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Everything posted by Chiquita

  1. Haha.. I can't believe it took me so long to read through this whole thread.. Glenda and Christa.. you guys rawk! So funny!!! Dear BDW, Thanks for being there for me. My two best friends (and BM's) are now single so I don't feel like I can talk to them about wedding stuff.. sigh. Dear FI, Thank you for always smiling and running to meet me at the door when I get home from work. And for giving me a big kiss. It's the best part of my day, seriously!
  2. Oh Heidi.. I'm so sorry.. we are all here for you
  3. I love haunted houses.. there is one on Vancouver Island that I stayed at but didn't seem to have any experiences Jayson would totally go with me too.. I love that stuff!
  4. Chiquita


    Congrats and welcome to the forum
  5. Chiquita

    I'm New!

    Congrats and welcome to the forum
  6. I had noticed this too! We want to see more pics please
  7. I think I'm doing favours at the reception if at all. It will depend on how much I end up spending on the OOT bags! Haha..
  8. What a great story!! He sounds like a fantastic guy Congrats!
  9. OMG how exciting!! Have a wonderful time and we can't wait to hear all about it when you come back... with pics
  10. Congrats and welcome to the forum
  11. Congrats and welcome to the forum.. I'm a nov. 2008 bride too!
  12. Congrats and welcome to the forum
  13. I told my BM's it might be fun to go camping... complete with tents, smores, fire and alcohol.. haha! Or we could head up to Whistler for some snowmobiling or something (if they have snow there yet). I don't want a traditional bachelorette party either.
  14. Yay another canadian Welcome to the forum and congrats!
  15. Omg that is just horrible.. I hope you find an awesome replacement! And that store sucks!
  16. Holy.. they don't have your date available and it's in 2009? That's crazy! Sorry I can't really help you with your questions though..
  17. Congrats and welcome to the forum
  18. I see the groomsmen in the first picture are wearing hot pink flowers as the boutonieres (sp?).. which looks good. So maybe a green tie and the hot pink flower? Or maybe no tie and just flower.. However green tie will totally work
  19. Congrats and welcome to the forum
  20. Okay.. my FI LOVES these rings... I have a feeling we are going to get one for him.. he wants me to research all these black titanium rings now.. haha! He says it's only fair since he researched my ring
  21. Can't help you with your question but welcome to the forum
  22. Haha.. this made me laugh! Why are people so dumb? Sigh. Quote: Originally Posted by Galit Dear FI's mom's friends, Please get a hobby that gives you something better to do than complain about your friend's son's future wife. What kind of a "friend" would call and ask "did Steve and Galit not like the gift I sent them, because the thank you card was signed "very truly yours" instead of "love". First of all, you bought a gift off my registry, so how could I not like it... and second, I don't even know you - why is it necessary for me to sign the card "love"... seriously!??! What kind of a person are you that you need to stress me out about something this petty and stupid?!?!
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