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Everything posted by Chiquita

  1. Congrats Sarah and Kevin!!! I hope your day is fabulous today. Can't wait to see/hear all about it
  2. Danielle I don't have kids but to me that just seems too incredibly rude for words! It sounds to me she has issues with your side of the family for whatever reason and I do think you should call your brother on it. Otherwise that behaviour will just continue until she needs a favour of course. Your parents sound fantastic btw.
  3. Wow Rachel. I don't even know what to say about all this! It's just so crazy. I don't think a formal letter is going to do it. You definitely need to get the media involved and I'm glad that Maura can help with that if need be. Hopefully your aunt is feeling better soon in any case! What an ordeal your poor family has been through.
  4. Oooh.. I love fuckery! Gotta remember that. And avoiding you is just so stupid and childish.. be an adult for the love of pete!
  5. Wow Celina I'm so happy and relieved for you!! I cannot believe she lied to your father too.. what a fucking cow. You are totally right in cutting her out of your life completely. A restraining order would be a good idea.
  6. Wow that is so exciting!!! What a great thing for you two to share together
  7. I feel for ya. Our best man just opted out of our wedding for the exact same reason! His wife became unexpectedly preggers (they weren't planning to have a baby until next year) so they aren't coming now. Hopefully your dad can figure out how important this is to you and get his ass to your wedding.. good for your bro
  8. Erin I'm so sorry about everything!! Big hugs to you.
  9. Hmmm!! I've been to: Canada USA - FL, WA, CA, TX, NY, MA, NH, VT, HI Mexico China Japan Italy France Spain Monaco Germany Austria Switzerland That's all I can think of for now..
  10. Holy crap Rachel!! I'm so so sorry.. I can't imagine why they would send her home That is crazy.. I hope you hear some good news soon
  11. Wow Celina.. I'm completely shocked. Maria gave some great advice and I'll be there in spirit tomorrow lending virtual support. What a completely shitty thing for your sister to do. I'm so sorry you are going through this!
  12. Well I can't offer any more advice than what's already been given, but am here for virtual/moral support!! Yay girls you can do it
  13. Wow Sarah! That sounds so unbelieveable amazing.. hope the rest of your time there is just as great!! Can't wait to see/hear all about it
  14. Ooooh... I have that already.. just not the different blades I need.. sweet! And I have a corner rounder punch too.. okay so I think I can just buy those blades separate at Michaels or something right?
  15. Can you buy both those blades together in a kit of some sort? Like at Michaels or whatever? I need both too for my boarding pass invites!
  16. Wow Leigh.. love your photos.. amazing!! And Courtney you just look soooo gorgeous
  17. Okay.. so I have gone to 2 scrapbooking classes now. A beginner class and a techniques class where I learned to distress paper and make it old-looking etc. Plus how to use eyelets and brads and layering papers. WOW! I learned so much in this second class, I feel alot better going forward with my scrapbooks, already the creative juices are flowing. I'll post up pics once I have a few pages done.. oh and another trip to Dollarama is in the works.. I'm itching to buy more stuff!
  18. Well.. my sister and I went shopping last weekend so I brought up the whole BM issue. I told her I was sorry she was upset about the whole thing, but just because she's not a BM doesn't mean she's not an important part of the day. And she didn't really have any interest in reading a poem or anything like that, she thought it was like a "consolation prize" for not being a BM. She said it's okay.. she's just more traditional than I am I guess about these things. Ultimately I think I made the right decision in not asking her. I don't think she's that interested in helping out with anything wedding related.. she just wanted to be a BM because that's what traditionally happens. A DW is not traditional and neither am I and she realizes that. And just recently FI's best man backed out because his wife is preggers, so he may not have anyone stand up for him. We are waiting to see if another good friend of his books that he wants to ask.. if not, I may make my BM's honorary BM's and not have them walk down the aisle/sand. I know FI is pretty bummed his best man won't be going so it might be better just to have us 2 up there..
  19. Got my OTC stuff last night.. right on time.. 6/02. And nothing was missing! I did see they had opened the box just like you said they would Shellb
  20. Alyssa you are so sneaky!!! Jenny glad to hear they hold up well in the sun/heat!
  21. I will definitely post up pics once I've got everything bought... still have to get the tylenol, immodium, advil type stuff and umm chapstick and umm can't remember what else! Haha. Oh ya, poker sets too.
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