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Everything posted by Chiquita

  1. Yes.. snacks! Chips, bottles of water etc etc.. otherwise I think they are fine
  2. Yeah, I'm not sure why she just can't go and do the tour another day when there is free time and drag all those boys with her? Heh
  3. I like the turtle one, with the time share caption.. haha! I also like the beach one you just posted too
  4. I like the turtle one, with the time share caption.. haha! I also like the beach one you just posted too
  5. Okay ladies I have finished my invitations except for the perforating.. yay! I will post a pic either later tonight or tomorrow..so excited to be able to send these out in the next few days I don't think we are doing a seating plan either. We won't be having "that" many people go so I think we will all be at one long table or something..
  6. I have to agree with everything Maura said. The relationship I was in with my ex-bf was very emotionally abusive and I didn't even realize it until we broke up and I was able to think more clearly. I think going to therapy is an excellent idea for you.. just so you can get your thoughts and feelings out there. I think your FI is trying to turn things and make them your fault so he doesn't have to deal with his problems.. and you do deserve better than that! Be strong and know we are all here to support you!
  7. Happy Wedding Day Erica!!! Hope you day is just perfect Can't wait to see/hear all about it when you get back!
  8. Congrats Amy and Hans!!! Hope your day is perfect! Can't wait to see/hear all about it
  9. I'll also be getting fitted barefoot... and wearing "just married" flip flops for the reception
  10. Hope you are feeling better soon Steph!!!
  11. omg.. I'm so sorry you are going through this.. hopefully once you are gone out of the house he will smarten up a bit!
  12. Oh Edna.. I'm so sorry you are going through this.. I hope you are feeling better from your surgeries and you are wonderful for being so strong while Jorge goes through this.. lots of hugs!
  13. Great review Amy!!! Your teaser pics are awesome and you looked so pretty! I can't wait to see the pro pics!
  14. Sarah OMG you looked SO GORGEOUS!! All the pics are so stunning.. love the guys ties.. love everything really!!
  15. I just have some 12" dealie where the ruler comes out at the top.. Fiskars I think? I may buy a fancier one if I start doing more with scrapbooking.. I'm still learning the ropes.. heh
  16. Everything looks fantastic!!! Great job On a side note, I'm dying to visit Louisiana.. your proposal sounded romantic! Heh
  17. OMG have a fabulous time!! I can't wait to see/hear all about it
  18. Wow.. fantastic review Galit! How did your guests like their OOT bags? Oh and FYI.. everything looked FABULOUS.. you did a great job!
  19. Sure.. I'll post up once I know more info
  20. Pineapple Grill sounds interesting.. we will have to check it out! We are having our reception at the Seawatch, and hosting a luau for our guests the next evening at the Old Lahaina Luau.. we wanted to do both for our guests but hopefully our numbers don't start to skyrocket otherwise it will be tres moolah!
  21. OMG mine is the second one too!!! I hear he is fabulous.. the pics I've seen are amazing so that's why we chose him.. heh
  22. My photographer is named John too!! I will have to check if he is one of these two
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