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Everything posted by Chiquita

  1. Haha.. I WISH I had a spare room.. I need it for all my wedding stuff and scrapbooking stuff!!
  2. Awww.. that was awesome of you Lizz.. you rawk
  3. Oh and I ordered without knowing numbers.. heh. But OTC stuff comes in dozens usually so I figure 2 dozen is a good start. Can always put in another order if I need to.
  4. My OOT bag stuff came from OTC last night! Woot! I had everything spread all over the floor to show Jayson.. heh. Now it's in a big box in our livingroom until I can figure out where to put it.. plus I still have a few more things to buy for OOT bags so I want to add to the box. But I'm sooo relieved to have this stuff.. I feel pro-active.. ha!
  5. Congrats Mo!!! How exciting I love the shirts.. what a great idea
  6. I was going to say this too... I would not have her as a BM. You don't need the added stress for someone who doesn't seem to care all that much..
  7. I bought it without doing alterations.. I will get it altered at home here closer to my wedding date.. but I only really have to get the hem shortened and boobie cups put in.
  8. Alyssa you are one of the most organized girlies I know... don't stress you will get it all done All your choices are perfect.. no need to second guess!
  9. Celina sorry about your daughters' hair.. that totally sucks! Hopefully there is a way to cover it up!! Steph you are brave to be writing your ceremony.. no way will we do that.. heh. I would have no idea and Jayson's not that big of a talker.. haha!
  10. This weekend I took my second scrapbooking class so I can make my BM's their special books. I feel much more confident now about it so I'm glad I did that. No other wedding related stuff got done this weekend though.. heh
  11. Oooh.. I like your blonde hair Glad you had a fabulous partay!!! Great pics
  12. Awwww.. they are so cute!! Great names
  13. You guys are right... Jayson (FI) seems okay with his bestman backing out.. mostly. I think he's just worried none of his friends will end up going so then he won't have a best man! His dad will be there.. but I'm not sure he would want him to do it. I have some guy friends who are coming so I think Jayson would rather have one of them stand up for him than his dad.. we'll see I guess.
  14. Haha Jami.. I bet we have written the same speech
  15. Soooo... we found out last night that our best man has backed out of the wedding.. because his wife is preggers! We are of course very excited for them and totally understand that she will be 7 months by then and not wanting to travel. I just feel REALLY bad for FI. He has hardly any friends coming as it is, and now the one person he really wanted to be there can't come (or won't leave his wife for a few days to come). Ugh. He's hoping his friend Ron will still come then he will ask him to be best man.. I'm worried Ron will decide not to come too though.. ah well. Time will tell how our wedding party pans out!
  16. Holy crap!!! I can't believe how big that piece of glass was!! Glad you finally got it out
  17. Wow Sarah.. everything looks fabulous. Love the special touches for the BM's
  18. I totally missed this thread first time around but I'm sure your new boobies will look fabulous Remember before and after pics with clothes.. heh
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