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Everything posted by Chiquita

  1. Yikes I just finished reading the whole thread. Nothing new I can add but RV sounds best.. especially if Trish can help you out! Gwen is soooo cute
  2. Ooooh Laura.. you look SO fantastic!!! I can't wait to see more pics
  3. Oooh... how exciting Deb! And you new place looks fantastic! We are going to start looking for a house soon... but man real estate is WAY over-priced here now.. Hope your place sells quickly!
  4. Wow.. so totally rude. You should write back and say please let me know if we can expect you at my wedding.. need numbers for RSVP's etc. Crikey!
  5. I agree.. get something in writing. Umm hello.. they would deny your request for your wedding If that's the case I would be looking for another job pronto. Or you could call in "sick" for those 4-5 days that you would need..
  6. I've never been there actually. I'm counting on my wedding planner and photographer to recommend the perfect beach for us Sorry that doesn't help you does it.. heh
  7. You should totally get your own room for your wedding night! Price be damned How many people are going to your reception? I just can't seem to justify the price of the dance floor for like 20 people when my FI doesn't even like to dance! I'm hoping everyone will just drink alot maybe and forget that there was no dancing... heh
  8. Hmmm.. can you get your mom to say something about it? Like that maybe him wearing a black tux will look a bit weird if the FI is in a tan suit? I know that sounds like passing the buck, but maybe he would listen to your mom objectively?
  9. Ooooh.. Happy Birthday Jaime!! Hope you have a fabulous day today
  10. Welcome to the forum.. I'm also getting married in Maui but I have a local wedding planner who has a team over there so I doubt I'll be much help in that department. I'd be happy to answer any questions though!
  11. Aww Tammy.. you are such a great person.. and Cain too! Your devotion to fostering is so wonderful!
  12. I've tried to really make it easy on my BM's. I bought their dresses, and will be paying for their hair as well. Mind you, I only have 2 BM's so it's not going to be that much more of an expense for me. I just put it into the "wedding budget". They will either go barefoot or wear barefoot sandals and I'll buy those as well. We are also going to do our own makeup but I might treat them to a makeup lesson at MAC as well.. just cause it would be a fun thing to do. I just felt they were spending alot of money to get to Maui and stay for a week so wanted to ease the burden a bit. I've told them I don't really want some huge bachelorette party or anything so hopefully they don't go overboard with that. I'd also like to find them some nice turquoise earrings to wear.. hmm
  13. Oh Morgan how exciting!!! And Mexican food after is just perfect. Can't wait to see pics!
  14. Okay so I finally saw the movie yesterday so now I can open this thread! Haha. I must confess, I never did watch the series religiously. Sarah Jessica Parker I have never liked so it made the series hard to watch for me. I did however really enjoy the movie. I HATED that bird on her head.. like who the fuck wears something like that Seriously. Ugh. I liked all the storylines.. Charlotte by far was my fav character in this movie from crapping her pants to her emotional outburst at Big when they were on the street after Carrie hit him with her bouquet. Fantastic. I think the Miranda/Steve storyline was pretty realistic.. her getting caught up too much in work and sort of pushing the relationship to the backburner.. Samantha I like that they showed a bit more maturity with her character that she didn't cheat on Smith. And it was appropriate that she ended up single at the end. I don't think Miranda was the cause of the wedding not happening. Carrie used her as an excuse but she said herself she let the wedding get too big.. when it should have been just her and Big so I liked the town hall wedding at the end.
  15. Welcome!! Another Maui bride here named Lisa!! Congrats.. I'm also having my reception at the Seawatch.. feel free to ask any questions!
  16. Wow that's horrible the things they say about you.. yikes! I would definitely push FI to dealing with it. Does he really think things are okay?? Unfortunately I think you have to invite them if FI wants them there..
  17. OMG Amy those changes totally make the dress so gorgeous!!! You look fabulous in it!
  18. Ooooh Laura congrats!!! Hope your day is perfect today Can't wait to see/hear all about it
  19. Haha Opice that is funny!! And so true To answer your question I haven't sent out my invites yet. I know if i send them out now they will just get forgotten and no one will respond to them. I think my plan is to send them out July 1st or so and put the RSVP date by Sept 1st? Or something to that effect.. maybe August 15th.
  20. Welcome fellow Maui bride!! Good to have you here
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