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Everything posted by Chiquita

  1. My favourite right now is Mac Fresh Brew lipstick. I always wear very nude colours so this is a light coffee brown that doesn't go toooo dark but still looks like I'm wearing lipstick. I love MAC!
  2. Cute! But totally overpriced... I agree with Julie.. they have to be cheaper somewhere!
  3. Congrats and welcome to the forum.. I'll be getting married in Maui so I may be able to help..
  4. Very cute stuff! I love brown and pink together.. or brown and lime..
  5. That's crazy.. seriously what are people thinking??
  6. I love the palm trees.. I say do both and mix it up!
  7. Aww.. what cute pics of Liam It's great to meet new people who you click with!
  8. Happy Birthday! Hope you have a great day today
  9. I would put the heart with just "J". A last initial seems really formal to me.. but that's just my opinion. For example, I wouldn't sign his bday card or christmas card with my last name, just love, Lisa or whatever..
  10. Sorry I can't help you with location (Maui girl here) but welcome to the forum and congrats! There are lots of others who will be able to help you out
  11. We didn't, but our single guests knew in advance that of course they could bring someone if they wanted.
  12. Getting married in Maui, and staying there for two weeks. Most guests will likely stay for 6 or 7 days. Originally we were going to just stay in Maui for a week then fly down to Australia for the rest of the honeymoon.. but it's just too expensive to do that right now. Maybe for our 1 year anniversary we will go there or something!
  13. Welcome to the forum.. can't wait to see your pics!
  14. Welcome to the forum and happy planning!
  15. Welcome to the forum.. excited to see your pics!
  16. Lanyards are not a bad idea... hmmmm! I also think the famous couples would be fun too!
  17. Hmmm.. that's good to know. I wonder if that really is the case.. I'm gonna try it!
  18. Hmmm I would say hot pink with a bit of green thrown in..
  19. Congrats and welcome to the forum!!
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