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Everything posted by Chiquita

  1. Happy Birthday Carrie!! Have a great day
  2. I'm so sorry Michelle.. my thoughts are with you!
  3. Wow.. everything and everyone looked so gorgeous!!! Fantastic photos and loved the Dirty Dancing
  4. So exciting Deb!!! Have a wonderful time and get those pics to us ASAP
  5. Supposedly alot of girls have got pregnant while taking Alesse. This is hearsay on my part though... be careful though
  6. Haha.. love this ferret thread!! I'm like Martha, didn't open it at first cause I didn't know the answer.. then peeped in after the thread title change!! HAHA
  7. Okay.. here is what I have done: Got wedding dress Got barefoot sandals and just married flip flops for after Booked flights and condo in Maui Reserved Seawatch for reception Reserved luau for next evening Booked mani/pedi for me and 2 BM's day before wedding Booked hair on wedding day Booked photographer Starting buying for OOT bags, but can't really finished that until I know numbers Sent out STD's Jayson's ordered his wedding band Started scrapbook for BM's (part of their gift) Registered at Linens N' Things Still left to do: Find BM dresses (going shopping on april 27th) Find Jayson's wedding attire Order my wedding band Get dress altered for hem and add in booby cups Find flower for hair and figure out how I want it in an updo Wait impatiently for people to book Buy GM gifts Send out boarding pass invite That's all I can think of so far.. I'll add to it as I think of things..
  8. Rachel that looks like SO much fun! And as always, love your commentaries
  9. Congrats Tami.. I know it will be fabulous.. can't wait to see your pics
  10. Ooooh.. those look good Can't wait to see the rest!
  11. Those are TOO cute!! Love the colours Erica.. your BM's will love them too
  12. Hmm okay. I'm pretty organized. When I get home I'll post a list of what I have done, and what I still have to do
  13. Fantastic pics Jen.. you looked gorgeous!! Can't wait to see more
  14. That sounds totally fun Maura.. I wish we had Sephora up here I load up whenever I make a shopping trip run down to the states..
  15. **UPDATE** I went to a chiropractor on tuesday because my neck/shoulders were healing as quickly as I thought they should.. the doc definitely said things were out of whack and cracked my back into place.. 2 places in my back and 2 in my neck. Soooo... today my neck feels alot better I still have to go back for 3 more sessions or so, because the knots in my shoulders are REALLY tight and apparently have been there a LONG time.. heh. It wasn't a pinched nerve either.. Oh ya, I randomly picked this chiro because he was within walking distance of my place, and it turns out I went to high school with him and we graduated in the same class!! There were like 400 of us so I didn't recognize the name until I saw him in person.. and recognized me too.. what're the odds of that??
  16. Love your commentaries Rachel!!! Great fun pics
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