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Everything posted by Chiquita

  1. Doh, that totally sucks Lizz.. If it was me I wouldn't give them an OOT bag at all unless I happened to have extra stuff laying around. I definitely wouldn't spend more money on them...
  2. You're right.. I just went into Dollarama this past weekend and they do have a whole aisle just for scrapbooking stuff! Now I just have to figure out my pages so I know what to buy
  3. Ack, I can't really add more than what's been said already.. that sucks Jenny! I agree with Ann's advice and what Jessica said!
  4. I missed this thread first time around.. your book looks totally awesome.. I will have to pick your brain about it.. I want to do something similar
  5. Oh Melissa I hope it turns out benign! Sending positive thoughts your way..
  6. Oh congrats Betsy!!! Glad your wedding was so awesome.. can't wait to hear all about it.. including the drama!!
  7. I think I'm going to try and make a scrapbook for guests to sign too.. not nearly as nice as yours but I will try
  8. Chiquita

    Maui Wedding

    Welcome!.. there are quite a few of us Maui brides.. there is a sub-forum specifically for Maui and all the other Hawaiian Islands
  9. At least you guys have a game plan, and it sounds like a great one! It's good to think ahead like that and know exactly how much time you guys will need to make your plans come together
  10. Yay Anny!! Can't wait to see pics of the little guy Hope you feel better soon Anny!
  11. Yikes Alyssa.. I'm such a baby when it comes to the dentist.. for something like that I would probably need to be knocked out!!! Drink all that wine
  12. Thanks for checking.. it IS better.. but not completely 100% yet. I took muscle relaxants all weekend and I'm hoping by tomorrow I'm back to my old self
  13. OMG that totally sucks for you.. I'm so sorry I hope it's at your work!!!
  14. Okay I ordered: 1 x mango, coconut and a touch of citrus (for BM) 1 x pink grapefruit, coconut and a touch of citrus (for BM) 1 x melon, cucumber and a touch of dewberry (for me) 1 x vanilla and blackberry (for my sister) 2 x frangipani, freesia and a touch of bergamot (for the moms) Waaaayyy cheaper for me to get it shipped to my friends' sister in Seattle. So not sure how long it will take to get to me but I can't wait!!! Thanks again for this link Jenny!!!
  15. Tami everything looks fantastic! I can't wait to see/hear about everything when you get back
  16. Aww Maura.. that was so sweet of you.. you are such a wonderful person
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