight=tensing http://bestdestinationwedding.com/fo...hlight=tensing http://bestdestinationwedding.com/fo...hlight=tensing http://bestdestinationwedding.com/fo...hlight=tensing http://bestdestinationwedding.com/fo...hlight=tensing http://bestdestinationwedding.com/fo...hlight=tensing
  20. bumping as the May 1st deadline has passed and we are now in the process of deleting signatures and bringing everyone up to speed. make sure to read and comply!!!
  21. Please re-read the FAQ (see red link below in signature) to learn how to use the forum before posting anything else. Also, if you search the Jamaica forum - you will find tons of threads on Tensing Pen. Thanks, Alyssa
  22. seriously there is sort of crack - major MSG - that stuff totally tricks your tastebuds!!!
  23. April, i did not read what anyone else put but i think #6. i like all the earrings but not for a wedding - they are more for jeans and a t-shirt or cute sundress, #6 has a more elegant look and the silver balls have a shimmer that i think will look pearlesenct (sp?) and beautiful!
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