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Everything posted by Chiquita

  1. OMG they are toooo cute! Love baby kitties Glad to hear little Sue is feeling better
  2. Ya, you need to go to the pharmacist for the drysol.. it's behind the counter but no prescription needed
  3. Oh I missed this thread the first time around! You look so fantastic Jac! The pics are fabulous.
  4. Reading is an addiction to me. I ALWAYS have a book on the go. I think hubby will get upset sometimes that I read too much and ignore him.. haha! Right now I'm reading the Anita Blake vampire series (Laurell K Hamilton) but they are starting to piss me off a bit so I may have to put them down for awhile. Next to read are the Sookie Stackhouse books (Charlaine Harris) Favourites in no particular order: Outlander series - Diana Gabaldon Twilight series - Stephenie Meyer Assassin Trilogy - Robin Hobb (fantasy author) Anything by female authors: Kelley Armstrong, Kathy Reichs, Tami Hoag, Kim Harrison Anything by male authors: Stephen King, Dean Koontz, Greg Iles, Harlan Coben Single books that really did it for me: Time Traveller's Wife, Memoirs Of A Geisha I'm sure there are a TON of others I can't think of right now.. I hate that. Some of the suggestions already in here are good.. can't wait to pick up a couple once my other series' are done
  5. Lafayette did look a bit different but I think it was the beard and darkness.. it's definitely the same actor. We did see Sookie's boobies twice last season (at least)! I was surprised the first time they came out cause I wasn't sure she would do that.. but I guess she did!!
  6. Bill definitely looked better. I even said to Jayson that he looks better than he did in season 1. Rachel I think you are right.. he didn't look quite so "white". And his hair was definitely shorter cause I still have the season finale on my DVR and watched them back to back. Can't wait for next week!
  7. Ya, Eclipse is filming here in Vancouver starting in august. I'll have my eyes PEELED for a glimpse of Rob around here.. woot!! I also only thought Kristen as Bella was just okay. I would have cast someone else. The way she delivered her lines in Twilight didn't do it for me. Something was missing IMO.
  8. I'm so glad Lafayette is still alive.. at least on the show! The foils were hilarious to me Vampires are so vain!!! Bills' hair looks a bit shorter this season too. I'm gonna start to read book 2 in the next few days.
  9. I highly recommend the drysol. I bought mine at Costco.. you just have to ask the pharmacist for it I did itch the first couple of times I used it.. and had red marks but after the first couple of times it was gone. So far drysol is the only thing that has worked for me.
  10. We did not make a trip to Maui before our wedding. I trusted the wedding planners knew what they were doing.. and they did! I think we flew in on a sunday and our wedding was a wednesday.. that was plenty of time to figure stuff out.
  11. I third that motion.. get married on Maui where there are many more options for weddings and vendors.. and then if you want hop over to Kauai for the rest of your honeymoon where it's more quiet and romantic. That way you get the best of both!
  12. I've got Jayson hooked onto the show now too.. hee hee. His fav character is Tara. I love Lafayette and Jason on the show. To me all three of those characters totally made the show better than the book. I can't wait for season 2 now.. woot!!
  13. Oh I'm pretty sure I will watch the first few episodes to check it out I had no idea Ashlee Simpson would be on it either! It probably starts in September sometime.
  14. I'm watching season 1 and reading book 1 right now. So far it's following pretty close but there are a few differences. ErinB is right.. there is no Tara so far in this first book at all.. and Jason and Lafayette don't have much in the first book either. I think I'm almost enjoying the tv show better than the book which is odd for me!
  15. Wow Ann that sounds so exciting. And I agree with the other girls that now would be the time to do it before Gwen starts school. I would also love to not have to do cleaning for a month.. heh!! I have no doubt you would meet some great mommies and families over there
  16. Oooh.. thanks for the Robert pics.. LOVE HIM!! Nikki Reed as Rosalie was totally wrong casting to me. Rosalie is supposed to be like the most beautiful blonde in the world and Nikki Reed is definitely not. The blonde wig looked BAD.. plus I just don't think she was pretty enough. Emmett was probably cast the best out of that bunch.. and Alice. Both were perfect. New Moon and Eclipse were my least favourite books so it's gonna be hard to watch them in the theatre I think.. even though I know what happens.
  17. We went to Mama's Fish House and it was AWESOME.. the place is just amazing inside and out.. heh. But expensive!
  18. Hope your wedding day was perfect Jaime!! Can't wait to hear all about it
  19. I found a website that you can watch every episode on.. Watch True Blood Episodes Free Online The quality isn't that great though. They are also showing repeats on tv on HBO in HD so I'm going to tape the repeats that I can and watch them in order
  20. Right after the ceremony on the beach is a great idea! We only had about 20 people come so didn't do a first dance at all. Neither of us cared very much but if it's something you really want to do I say do it on the beach.. you'll probably get some great shots from your photographer
  21. Feast at Lele is right on the beach too. All food/beverages included. Either I think would be totally outstanding.. you can't really go wrong.. heh
  22. Old Lahaina Luau and Feast at LeLe are both really good and both highly recommended
  23. I saw them advertising season 2 on TV but never watched the first season! I may have to find it somewhere if it's this good I think I'll also have to read the series.. I love me a good series. Oh and I'm also a matchy matchy girl on her bookshelves. And I'm very careful with my books.. they look like new after I've read them.. heh! I think I have a slight OCD problem
  24. Booo.. I'm sad about Terminator: Sarah Connor Chronicles. I thought that was a pretty good show
  25. Through our wedding planners we hired a guitarist to play on the beach while I was walking down the "aisle" etc. I think he played for about an hour. In all honesty I can't even remember what songs he did.. but he was good!
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