On April 16, 2005, Tim and I had plans to go to Chicago with our friends, Curt and Jhenn, to celebrate my birthday and Curt's. We were going to meet Curt and Jhenn at a park in Crown Point (by the Hub pool) to look at a gazebo that Jhenn had decorated for her friend's wedding that was the following day (April 17, 2005). Curt and Jhenn were running late (nothing unusual) so we decided to look at the gazebo before they got there.
I was in my own world looking at the beautiful decorations. There were wedding bells, white flowers, white lace, and a video camera. Yes, I said video camera. I was told this was to deter anyone from tampering with the gazebo. Always the cautious one, I badgered Tim for a while about someone stealing the camera, until he finally made it clear that nobody would try to steal the camera.
Tim then directed my attention to a picnic basket, on a table, at the back of the gazebo, and suggested we peek inside. I thought that it was a nice touch for the wedding, so I, being the good girl, told him not to be nosey, and that it wasn't ours. Being as he never listens to me anyways, he opened it up, and inside were a bride and groom Build-A-Bear. As I was oohing over the bears, for the wedding, Tim handed me a note to read, which I thought was very rude of him. I thought he wanted me to read a note intended for Jhenn. However, as I started reading, the first line turned the lightbulb on in my head (you can literally see me get it on the video).
It said, 'Jen, I know by now you're saying Oh my God,' and then it hit me, and the tears started.
The whole note said,
Quote: Jen,
So I know by now you have to be saying "Oh my God," but ever since we started talking on the internet, I knew there was something very special about you. And I was right. You are the most caring, loving, thoughtful, most beautiful girl I've ever met. You are anything and everything that I could ever want. You complete me, you make me whole inside. I love you so much. You are my soulmate, my companion, my best friend. You have touched my life in every way possible, and I want to be with you and share everything with you from this day on, for the rest of our lives.
As I was reading that and crying, I saw Tim get down on one knee and proceed to propose. He said, "Jennifer Aileen Orich, will you do me the honor of becoming my wife?" I couldn't speak the words yes, instead shaking my head up and down going, "Uh-huh, uh-huh!"
After Tim slipped the most gorgeous ring on my finger, he stood up and I hugged and kissed him. It was during that time we heard a loud roar of cheers (you can hear it on the video). We looked to see a group of guys playing basketball cheering for us. It definitely made us smile. It was then that I noticed Curt and Jhenn coming out from their hiding spot (Yes, I’m gullible). They had tipped the basketball players off while hiding their car so I wouldn't notice, so the guys new what to expect and were just waiting for the right time to cheer.
We took some pictures, and I tried to soak it all in. I was shaking for a good hour.
After we were done at the park, Curt and Jhenn said they'd see us a little later and we headed off.
On the way out of the park, Tim told me we were going to stop by his house to tell his parents and then head to my house to show my mom (my dad was working the whole weekend)
When we got to Tim's house, I hugged his mom, started around the corner into the kitchen and to my surprise (literally) there was an engagement party waiting for us. My mom (Bev), Shelly (sister), Kyle (nephew), Kara (niece), grandma (Frances), Kay (Tim's mom), Norm (Tim's dad), Eric (Tim's brother), Angela (brother's girlfriend), Curt, Jhenn and their daughter Annalia were all there. I wish my dad could have been there, but like I said, he was working.
This was definitely a dream come true; I felt so much like a princess and this is a day that I will NEVER forget.
I'll post some pics next:)