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Everything posted by Chiquita

  1. Hi there.. I'm also getting married in Maui and having my reception at the Seawatch Welcome to the forum!
  2. Haha.. Rachel I love all your commentaries on each pic.. "make sure your BM's aren't stupid".. haha You look gorgeous!!!
  3. That was my question too.. I hope those combos smell good together and I wondered what some of the fragrances even were!
  4. I've decided I'm going to do this too Thanks Jenny!! I think I'm going to make it a "hawaiian" scent.. one of my BM's loves mango so I'll mix mango, coconut and a touch of citrus.. my other BM will get pink grapefruit, coconut and touch of citrus. The moms will get one too, but I'm not sure which yet. I want some kind of watermelon one for myself So fun to design these!
  5. Thanks everyone. I'm going to be on ibuprofen all day and hot and cold compresses. If it's still there tomorrow I will go to a doctor to get it checked out. Glenda, yes I did have my pole dancing classes last night but I didn't do anything out of the ordinary.. however you could be right. Without realizing it I could have thrown my body slightly off when I was going upside down or something..
  6. Wow Christa that is fantastic news!!!! I'm happy your ordeal is almost over
  7. Hmmm.. Best: Eyes or Hair (Jayson would say ass for sure) Worst: Skin and size of my forehead.. ugh!!
  8. Thanks guys. I took 2 ibuprofen so far. We'll see what that does. This has never happened to me before... ugh. I feel like I'm being a baby but when I move there is serious pain. I would like to say that my left arm feels a bit numb or tingly but I could be imagining it.. heh.
  9. At the moment if feels like a permanent charlie horse in my neck on the left side and if I move too quick the pain gets 10 times worse.. omg. How did I suddenly get this
  10. Christa... that is EXACTLY what just happened to me. I couldn't get my head off the bed and I had to roll.. haha. I think FI has muscle relaxants somewhere.. or ibuprofen. I better take some ASAP.. this is sooooo crazy.
  11. Okay ladies I need your help. I'm dying just sitting here with my neck THROBBING. It took me half an hour just to get outta bed. I'm guessing pinched nerve but who really knows. How does one fix this? Wahhhhh!!!! Help!! Thanks
  12. Congrats and welcome to the forum.. I'm a Maui bride as well. We weren't lucky enough to go on site visit before our wedding so I'm trusting my WC.. haha!
  13. Congrats Trisha!!! Hope your day is just perfect Can't wait to hear/see how it went
  14. Great review Heidi.. I'm sure this will help out lots of future brides
  15. Hmmm.. not sure if I posted my babies pic or not... This is a rare moment between Oskar (big black baby) and Zoey (my baby torty)
  16. You better take pics!! I wanna see this "exclusive" dress
  17. Happy Birthday! And congrats on the dress.. I think it looks great on you!!
  18. From what I understand, when I bought my dress there it was a final sale. However I was buying the one right there off the rack.. not sure if it makes a difference if it was ordered? I just remember the lady being very specific it was a final sale.. actually that might have been because it was on sale? The whole store was on sale so maybe that was the reason?
  19. Well.. I was a BM last September. I'm usually a size 2 or 4 depending on the store, but my BM dress was an 8! It was an Alfred Angelo so I'm not sure how they compare to a Jim Hjelm.. but mine was 3 sizes bigger.. made me sad too... heh!!! Although I looked good in it.
  20. Holy Christine.. that is crazy about your friend.. jeez.
  21. Congrats that date works out better for ya I love it when a plan comes together.. heh
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