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Everything posted by Chiquita

  1. Haha Alyssa.. yes you totally have to get the eye patch!! It will be awesome
  2. Welcome back Sarah! Your pics are fantastic And Jackson is such a CUTIE!
  3. Congrats Jamy and Maura!! Very well deserving!!
  4. Congrats Morgan!! Looks like you had such a great day so far! The pics are fantastic!
  5. Betsy where are you? Hope you are okay!!
  6. I think inches but I'm no expert. Pounds can be deceptive because you may be loosing fat, but gaining muscle so maybe your weight won't change that much.
  7. I LOVE Southpark I bought a friendship quotes pack but was hoping for something a little bit longer to put on the front page.. maybe there is a good website somewhere that I missed.. hmm
  8. I've googled and searched online, but can't seem to find what I'm looking for. I want to include a friend or best friend poem in the scrapbooks I'm making for my BM's but nothing I've found jumps out at me. Anyone have anything like that they would want to share? TIA!
  9. Becks that is awesome!!!! Great job Happy legal day tomorrow Morgan!
  10. Oooh.. sounds promising Jenny.. I hope you get good news on monday
  11. I say invite them if you want to.. it would be a nice gesture even if they don't end up going
  12. So funny that your photographer said that randomly.. woot! Congrats.. heh
  13. Yikes that's crazy. I doubt talking to him will do much good at this point.. he sounds like a miserable old man!
  14. Yay for your mom!! Hopefully you still get your little flower girl.. but the mom you can do without!
  15. Good Luck Jenny!!! Let us know how it goes
  16. Wow they look fantastic!!!
  17. Good plan Morgan.. I've been thinking about this alot lately on how to do our joint and separate finances and your guideline is a good one
  18. Awww.. that's sweet Maura!!! And Amy your bouquet is gorgeous!
  19. WoW Amy.. everything looks so fantastic!!! Such a great job.. love your guestbook that people are signing.. I may have to pick your brain about that
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