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Everything posted by Chiquita

  1. Yikes.. hope you are feeling better soon! And I still think yelling was the right thing to do..
  2. Your bags look fantastic!!! The guests will love them
  3. WOW.. all your people are booked already? Yikes. So far all we have is me and FI, both sets of parents, my sister and my MOH and our other friend. Ha. My other BM still has to book even, and the best man! Crikey. Plus some other close friends who we know will be coming.. I'm getting impatient though.. cause I want to get numbers for my OOT bags.. heh
  4. I have to admit, I can't wait to hear how all this pans out!! I would love to be a fly on the wall when the FIL's find out! You will definitely have to keep us posted.. heh
  5. Yikes Jen.. glad you are okay.. I totally have a mental picture of your collision though.. heh! Just like in a movie or something
  6. I've seen them twice and loved both shows. If we can afford it we may go see Corteo this year.. FI loves CDS.
  7. Haha.. my FI was saying that about Serena too.. just TELL HIM..
  8. I haven't actually bought the clear labels yet.. but I will. I was waiting for them to resend one that had leaked and they did right away.. I was impressed with their quick service. Hopefully in the next month or so I'll get these finished. I'm still trying to gather all my scrapbooking stuff and hunker down to get that started. I've bought alot of great supplies at the dollar store, I just have to start using them!
  9. Happy Birthday Ladies!! Hope you have a superific day today
  10. Okay, I admit, I'm hooked on this show too.. haha! And yes I have FI watching it too. He likes Chuck's character a bit more now in the last few episodes. Can't wait for the finale next week.. I hope it's really good!
  11. Aww I'm glad to hear the little guy is doing well Your gifts are super thoughtful!
  12. Wow Carly I'm so excited for you! Have a fantastic time.. can't wait to see/hear all about it
  13. Phew! Glad he is okay China is awesome.. glad he's having a great time there anyways
  14. Awww.... she is just the cutest thing ever!!!
  15. Oh that sucks Tami!! I hope it gets found somewhere I agree with the other girls, he's probably just trying not to make a big deal out it to upset you..
  16. Thanks for the suggestions ladies Le Chateau is an interesting choice for moms! I still buy clothes there.. heh
  17. Thanks ladies!!! So far I have had birthday cake for breakfast.. haha At least the weather is really beautiful here today
  18. Oh that sucks I hate hearing about all these hollywood divorces.. sigh
  19. Yay Courtney!!! Hope your day is absolutely perfect for you.. can't wait to see/hear all about it
  20. OMG Tammy they are soooo cute! Hopefully they aren't toooo devilish
  21. Oooh Jen... fantastic!! Can't wait to see the rest Great work Juan!
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