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Everything posted by Chiquita

  1. I think I missed this the first time around, but those are awesome pics Brittney!!! You look fantastic!! Your FI will LOVE them
  2. Yari, you are awesome for being so understanding I would have the same attitude as you, excited for them but sad they will miss the wedding.. a webcam is a great idea!
  3. Wow that is so crazy Sarah!! I would totally march down there and cause the biggest scene I could until all the money is refunded..
  4. Oh Maura.. that totally sucks for you There is nothing worse than not getting the support of your family. I would switch your MOH to your best friend and demote your sister to a BM..
  5. I have a friend who's sister lives just over the border in WA.. so if it's something I can't get shipped here, I get it shipped to her place and my friend picks it up when she goes to visit. It's sometimes a pain finding places that will ship to Canada that don't charge an arm and leg though!!
  6. Oooh Morgan.. looks like blast! Love the blackout glasses.. haha
  7. Martha that cut is so cute on you.. and I love your glasses too
  8. Awww.. you guys were so cute! I love going back and looking at old pics of me and my friends from elementary and high school
  9. Sorry I don't have specific info on taking the bus downtown.. I've gone the other way.. taking the bus from downtown to the airport.. heh... but not that direction! Maybe one of the other Vancouver girls will know..
  10. TransLink - South Coast British Columbia Transportation Authority is where our bus schedules come from.. too bad you aren't coming a tiny bit later when our skytrain system will be running out from the airport for downtown.. they are building them for the olympics.. but almost ready!!
  11. I think a flat rate is like $35 bucks or something? I could be totally wrong about that though... I know there are buses that will go right downtown from the airport but depending on how much luggage you have you may not wanna do that..
  12. Hmmm.. well YVR is about half an hour cab ride from downtown. Stanley Park is great for the kids and they have an aquarium there etc. It's at the west end of downtown Also downtown is the Telus World of Science which is great for kids as well.. Science World HOME Vancouver Park Board - Stanley Park Stanley Park Vancouver BC canada tourism pictures images photographs
  13. Haha Rachel.. that's funny.. well maybe not for you We aren't getting them done. We have a ton of pics of us together so didn't really make sense for us.. plus we weren't announcing it in the paper.. I don't think putting it in the paper is a big thing here.
  14. OMG.. some of these are hilarious!!! I will hafta think of something as a bad gift.. nothing is shouting out to me at the moment.
  15. Congrats! I'm a november Maui bride too Although I don't know much about the Sheraton and their packages etc..
  16. Catherine that is so exciting and possibly scary for you Congrats for taking that step!!
  17. Yikes Sarah.. that sucks!!! I hope she's fixing all this for free!
  18. Oh Heidi.. you look GORGEOUS!!! So glad everything went perfect for you.. I love all the pics.. the jumping one is fantastic Can't wait to read your review.. welcome back, even though you don't want to be back yet
  19. I asked my 2 BM's about that 7-in-1 dress from VS too.. both of them said they didn't like it either so I didn't order it. Maybe your BM's didn't think they would hate it until they tried it on? Sometimes the material is hard to tell from the pictures... either way, it sucks for you that you have to find something else!
  20. Well.. that's a tough question. We went with an amazing photographer, but the package we got only came with 3 hours.. so I added on 3 extra hours for so much extra $$ per hour. For Jayson and I, it was super important to have fabulous pics of our wedding, and this guy was our first pick so we went with him. We are willing to pay alot of money for his awesome shots.. ( I hope.. haha)
  21. Wow Stephanie... that was so not cool of your mom. I would also let her know it wasn't okay to do that to you.. but your sister rawks!! Thank god for some family sometimes
  22. Those look totally awesome!! And great idea.. I may have to steal this... hmmmmm
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