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Everything posted by pouchie

  1. Thank You!!! I will be sure to post all the details when I get back!
  2. Quote: Originally Posted by jmhein WOW! Five days until you leave Pouchie, how exciting!!! I know I am starting to freak out!!! hehehe just so much to remember to pack. I bet the charges to get my luggage on the plane will be more then my wedding package!!LOL
  3. I leave in 5 days. We decided to fly our own photographer down with us for the week. I am not paying Michael the $200.00. I don't think it is fair to have to pay $200.00 for breaking a contract when I didn't have on in the first place. I will let you know how this works when I get back!!!
  4. Quote: Originally Posted by md_ocr Hi Lizz. I posted this question in pouchie's thread also... I'm worried. I arrive in JA on a Tuesday, but my wedding isn't until that Saturday. Between the transit time of their shipping to my home and then my travel to JA ,will the flowers still be/look fresh? How long do they normally last? Where are you getting your flowers? Are you having them delivered days before your wedding? If you are having them delivered the day of your wedding I am sure they will still be in perfect shape.
  5. Quote: Originally Posted by Saraha I am not going to be any help.... but I keep forgetting to tell you im in love with your engagement picture, its sooooo cute! Thank You!! We had so much fun doing them!!
  6. For my something old I have a hankerchief passed down from my mom and grandmother.
  7. Thanks for all the great ideas ladies!!! Hopels I can't wait to hear all about it. You must be so excited!! Yay!! I am excited for you.
  8. Quote: Originally Posted by jmhein Pouchie, where are you having your welcome mixer? I haven't decided yet. I thought I would get out there and see which bar would work best for 60 people. I didn't want to pay to have the mixer, $10.00 per person adds up fast. Are you having one when you get down there??
  9. These are my place cards does anyone have any ideas of what I can do for table number. Something simple I leave for Jamaica in 2 weeks and don't have alot of time. Any ideas would be greatly appreciated.
  10. We are doing the same thing. We are having a welcome mixer the day after everyone arrives so we can hand out the mugs and itineraries. We have people flying in from BC,Toronto,and Alberta so we had to pick a day that everyone would be around.
  11. I am from Canada as well and we have 65 people going and booked. We paid 2300.00 with taxes a person. That included a group discount every 21st person was free but we had to pay the tax. I am going 2 weeks and it totalled $6700.00 so that sounds about right. We are going over an expensive time of year. February the prices were a little higher then the rest of the year.
  12. I was also wondering about he music the DJ plays. I want to know whether I should bring the music I want him to play.
  13. Thanks for answering my questions!! I was worried about getting down there and not having everything I need to get married!!
  14. Thanks for letting me know. That should be enough for me too!! I ordered flowers to decorate the gazebo incase that is where I decide to have the ceremony.
  15. Congrats your wedding was beautiful and your pictures are great!!! I love the look of the beach gazebo.
  16. We thought about doing watches. It is about $120.00 CAD for a nice diesel watch. I know alot of friends have done a flask ingraved with your GM's initials or big beer stiens with their initials. Not sure how dressy they will be but cuff links are another idea.
  17. This might be a stupid question. Do we need anything else to get legally marrried in Jamaica? I already sent in the notarized copies they request but do I need a marriage license or anything? I don't want to get down there and not have what I need.
  18. My FI is wearing a Khaki colored suit and the groomsmen are wearing ivory short sleeved Tommy Bahama shirts with matching Khaki pants. Hopefully they won't be to hot!!
  19. Thats great!! Thanks for the ideas! You guys rock!!
  20. Thanks for the sheet that is great to have. I should ask Chandlyn what would work best. I am scared to get the DJ then get out there and him not have any of the songs I want played during the reception. I could make a bunch of burnt CD's then he would have all the music but it sounds like alot of work if I am paying to have a DJ.
  21. hehehe That is a great idea but we couldn't get first class for some reason I think it might have been fully booked already. I love the booze idea on the way down why not celebrate!!
  22. Does the steel band play while you are walking down the isle?? Or do they play after you have exchanged vows? I was also wondering with the DJ do you give him the music you want him to play or does he just play whatever? If you give him music do you give him a bunch of CD's or would an IPOD work
  23. I would love to hear what Chandlyn says. I have so much to bring down already and Canada's weight restrictions are tight....
  24. Congrats!!! You did a great job planning that in such a short time.
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