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Everything posted by Chiquita

  1. Oooooh! Another BC lower mainland girl.. I love it! Congrats and welcome to the forum
  2. Congrats and welcome to the forum
  3. Hope you have the most perfect fabulous day ever! And hurry back with pics
  4. OMG she's such an awful person.. and yes karma will be a bitch! I've been to Texas and love it.. same with FL so you can't really go wrong with either I don't think
  5. I like it! Looks great on you.. i really like the criss-cross in the back.. Post more pics after it's been altered and ready for you
  6. Congrats and welcome to the forum.. I would definitely take the dress with you!
  7. Oooh how was the trip? And pics please
  8. That dress is really pretty!! I probably wouldn't put the flower(s) on though.. I like it how it is on you already
  9. Congrats and welcome to the forum
  10. Hi there! I'm also getting married in Hawaii and my WC told me that chairs are not allowed on the public beaches. We are getting married in Maui though, so I'm not sure if that is just for Maui or all of Hawaii. Congrats and welcome to the forum
  11. Good idea!! Quote: Originally Posted by lauren c. i got it - those photo storage boxes! the ones that look like shoeboxes - they are thick and sturdy. use an exacto knife to cut the hole in the top. i'm totally doing this.
  12. Congrats! I hope your day is perfect today Can't wait to see the pics!
  13. Congrats and welcome to the forum.. I'm sure someone can answer your question
  14. Congrats and welcome to the forum!
  15. I think it looks nice but for some reason I want to be the only one in white.. haha! I'm definitely not one to be the center of attention but on my wedding day that will be the exception However I think wide pink sashes would look good!
  16. Some action heroes for ya... Lara Croft and Indiana Jones..
  17. The dress looks really nice.. and ya I'm not a fan of bows either
  18. Tough call.. I would probably wear it a couple times in front of her then put it away and never see it again! Or in a couple years pull it out and sell it on ebay or something
  19. Congrats and welcome to the forum.. unsupportive family can be a common theme here.. including my FI's!! Hope everything works out for you
  20. Chiquita


    Congrats and welcome to the forum
  21. I agree with Mikki above.. yikes! And I would definitely stay out of it.. she knows what you think so it's up to her to figure her shit out!
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