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Everything posted by Chiquita

  1. Congrats and welcome to the forum
  2. Chiquita

    Newbie :)

    Congrats and welcome to the forum.. I'm a november 2008 bride too!
  3. Congrats and welcome to the forum
  4. Chiquita


    Welcome to the forum.. I'm a Maui bride too! Getting married there next november.. let me know if you have questions
  5. Congrats and welcome to the forum.. happy planning
  6. Congrats and welcome to the forum!
  7. Wow! Everything looks fantastic Thanks for posting up all those pics.. I like what you've included in your OOT bags
  8. Chiquita


    Congrats and welcome to the forum!
  9. I love those candy buffet pics! Looks so yummy!!
  10. Wow that's great! Glad to hear it's working for you
  11. Oh the "We Do" and the B and G are both good ideas.. I like it!
  12. I think Jackie Mathey sounds okay! I wouldn't worry about it.. Ditto to what everyone said above
  13. I think ours will be about 3000-4000 dollars. Still waiting for the "final" figure to come in but this is what we've budgetted.
  14. Aww.. I don't have any pics of me and Jayson holding hands.. one of us is always taking the pics!! Sigh. I'll be prepared for the Halloween one though
  15. I'm the same as Kelly. We are paying for our wedding ourselves, and our parents are there as guests only. I doubt we'll be buying them gifts, but we will give them framed photos when we get them.
  16. We are only inviting maybe 100 people total. However I doubt most will make it. I'm guessing between 20-30 which is just fine with us!
  17. Congrats and welcome to the forum Happy planning!
  18. Chiquita


    Welcome to the forum.. I'm sure you will get tons of info from ladies on here
  19. I originally thought of having beach towels too in our OOT bags, but it's just too much to bring with us. I would lean towards just bringing smaller things..
  20. I won't post it again, but my baby kitties are in my signature.. Oskar is my big black baby and Zoey is my torty I love them to death!
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