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Everything posted by Chiquita

  1. Awww.. I love doggies. I was never allowed to have one when I was growing up When Jayson and I buy a house I made him promise we could finally get a dog!
  2. OMG.. Nanaimo bars are SO GOOD. I would pig out on them all the time if I let myself buy them. Crikey now I want one.. We definitely have bounty bars and crunchies here too.. oh and smarties. Coffee Crisp is my fav chocolate bar by far.. didn't realize they didn't have those in the states either!
  3. I agree that she should definitely talk to him about this sooner than later. Two months to hold it all in before Jamaica is too long I think. I'm also not sure I would call him an addict. Almost every single guy I know looks at porn.. and if her husband hasn't "got any" in quite awhile I can see why he'd be looking at it. Hopefully they can talk it out and they can understand where each other is coming from. If they can't, I suggest going to see a counsellor. It would be awesome if this was all straightened out before your wedding so they could really enjoy the trip!
  4. Okay.. I paid 1.26 a litre last night which works out to 4.76 a gallon. Crazy stuff!
  5. The states doesn't have ketchup chips?? Really? Who knew.. in fact, I had no idea there was stuff that we have that the states doesn't.. I'll hafta ask around about this..
  6. Oh Edna.. your poor thing I hope you feel better soon!!! Big hugs
  7. Aww Kat. What a horrible thing for that girl to do to your bro. BUT his two dates are SO cute!! Glad it worked out for him
  8. Thanks Jenny! I meant to ask the size of the label and forgot.. you musta read my mind
  9. Aww Jenny.. what a great idea! Your FI rawks Your mom will be so thrilled with the surprise at the restaurant.. and boooo to your bro for being a PITA!
  10. Doh! That's not very nice of him But happy birthday!!!!
  11. Tami!!! OMG you looked gorgeous.. love the pics so far Glad everything went perfectly. I look forward to your review!
  12. Jenny.. how did you remove their label so you could put your own on? They seem stuck on there pretty good.. ugh. I liked your idea of putting on your own clear label and I want to do this too
  13. Okay I finally got mine today from my co-worker. They smell really good! In fact, I was thinking the same thing Jenny.. I might make more for all the girls coming to the wedding One of mine leaked though.. and Scent Design was very quick to tell me a replacement was being sent out the next day so that's good. I wouldn't have cared if it was just for me, but it was one of my BM's that leaked and so I need a new one. Now my whole desk area smells like coconut!!!
  14. I knew Abbie would have alot of celeb sightings I've only had walk-bys myself.. I was too chicken to walk up to them and ask for an autograph at the time.. and I always kick myself after.. Barry Pepper (Saving Private Ryan and some other movies) Scott Speedman (Felicity tv show and Underworld) Nathan Fillion (Firefly and OLD One Life To Live.. heh) Actually I think all 3 of those guys are canadians There are SO many movies filmed here in downtown Vancouver and surrounding areas I wish I had seen more celebs. Oh one more celeb I did actually meet.. Mad Child from the rap group Swollen Members.. we were at a party one time and chatted briefly about the good food My friend used to work at a 5 star hotel here in Vancouver, and she met lots of rock stars and hockey players.. she says all the pro-sports guys are pigs.
  15. One more thing to cross off my list today Me and my 2 BM's went dress shopping and we found their dresses!! The are just off the rack at a store called Mariposa.. one will have to be taken in a bit but they are quite simple.. just a white background with a turquoise print on them.. I forgot to take a pic but one of my BM's said she would so I can have it for my wedding folder of pics... Yay!
  16. Awww Tammy.. she's such a cutie!! Love her
  17. Wow your wedding sounds absolutely amazing! Congrats Jen
  18. Wow that is so freaky!! Glad you are okay though
  19. Wow.. the other Dollarama we have around here had a TON of summer stuff the other Dollarama didn't have. I bought little plastic racquets with balls for my cousins who are coming. They are light and not all that big so they will be easy to ship. They also had these wooden ones with dolphins and palm trees on them, but they were a bit heavier and I could see more potential hurt damage if my cousins played with those.. but they were cute too! No chapstick there though Makes me sad!
  20. Happy Birthday Martha!!! Have a great day today
  21. OMG that is crazy what she said to you!! I'm shocked! I doubt the dad will do much about it though And good for your daughter for standing up for herself!
  22. That's fantastic Ana.. nothing like cruising through Stanley Park
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