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Everything posted by Chiquita

  1. Okay so my mom doesn't go shopping for clothes at all. Ever. But she wants something new for the wedding (obviously) and has no clue where to find something that she would like. I can think of obvious places like the Bay or Sears, but where else could I take her? I don't think she really wants to go to the bridal stores.. she wants something more beachy. The local mall where she lives is crap for clothes so I'm wondering if there is a chain for older womens' clothes that don't look so.. old-looking I guess. Any ideas? Thanks in advance ladies!!
  2. Happy Birthday!! Hope you have a fantastic day
  3. I got them at a local store here called Mariposa. Not sure if they are in the states or not? They don't even have a website.. sheesh!
  4. Oh I love Dollarama so. I agree with the things there not looking cheap..
  5. Ooooh Deb... you look gorgeous! Can't wait to see the rest of the pics and hear all about it!
  6. I second laser hair removal.. we have a whole thread on it somewhere I'm getting my arms and brazilian area (ALL of it) done and LOOOOVE it.
  7. Ooooh.. what a great trip. I went to Shanghai last year and LOVED China. We bought so much stuff.. haha. He better bring you back loads of gifts.. everything is so cheap there!
  8. Wow Carly.. everything looks just fabulous! You must be so excited.. Did you get the jeweler to come down in the pricing for your necklaces? I don't think I saw what the outcome of that was..
  9. Congrats ladies.. you guys deserve it!
  10. That is so crazy... I'm really glad they got caught! Yikes.. some people are just horrible and karma will come back to them.
  11. Congrats to a fellow Hawaii bride!! Good luck with your planning Lots of useful info on here
  12. I have a constant fear something will happen to my dad before we leave. I don't know why I think this, but I worry about it constantly. I won't breathe easy until we are all on Maui enjoying the wedding/vacation!
  13. OMG, It's exactly 6 months today I'm getting married. Crazy!! For you ladies who are trying to loose a bit of weight, I found drinking a TON of water every day totally helped me. Just cutting back on soda and drinking water instead will start to really work/help. OOT bags, I'm not quite sure how to get the bags to everyone.. all my guests are staying at different condos so I hafta figure that out too.. sigh
  14. That is so crazy! Man, I'm sorry you are dealing with this so close to your wedding. How truly awful of them.. and avoiding you?? How the hell does that help.. crikey. You will seriously have to kick their asses.. so not acceptable behaviour!
  15. Quote: Originally Posted by Jenn3878 Very cute! What are you doing as far as shoes go?? I'm wearing turquoise barefoot sandals and have turquoise just married flip flops for after The BM's will either do the same as me (barefoot sandals and flip flops) or go barefoot.. I'm leaving that up to them!
  16. Thanks ladies.. I think they will work out great for Maui.. so glad it was a fairly painless experience in finding them
  17. Thanks for all your input ladies. I think the best thing to do right now is just sit down and have a heart to heart talk with her about all the wedding planning and see what she says/thinks about it all. I think it's great that I'm getting both sides on here.. makes me think about things!
  18. Thanks for all your advice/suggestions ladies. I do agree it might make us closer as sisters if she were to be a part of the wedding. However I did get the impression if she couldn't be a BM, she wasn't terribly interested in doing anything else. Maybe what I'll do is take her out for lunch and just get an idea of how she is feeling about all of this. And again bring up the idea of her greeting people or reading a poem or something. If it WAS just a numbers thing, I don't think it would be that much of an issue. We aren't that close for a numbers of reasons, age being just one of them. We had an issue over our grandmothers' will last summer which I won't really get into but made me look at her in a completely different way and I didn't really like what I saw. Needless to say, I still love her but when I think of my bridal party, I just don't see her being a part of it that way. But maybe we just need to have a heart to heart talk about all of this wedding stuff.. and it will resolve itself. Heh.
  19. Well in all honesty, I don't think she wanted her b/f to talk to me about it.. he just felt bad for her and wanted to say something on his own. I'm just really surprised she is SO upset about this..
  20. Yay.. we found my BM dresses last weekend. They are very casual which is what I wanted.. the pic isn't so great but you get the idea.. the blue is a bit off.. it is a turquoise in person
  21. Thanks girls.. that is a good idea.. maybe a poem of some sort..
  22. Ugh.. I'm not sure what to do. Jayson (FI) and I are having a small wedding party. Jayson may just have 1 best man and that's it.. we are thinking his other GM won't be able to make it. I have picked my 2 best friends since high school to be my BM's. That is pretty much all I can have. Well, a few months ago when I told my sister that my 2 best friends were going to be my BM's, she freaked out that I hadn't even asked her about it at all. I kinda felt bad, but me and my sis aren't even that close. She is five years younger and we have never really gotten along all that well. So fast forward a few months and I thought she had pretty much gotten over it. Well last night at dinner, her boyfriend takes me aside and says he feels like he has to say something about how my sister is still really sad to not be included as a BM. I told him that I had explained to her why, that Jayson would possibly only have 1 person to stand up for him, so it would be really difficult for me to have more than 2. I had also asked her if she would maybe want to be a greeter or something instead, when everyone comes to the beach. I'm trying to keep her a bit involved, just not as a BM. Well she wasn't terribly receptive to do that, she said she didn't want to be an "usher". Sigh. So I don't know what to do.. I feel a bit guilty that she is so sad but I'm so surprised she is taking it this hard considering we haven't been that close. Does anyone have any suggestions about what else she could do that would maybe make her happy? Sorry this is a bit long. Any suggestions are appreciated!!
  23. Aww Steph.. you look so pretty Glad you didn't let the rain ruin your special day.. Chuck E Cheese's sounds so fun! Can't wait to see more pics
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