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Everything posted by Chiquita

  1. OMG the elephant one made me laugh.. I bet that is something I would do though.. my mind sometimes just goes blank and for the life of me I can't answer simple questions.. heh
  2. My WC JUST told me we now need a permit for the beach. Ugh. Not sure on prices yet though.. she said she didnt think it would be that much and she would let me know
  3. Oh I'll definitely post up pics. I have a cutter for my scrapbooking stuff so I'm hoping this won't be tooooo painful an experience.. heh
  4. Okay... I finished designing my boarding pass invites yesterday.. woot!!! We just have to print them all out and cut them and get them sent out. I want to have that done before July 11th so we'll see how it goes.. yikes
  5. Holy crap!! I can't even believe his dad would do that to him.. wth Jenn you are awesome to be so supportive and in a position to cover both your costs for awhile.. I hope he gets a job he'll really like. Companies do take experience into account
  6. Glenda.. you looked absolutely gorgeous!!! Crazy drama but I'm glad you made it through.. you looked awesome
  7. That's hilarious!! I'm going to remember that for november for me.. heh
  8. Great review Morgan!!! Glad everyone liked their OOT bags.. and your pics are so wonderful
  9. I would fly too I think.. some of my group fly to Honolulu cause they got a wicked deal on the ticket, then bought a ticket for $50 to get to Maui.. I haven't checked prices recently though..
  10. They come out up here in Canada on July 11th.. I'm eagerly awaiting next friday so I can get one!! Alot of people have them already just hacked and they work fine. I would do it if you really want one..
  11. Happy Canada Day!! We are having a heat wave here so I've got all the doors and windows open trying to get a breeze.. haha! FI is working a morning shift so I'm waiting for him to get home so we can do some stuff.. but it's almost TOO hot to do anything outside for very long.. grrr!
  12. I vote for number 1 but it's similar to mine so I guess I'm partial
  13. OMG I LOVE watermelon. I'm definitely going to try this out at some point over the summer.. thanks Alyssa
  14. Oh yes, my Zoey baby likes chewing on my hair when I'm sleeping too!!!
  15. I went with a WC who is local here, but has been arranging Hawaii weddings for over 20 years.. she came recommended by a high school classmate who used her too..
  16. My boy Oskar will eat almost anything we give him.. as well as try to steal the food off our plates while we are still eating it! Zoey is a bit more picky, but she loves plastic bags. My cat I had growing up loved people food including spaghetti and kraft dinner (mac and cheese).. And my friends' cat, loves corn and peas!
  17. The dress looks fabulous on you! I don't really have an opinion either way about the veil..
  18. lol.. POAS.. love it! Man the suspense is gonna kill me!
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