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Everything posted by Chiquita

  1. Eric naked? Yum.. definitely more of that please! And there should be I also was wondering why Bill would burn so bad in the sun, yet Godric just seemed to disintegrate quickly and easily. Grrrr. And yes the graphics were bad in my opinion. Loved Hoyt and Lafayette both taking charge of their situations. My only guess about Nan is she is in charge of PR for the vampires? And this was a PR nightmare? I dunno. That's all a bit weird.
  2. Stephanie I agree with you about Sookie's hair. It bugs me this season too. I prefer it looking more natural.. whether wavy or straight. Not so "done up" as it is this season.
  3. Erin, I got book 9 from the library today and read it all from cover to cover. LOVED IT and can't wait til the next one. I'm really curious how many more books there will be and how it will all be resolved. Some parts of this book totally made me sad though, especially Claudine. I wonder if they will have her as part of the tv series.. hmm.
  4. Erin you rawk girl!! They are bringing in Sophie Anne and Hadley quickly to the series.. hmm. I wonder how season 3 is going to play out? The stuff with Bill and Lorena seems to already be done.. and that was a big part of book 3. Oh and I'm going to have book 9 tomorrow from the library.. too excited!!!!
  5. I'm number 2 on the library list for book 9! Woot woot!! I should be reading it within a week I think. Can't wait!
  6. We all know I heart Eric I can hardly wait for seasons 3 and 4 where Bill is really on the backburner. However they've changed quite a few things this season so who knows what they will do for the upcoming ones. The black eyes are definitely creepy... I'm ready for the Maryann storyline to be over too. And what they ate? Disgusting. Jayson doesn't get grossed out very easy and he was grossed.. Heh.
  7. I think I'm gonna check out The Vampire Diaries and Melrose Place Not sure what else I should add so it doesn't get toooo crazy on my PVR I also hate getting hooked on a new show then they cut it either midseason or after one season... grrr.
  8. I'm watching last nights' episode tonight since we just got back from a long weekend visiting friends. I just have to say though, I don't like how they are making Eric really manipulative. He is in the books, but not to this degree I don't think. It's bugging me. Grrr!
  9. Yes that IS creepy. I'm wondering where the writers are going with that too. And more Eric please.. yum!!! #11 on the waiting list for book 9 at the library now.
  10. Ya I don't agree with Tara letting those peeps stay in Sookie's house.. who does that? I'm sure Lafayette will be back to his old self soon enough.. I hope? I'm #13 on the waiting list now for Dead and Gone at the library.. woot!!! Soon soon
  11. Oh the Other Boelyn Girl was a good book. A bit different than the movie but I found it easy to read and interesting
  12. I loved last nights' show. I laughed out loud a couple of times. Lafayette is still one of my fav's and of course Eric. I have mega crush on Alexander Skarsgard.. sigh. I didn't really have a clear picture of what Barry would look like but I knew he was young.. like 18 or something? My name is on hold at the library for the 9th book. Hopefully people read it fast so I can get my hands on it! The suspense is killing me.. heh.
  13. I haven't read the hardcover book Dead and Gone yet. I think I will go to the library and put my name on a waiting list to read it cause I cannot wait for the paperback!! The author also said somewhere that the next book after Dead and Gone Eric would be "large and in charge". I really don't want her to end up with Sam or another were-shifter/wolf or anything. I dunno why but ah well. I think Alcide shows up in book 3? I think book 1 and 2 are just her and vamps but I read them all back to back too so I'm mashing them all together now I think.. heh! Yay for a new episode on sunday night! Can't wait!!! I love that I can come on here and talk about the books/tv show with you guys
  14. I like how the tv show is a bit different from the books but I agree with you Rachel.. I hope they don't change the story so much that we don't get to see the awesome side of Eric and all that he does. That would piss me off. I've read the first eight books now, I just haven't read the new hardcover one. And still my fav book is #4 so I can't wait til they get to that season in the show. Woot woot!! Bring on Eric!
  15. I second renting a car. There is so much to see and do we really needed one. I think we got our car for 12 days for 360 dollars or something like that.
  16. Happy Birthday Jenny!! Have a fabulous day
  17. I think this is about when I stopped watching as well! I always had a soft spot for Jagger and Jax myself.. hee hee. Quote: Originally Posted by Jennifer Davis I used to watch it in the early 09s. When Brenda went off the show, though, I stopped.
  18. Umm.. I can't pick just one. Top 5 maybe? Give In To Me Dirty Diana Smooth Criminal Thriller Beat It
  19. I've watched GH since I was five years old. My mother watched the ABC soaps and GH became my fav really quickly. It's only in the last few years that I haven't kept up with it so much. Too busy I have toooo many fav characters to name... haha
  20. If you check some of our Maui brides wedding reviews, alot of us used Seawatch as our reception dinner place. The food was awesome and the staff great! You won't be disappointed.
  21. Wow congrats!! We miss Maui everyday.. you will love it there. I haven't been there in July though. Wonder how hot it gets?
  22. I'm on book 4 now.. and I think I'm an Eric fan as well! Hee hee. Sunday night is definitely my fav TV night now. They just cast everyone perfectly.. I love it!
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